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Female French Names

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  1. MANON: Pet form of French Marie, meaning "obstinacy, rebelliousness" or "their rebellion."
  2. MARCELINE: Feminine form of French Marcel, meaning "defense" or "of the sea."
  3. MARCELLE: Feminine form of French Marcel, meaning "defense" or "of the sea."
  4. MARCELLETTE: Pet form of French Marcelle, meaning "defense" or "of the sea."
  5. MARCELLINE: Feminine form of French Marcellin, meaning "defense" or "of the sea."
  6. MARGAUX: Variant spelling of French Margot, meaning "pearl."
  7. MARGOT: Pet form of French Marguerite, meaning "pearl."
  8. MARGUERITE: French form of Latin Margarita, meaning "pearl."
  9. MARIAN: Medieval variant spelling of French Marion, meaning "little rebel." Compare with masculine Marian.
  10. MARIANNE: French form of Latin Marianna, meaning "like Marius."
  11. MARIE: French form of Latin Maria, meaning "obstinacy, rebelliousness" or "their rebellion."
  12. MARIELLE: Pet form of French Marie, meaning "obstinacy, rebelliousness" or "their rebellion."
  13. MARIETTE: Diminutive form of French Marie, meaning "little rebel."
  14. MARINE: Feminine form of French Marin, meaning "of the sea."
  15. MARION: Medieval diminutive form of French Marie ("obstinacy, rebelliousness" or "their rebellion"), hence "little rebel." Compare with masculine Marion.
  16. MARJOLAINE: French spice name meaning "marjoram."
  17. MARQUITE: French name meaning "awning, canopy."
  18. MARTHE: French and German form of Greek Martha, meaning "lady, mistress." 
  19. MARTINE: French feminine form of Latin Martinus, meaning "of/like Mars." 
  20. MATHILDE: Norman French form of Latin Mathilda, meaning "mighty in battle." Compare with another form of Mathilde.
  21. MATILDE: Variant spelling of Norman French Mathilde, meaning "mighty in battle." Compare with other forms of Matilde.
  22. MAUDE: Pet form of Norman French Mathilde, meaning "mighty in battle."
  23. MAXIMILIENNE: Feminine form of French Maximilien, meaning "the greatest rival."
  24. MÉDÉE: French form of Latin Medea, meaning "cunning."
  25. MEGANE: French form of Welsh Megan, meaning "pearl."
  26. MÉLANIE: French form of Latin Melaena, meaning "black, dark." 
  27. MELISANDE: Modern French form of Old Norman French Melisende, meaning "strong worker."
  28. MELISENDE: Variant spelling of Norman French Melisent, meaning "strong worker."
  29. MELISENT: Norman French form of Teutonic Malasintha, meaning "strong worker."
  30. MÉLISSA: French form of Greek Melissa, meaning "honey-sap."
  31. MÉRAUD: French surname transferred to forename use, derived from the word emeraude, meaning "emerald."
  32. MICHÈLE: Feminine form of French Michel, meaning "who is like God?" 
  33. MICHELINE: Pet form of French Michèle, meaning "who is like God?"
  34. MICHELLE: Feminine form of French Michel, meaning "who is like God?"
  35. MIRABELLE: French form of Latin Mirabella, meaning "wonderful."
  36. MIREILLE: Pet form of French Provençal Mireio, meaning "to admire."
  37. MIREIO: French Provençal name, probably derived from the word mirar, meaning "to admire."
  38. MODESTINE: Feminine form of French Modeste, meaning "moderate, sober."
  39. MONIQUE: French form of Latin Monica, possibly meaning "advise, counsel."
  40. MORGAINE: French form of the Welsh Morgan, probably meaning "sea circle."
  41. MORGAUSE: French form of Latin Orcades, meaning "Isles of Orkney." In Arthurian legend, this is Arthur's half-sister, the daughter of Gorlois and Igraine. She was known as "Queen of the Orcades" and was wife to King Lot who was an enemy of Arthur. She slept with Arthur, producing Mordred, who later brought about Camelot's downfall.
  42. NADINE: Pet form of French Nâdiya, meaning "hope."
  43. NÂDIYA: French form of Russian Nadya, meaning "hope."
  44. NATHALIE: French form of Latin Natalia, meaning "birthday," or in Church Latin "Christmas day."
  45. NEVA: Short form of French Geneva, possibly meaning "race of women." Compare with other forms of Neva.
  46. NICOLE: Feminine form of French Nicolas, meaning "victor of the people."
  47. NICOLETTE: Pet form of French Nicole, meaning "victor of the people."
  48. NINA: Pet form of French Anne, meaning "favor; grace." Compare with other forms of Nina.
  49. NINETTE: Diminutive form of French Nina, meaning "favor; grace."
  50. NINON: Diminutive form of French Nina, meaning "favor; grace."
  51. NOËLE: Feminine form of French Noël, meaning "day of birth."
  52. NOËLLE: Feminine form of French Noël, meaning "day of birth."
  53. NOÉMIE: French form of Hebrew No'omiy, meaning "my delight, my pleasantness."
  54. NORBERTA: Feminine form of Old French Norbert, meaning "bright northman" or "famous northman."
  55. OCÉANE: French name derived from the vocabulary word océan, from Latin Oceanus, from Greek Okeanos, meaning "ocean."
  56. ODETTE: Feminine diminutive form of French Oda, meaning "little wealthy one."
  57. ODILE: Feminine form of French Odilon, meaning "wealthy."
  58. ODILLE: Variant spelling of French Odile, meaning "wealthy."
  59. OLIVIE: Feminine form of French Olivier, probably meaning "elf army."
  60. OLYMPE: French form of Greek Olympia, meaning "of Olympus." 
  61. ORABELLE: French form of Italian Orabella, meaning "golden beautiful."
  62. ORIANE: French from of Latin Oriana, possibly meaning "golden."
  63. ORIANNE: Variant spelling of French Oriane, possibly meaning "golden."
  64. OSANNE: French form of Greek Hōsanna, meaning "deliver us."
  65. OUIDA: Pet form of French Louise, meaning "famous warrior." 
  66. OZANNE: Variant spelling of French Osanne, meaning "deliver us."
  67. PASCALE: Feminine form of French Pascal, meaning "Passover; Easter."
  68. PASCALINE: Pet form of French Pascale, meaning "Passover; Easter."
  69. PAULE: French feminine form of English/French Paul, meaning "small."
  70. PAULETTE: Pet form of French Paule, meaning "small."
  71. PAULINE: French form of Latin Paulina, meaning "small."
  72. PÉNÉLOPE: French form of Latin Penelope, meaning "weaver of cunning."
  73. PERRINE: Feminine form of French Perrin, meaning "rock, stone."
  74. PHILIPPINE: Feminine form of French Philippe, meaning "lover of horses."
  75. PIERRETTE: Feminine form of French Pierre, meaning "rock, stone."
  76. PLACIDE: French form of Latin Placida, meaning "calm, placid."
  77. PLAISANCE: Old French name meaning "pleasant."
  78. RADELLE: French name of German origin, meaning "counsel."
  79. RAIMUNDE: Feminine form of Norman French Raimund, meaning "wise protector."
  80. RAYMONDE: Feminine form of French Raimond, meaning "wise protector."
  81. RÉBECCA: French form of Greek Rhebekka, meaning "ensnarer." 
  82. RÉGINE: French form of Latin Regina, meaning "queen."
  83. REINE: French form of Latin Regina, meaning "queen." Compare with another form of Reine.
  84. RENÉE: Feminine form of French René, meaning "reborn."
  85. RIVA: Old French name meaning "bank, coast." Compare with another form of Riva.
  86. ROBERTE: Feminine form of Norman French Robert, meaning "bright fame."
  87. ROCHELLE: Feminine form of French Roch, meaning "rest."
  88. ROMAINE: Feminine form of French Romain, meaning "Roman."
  89. ROSAIRE: French name meaning "rosary."
  90. ROSALIE: French form of Latin Rosalia, meaning "rose."
  91. ROSELLE: French pet form of Latin Rosa, meaning "rose."
  92. ROSEMONDE: French form of German Rosamund, meaning "horse-protection."
  93. ROSETTE: French diminutive form of Latin Rosa, meaning "little rose."
  94. ROSINE: French pet form of Latin Rosa, meaning "rose."
  95. ROXANE: French form of Latin Roxana, meaning "dawn." 
  96. ROXANNE: Variant spelling of French Roxane, meaning "dawn." This is the preferred spelling used by the English.
  97. SABINE: French and German form of Roman Latin Sabina, meaning "Sabine; a follower of another religion."
  98. SACHA: French form of Russian unisex Sasha, meaning "defender of mankind."
  99. SALOMÉ: French form of Hebrew Salome, meaning "peaceful."
  100. SANDRINE: Short form of French Alexandrine, meaning "defender of mankind."
  101. SÉBASTIENNE: Feminine form of French Sébastien, meaning "from Sebaste," a town in Asia Minor. 
  102. SERAPHINE: Feminine form of French Séraphin, meaning "burning one" or "serpent."
  103. SÉVÉRINE: Feminine form of French Séverin, meaning "stern."
  104. SIBYLLE: French and German form of Greek Sibylla, meaning "prophetess."
  105. SIDONIE: French feminine form of Roman Latin Sidonius, meaning "of Sidon."
  106. SIMONE: Feminine form of French Simon, meaning "hearkening." Compare with other forms of Simone.
  107. SIMONETTE: Pet form of French Simone, meaning "hearkening."
  108. SOLANGE: French form of Latin Sollemnia, meaning "religious."
  109. SOPHIE: French form of Greek Sophia, meaning "wisdom."
  110. STÉPHANIE: Feminine form of French Stéphane, meaning "crown." 
  111. SUZANNE: French form of Latin Susanna, meaning "lily."
  112. SUZETTE: Pet form of French Suzanne, meaning "lily."
  113. SYBILLE: French form of Greek Sibylla, meaning "prophetess."
  114. SYLVAINE: Feminine form of French Sylvain, meaning "from the forest."
  115. SYLVIANE: Variant spelling of French Sylvaine, meaning "from the forest."
  116. SYLVIANNE: French compound name composed of Sylvie "from the forest" and Anne "favor; grace." 
  117. SYLVIE: French form of Roman Latin Silvia, meaning "from the forest."
  118. TATIENNE: French form of Latin Tatiana, probably meaning "father."
  119. THÉRÈSE: French form of Spanish Theresa, meaning "harvester."
  120. TILDE: Short form of Norman French Matilde, meaning "mighty in battle."
  121. TOINETTE: Short form of French Antoinette, possibly meaning "invaluable." 
  122. URILLA: Possibly a French feminine form of Hebrew Uriah, meaning "flame of Jehovah" or "God is my light."
  123. VALENTINE: Feminine form of French Valentin, meaning "healthy, strong." Compare with masculine Valentine.
  124. VALÉRIE: Feminine form of French Valère, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong." 
  125. VÉRÈNE: French form of Swiss/German Verena, possibly meaning "to fear, to respect."
  126. VÉRONIQUE: French form of Latin Veronica, meaning "bringer of victory."
  127. VEVA: Pet form of French Geneviève, possibly meaning "race of women."
  128. VICTOIRE: French form of Latin Victoria, meaning "conqueror" or "victory."
  129. VICTORINE: French feminine form of Roman Victorinus, meaning "conqueror."
  130. VIOLETTE: French diminutive form of Latin Viola, meaning "violet color" or "violet flower."
  131. VIRGINIE: French form of Latin Virginia, meaning "maiden, virgin."
  132. VIVIANE: French form of Latin Viviana, meaning "alive; animated; lively."
  133. VIVIENNE: Variant spelling of French Viviane, meaning "alive, animated, lively."
  134. VIVIETTE: Pet form of French Viviane, meaning "alive, animated, lively."
  135. YASMINA: French form of Arabic Yasmin, meaning "jasmine flower," a plant in the olive family.
  136. YASMINE: Variant spelling of French Yasmina, meaning "jasmine flower," a plant in the olive family.
  137. YGRAINE: Variant spelling of French Igraine, meaning "maiden, virgin." In Arthurian legend, this is the name of the wife of Uther Pendragon.
  138. YOLANDE: Old French form of Greek Iolanthe, meaning "violet flower."
  139. YSEULT: Variant spelling of French Iseult, meaning "ice battle."
  140. YVETTE: Feminine form of French Yves, meaning "yew tree."
  141. YVONNE: Feminine form of French Yvon, meaning "yew tree."
  142. ZÉPHYRINE: French feminine form of Roman Latin Zephyrinus, meaning "west wind."
  143. ZOÉ: French form of Greek Zoe, meaning "life."

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