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Male "J" Names

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  1. JAYDON: Variant spelling of English unisex Jaden, meaning "jade."
  2. JAYE: Variant spelling of English Jay, a short form of names beginning with the letter "J."
  3. JAYENDRA (जयेन्द्र): Hindi name composed of the Sanskrit element jaya "victory" and the name of the god Indra, hence "victory of Indra."
  4. JAYLEN: Variant spelling of English Jalen, meaning "God lodges" or "passing the night; tarrying."
  5. JAYLIN: Variant spelling of English Jalen, meaning "God lodges" or "passing the night; tarrying."
  6. JAYLON: Variant spelling of English Jalen, meaning "God lodges" or "passing the night; tarrying."
  7. JAYLYN: Variant spelling of English Jalen, meaning "God lodges" or "passing the night; tarrying."
  8. JAYMES: Variant spelling of English James, meaning "supplanter."
  9. JAYSON: English variant spelling of Latin Jason, meaning "to heal."
  10. JAYWANT: Hindi name derived from the Sanskrit word jayavanta, meaning "possessor of victory."
  11. JAZEPS: Latvian form of Latin Josephus, meaning "(God) shall add (another son)." 
  12. JEAN: A derivative of Anglo-Norman French Jehan, meaning "God is gracious." Compare with feminine Jean.
  13. JEAN-BAPTISTE: French compound name composed of Jean "God is gracious" and Baptiste "baptist."
  14. JEANNOT: Pet form of French Jean, meaning "God is gracious."
  15. JEB: Pet form of English Jacob, meaning "supplanter." 
  16. JED: Short form of English Jedidiah, meaning "beloved of God" or "friend of God."
  17. JEDIDIAH: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yediydeyah, meaning "beloved of God," "delight of God," or "friend of God." In the bible, this is a name given to Solomon by Nathan.
  18. JĘDRZEJ: Old Polish form of Greek Andreas, meaning "man, warrior."
  19. JEDUTHUN: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yeduwthuwn, meaning "praising." In the bible, this is the name of a Levite of the family of Merari.
  20. JEETENDRA: Variant spelling of Hindi Jitendra, meaning "conquered-Indra," i.e. "the one who has won Indra."
  21. JEF: Pet form of Dutch Jozef, meaning "(God) shall add (another son)." 
  22. JEFF: Short form of English Jefferey, probably meaning "God's peace." 
  23. JEFFEREY: Variant form of English Geoffrey, probably meaning "God's peace."
  24. JEFFERSON: English surname transferred to forename use, meaning "son of Jeffrey."
  25. JEFFERY: Variant spelling of English Jefferey, probably meaning "God's peace." 
  26. JEFFREY: Variant spelling of English Jefferey, probably meaning "God's peace." 
  27. JEFFRY: Variant spelling of English Jefferey, probably meaning "God's peace." 
  28. JEHAN: Old French form of Latin Johan, meaning "God is gracious."
  29. JEHEZEKEL: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yechezqel, meaning "God will strengthen." In the bible, this is the name of a prophet, the author of the Book of Ezekiel
  30. JEHIEL: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yechiyel, meaning " God lives" or "whom God preserves alive." In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including a son of king Jehoshaphat
  31. JEHOAHAZ: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yehowachaz, meaning "Jehovah as seized" or "whom Jehovah holds fast." In the bible, this is the name of two kings of Judah and a king of Israel.
  32. JEHOASH: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yehowash, meaning "given by the Lord" or "whom Jehovah gave." In the bible, this is the name of a son of king Ahaziah and a son of king Jehoahaz.
  33. JEHOHANAN: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yehowchanan, meaning "whom Jehovah gave." In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including a high priest who lived in the time of Ezra.
  34. JEHOIACHIN: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yehowyakiyn, meaning "God establishes." In the bible, this is the name of a king of Judah, the son of Yehowyaqiym. He was imprisoned by Nebuchadnezzar.
  35. JEHOIAKIM: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yehowyaqiym, meaning "Jehovah raises up." In the bible, this is the name of a king of Judah who was defeated by the Babylonians.
  36. JEHONATHAN: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yehownathan, meaning "God has given." In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including the eldest son of Saul and a close friend of David.
  37. JEHORAM: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yehowram, meaning "God is exalted." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a king of Judah.
  38. JEHOSAPHAT: Variant spelling of English Jehoshaphat, meaning "God has judged" or "whom God judges."
  39. JEHOSHAFAT: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yehoshafat, meaning "God has judged" or "whom God judges."
  40. JEHOSHAPHAT: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yehowshaphat, meaning "God has judged" or "whom God judges." In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including a king of Judah.
  41. JEHOSHUA: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yehowshuwa, meaning "God is salvation." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including the leader of the Israelites after Moses died. Joshua is another Anglicized form.
  42. JEHOVAH: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yehovah, a pronunciation of God's ineffable name, meaning "the existing one." The name was created by blending the letters of the tetragrammaton, YHWH, with the vowels from Adonai
  43. JEHU: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yehuw, meaning "God is He." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a king of Israel and a son of Hanani.
  44. JEHUDI: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yehuwdiy, meaning "Jew." In the bible, this is the name of a son of Nethaniah.
  45. JELANI: African Swahili name meaning "mighty."
  46. JELLE: Pet form of Dutch Willem, meaning "will-helmet."
  47. JEM: Pet form of English James "supplanter" and Jeremy "Jehovah casts forth" or "Jehovah hurls."
  48. JEMMY: Pet form of English James, meaning "supplanter." 
  49. JENARO: Spanish form of Roman Latin Januarius, meaning "January."
  50. JENCI: Pet form of Hungarian Jenõ, meaning "well born."
  51. JENGGIS: Chinese-Mongolian name composed of the Chinese word zhèng, "just, right, true," and the Mongolian adjectival modifier -s, hence "just, right, and true."
  52. JENGO: African Swahili name meaning "building."
  53. JENKIN: English surname transferred to forename use, from Middle English Jankin, meaning "God is gracious." 
  54. JENÕ: Hungarian form of Greek Eugenios, meaning "well born."
  55. JENS: Danish form of Latin Johan, meaning "God is gracious."
  56. JEP: Short form of English Jephthah, meaning "he opens" or "whom God sets free."
  57. JEPHTHA: Variant spelling of English Jephthah, meaning "he opens" or "whom God sets free."
  58. JEPHTHAH: Anglicized form of Greek Iephthae and Hebrew Yiphtach, meaning "he opens" or "whom God sets free." In the bible, this is the name of a city and the name of a son of Gilead. Also spelled Jiphtah and Jephtha.
  59. JEPTHA: Variant spelling of English Jephthah, meaning "he opens" or "whom God sets free."
  60. JERAHMEEL: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yerachmeel, meaning "may God have pity" or "whom God loves." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a son of Hezron
  61. JERAHMIEL: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yerachmiel, meaning "may God have pity" or "whom God loves." In the book of Enoch, this is the name of an archangel.
  62. JERALD: Variant spelling of English Gerald, meaning "spear ruler."
  63. JERE: Short form of English Jeremiah, meaning "Jehovah casts forth" or "Jehovah hurls."
  64. JERED: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yered, meaning "descent." In the bible, this is the name of the father of Enoch and a descendant of Judah. Also spelled Jared.
  65. JEREMIAH: Anglicized form of Greek Ieremias ("Jehovah casts forth" or "Jehovah hurls") and Hebrew Yirmeyah ("whom God has appointed"). In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including one of the six major prophets.
  66. JEREMIAS: Latin form of Greek Ieremias, meaning "Jehovah casts forth" or "Jehovah hurls." In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including one of the six major prophets.
  67. JÉRÉMIE: French form of Greek Ieremias, meaning "Jehovah casts forth" or "Jehovah hurls."
  68. JEREMIEL: Variant spelling of English Jerahmiel, meaning "may God have pity" or "whom God loves."
  69. JEREMIUS: German Latinized form of Greek Ieremias, meaning "Jehovah casts forth" or "Jehovah hurls." 
  70. JEREMY: Variant form of English Jeremiah, meaning "Jehovah casts forth" or "Jehovah hurls." 
  71. JERIAH: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yeriyah, meaning "people of Jehovah" or "taught by Jehovah." In the bible, this is the name of the chief of the house of Hebron. Also spelled Jerijah.
    1. Anglicized form of Hebrew Yeriychow, meaning "city of the moon" or "place of fragrance." In the bible, this is the name of a city near the Dead Sea, abounding in fragrant products such as balsam and cyprus.
    2. Latin form of Greek Iericho, meaning "city of the moon" or "place of fragrance." In the bible, this is the name of a city near the Dead Sea, abounding in fragrant products such as balsam and cyprus.
  73. JERIJAH: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yeriyah, meaning "people of Jehovah" or "taught by Jehovah." In the bible, this is the name of the chief of the house of Hebron. Also spelled Jeriah.
  74. JERK: Short form of Swedish Jerker, meaning "ever-ruler."
  75. JERKER: Swedish variant form of Scandinavian Erik, meaning "ever-ruler."
  76. JERMAINE: English variant spelling of French Germain, meaning "from Germany."
  77. JERNEJ: Slovene form of Greek Bartholomaios, meaning "son of Talmai."
  78. JEROEN: Dutch form of Latin Hieronymus, meaning "holy name."
  79. JEROLD: Variant spelling of English Gerald, meaning "spear ruler."
  80. JÉRÔME: French form of Latin Hieronymus, meaning "holy name."
  81. JEROME: English form of French Jérôme, meaning "holy name."
  82. JERONIM: Polish form of Greek Hieronymos, meaning "holy name."
  83. JERONIMAS: Lithuanian form of Greek Hieronymos, meaning "holy name."
  84. JERÓNIMO: Spanish form of Latin Hieronymus, meaning "holy name."
  85. JERRARD: Variant spelling of English Gerrard, meaning "spear strong."
  86. JERRED: Variant spelling of English Jared, meaning "descent."
  87. JERRIK: Danish variant form of Scandinavian Erik, meaning "ever-ruler." 
  88. JERROD: Variant spelling of English Jared, meaning "descent."
  89. JERROLD: Variant spelling of English Gerald, meaning "spear ruler."
  90. JERRY: Pet form of English Jeremy, meaning "Jehovah casts forth" or "Jehovah hurls." Compare with feminine Jerry
  91. JERVIS: Variant spelling of English Jarvis, meaning "spear servant."
  92. JERZY: Polish form of Greek Georgios, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."
  93. JESAIAH: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yeshayah, meaning "God is salvation." In the bible, this is the name of one of the most famous prophets. Also spelled Isaiah and Jeshaiah.
  94. JESHAIAH: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yeshayah, meaning "God is salvation." In the bible, this is the name of one of the most famous prophets. Also spelled Isaiah and Jesaiah.
  95. JESHUA: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yeshuwa, meaning "he is saved." In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including a son of Nun
  96. JESIMIEL: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yesiymael, meaning "whom God makes," or possibly more fully "whom God makes grow old." In the bible, this is the name of a Simeonite chief of the family of Shimei.
  97. JESPER: Danish form of Spanish Gaspar, meaning "treasure bearer."
  98. JESS: Short form of English Jesse, meaning "gift." Compare with feminine Jess.
  99. JESSE: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yishay, meaning "I possess" or "wealthy." In the bible, this is the name of the father of King David.
  100. JESÚS: Spanish form of Latin Jesus, meaning "God is salvation."
  101. JESUS: Latin form of Greek Iesous, meaning "God is salvation." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of many characters, including the son of God by the Virgin Mary. Jesus preached for four years before being crucified on a cross in Jerusalem. 
  102. JETHER: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yether, meaning "overhanging" or "abundance." In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including the father-in-law of Moses. He is also known by the name Jethro.
  103. JETHRO: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yithrow, meaning "his abundance" or "overhanging." In the bible, this is the name of the father-in-law of Moses. He is also known by the name Jether.
  104. JETMIR: Albanian name meaning "good life."
  105. JETON: Albanian name meaning "life."
  106. JETT: English name meaning "jet (the mineral)," from Latin gagates, meaning "lapis; stone from Gagai," a town in Lycia, Asia Minor. 
  107. JIA (1-, 2-): Chinese unisex name meaning 1) "good" or 2) "family, home." 
  108. JIAN (1-, 2-): Chinese unisex name meaning 1) "build" or 2) "hardy, strong."
  109. JIANG (): Chinese unisex name meaning "river."
  110. JIANGUO (建國): Chinese name meaning "build the country."
  111. JIANJUN (建军): Chinese name meaning "build the army."
  112. JIANYU (陸建): Chinese name meaning "build the universe."
  113. JIBADE: Egyptian name meaning "related to royalty."
  114. JIBRAIL (جبرائيل): Arabic form of Hebrew Gabriyel ("man of God" or "warrior of God"), meaning "master of God."
  115. JIBRIL (جبريل): Variant spelling of Arabic Jibrail, meaning "master of God."
  116. JIM: Short form of English Jimmy, meaning "supplanter."
  117. JIMI: Variant spelling of English Jimmy, meaning "supplanter."
  118. JIMMIE: Variant spelling of English Jimmy, meaning "supplanter."
  119. JIMMY: English pet form of English/French James, meaning "supplanter."
  120. JIN (): Chinese name meaning "gold, metal."
  121. JINAN (جنان): Arabic unisex name meaning "garden; paradise."
  122. JINDŘICH: Czech form of Latin Henricus, meaning "home-ruler."
  123. JING (1-, 2-, 3-, 4-): Chinese unisex name meaning 1) "capital (city)," 2) "clear, crystal," 3) "custom, regulations," and 3) "essence, perfection." 
  124. JINGGUO (靖國): Chinese name meaning "administering the country."
  125. JINHAI (海金): Chinese name meaning "golden sea."
  126. JIN-HO (豪金): Korean name meaning "golden hero/leader."
  127. JINJING (金精): Chinese name meaning "essence of gold."
  128. JIPHTAH: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yiphtach, meaning "he opens" or "whom God sets free." In the bible, this is the name of a city and the name of a son of Gilead. Also spelled Jephthah.
  129. JIRAIR: Armenian name meaning "hard-working."
  130. JIRAYR: Variant spelling of Armenian Jirair, meaning "hard-working."
  131. JIŘÍ: Czech form of Greek Georgios, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."
  132. JIRO: Variant spelling of Japanese Jirou, meaning "second son."
  133. JIROU (二郎): Japanese name meaning "second son."
  134. JITENDER: Variant spelling of Hindi Jitendra, meaning "conquered-Indra."
  135. JITENDRA (जितेन्द्र): Hindi name composed of Sanskrit jita "conquered" and the name of the god Indra, hence "conquered-Indra," i.e. "the one who has won Indra."
  136. JITINDER: Variant spelling of Hindi Jitendra, meaning "conquered-Indra."
  137. JO: Variant spelling of English Joe, meaning "(God) shall add (another son)." Compare with feminine Jo
  138. JOAB: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yowab, meaning "Jehovah is father" or "whose father is Jehovah." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a commander of King David's army.
  139. JOACHIM: Contracted form of English Jehoiakim, meaning "Jehovah raises up." 
  140. JOAH: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yowach, meaning "Jehovah is brother" or "whose brother is Jehovah." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a son of Asaph.
  141. JOAHAZ: Anglicized form of Hebrew Yowachaz, meaning "Jehovah as seized" or "whom Jehovah holds fast." In the bible, this is the name of the father of Joah, Josiah's chronicler. 
  142. JOAKIM: Scandinavian form of Hebrew Yehowyaqiym, meaning "Jehovah raises up." 
  143. JOAN: Catalan form of English John, meaning "God is gracious." Compare with feminine Joan.
  144. JOANES: Basque form of Latin Joannes, meaning "God is gracious."
  145. JOANNES: Late Latin form of Greek Ioannes, meaning "God is gracious."
  146. JOÃO: Portuguese form of Latin Johannes, meaning "God is gracious."
  147. JOAQUIM: Catalan and Portuguese form of Hebrew Yehowyaqiym, meaning "Jehovah raises up." 
  148. JOAQUIN: Spanish form of Hebrew Yehowyakiyn, meaning "God establishes."
  149. JOASH
    1. Anglicized form of Hebrew Yowash, meaning "given by the Lord." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including the father of Gideon.
    2. Anglicized form of Hebrew Yow'ash, meaning "Jehovah hastens." In the bible, this is the name of a Benjamite and the name of an officer in David's court.
  150. JOB
    1. Anglicized form of Greek Iob (Hebrew Iyowb), meaning "hated, oppressed." In the bible, this is the name of a patient man who was severely tested by God.
    2. Anglicized form of Hebrew Yowb, meaning "persecuted." In the bible, this is the name of the third son of Issachar. He is also called Jashub

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