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Male "W" Names

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  1. WACŁAW: Polish form of Latin Wenceslaus, meaning "more glory." 
  2. WADA: Anglo-Saxon name derived from the Old English word wadan, meaning "to go," in the sense of going forward, proceeding. This is the name of a legendary sea giant.
  3. WADE
    1. English topographical surname transferred to forename use, meaning "lives near the river crossing."
    2. Middle English form of Anglo-Saxon Wada (the name of a sea giant), meaning "to go," in the sense of going forward, proceeding.
  4. WADIM: Romanian form of Russian Vadim, probably meaning "knowing one."
  5. WAÐSIGE: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the Old English elements wað "hunt" and sige "victory," hence "hunt-victory."
  6. WAFAI (وفائي): Arabic name meaning "loyalty."
  7. WAFI (وفي): Arabic name meaning "reliable."
  8. WAHANASSATTA: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "he who walks with his toes turned outward."
  9. WAHCHINKSAPA: Native American Sioux name meaning "wise."
  10. WAHCHINTONKA: Native American Sioux name meaning "has much practice."
  11. WAHEED: Variant of Arabic Wahid, meaning "unique."
  12. WAHID (وحيد): Arabic name meaning "unique."
  13. WAHKAN: Native American Sioux name meaning "sacred."
  14. WAINAMOINEN: Anglicized form of Finnish Väinämöinen, meaning "wide and slow-flowing river."
  15. WAKHAKWI: Egyptian name meaning "little fool."
  16. WAKHASHEM: Egyptian name meaning "little fool."
  17. WALAHFRIED: Medieval German name composed of the elements walah "foreigner, stranger" and fried "peace," hence "foreign-peace."
  18. WALDEMAR: German form of Slavic Vladimir, meaning "peaceful ruler."
  19. WALDHAR: Variant spelling of German Waldheri, meaning "ruler of the army."
  20. WALDHERI: Variant spelling of Old High German Walthari, meaning "ruler of the army." 
  21. WALDO: Pet form of German Waldobert "bright ruler," and other names containing the element wald, meaning "to rule, to wield power."
  22. WALDOBERT: Medieval German name composed of the elements wald "to rule, to wield power" and bert "bright," hence "bright ruler."
  23. WALENTY: Polish form of Roman Latin Valentinus, meaning "healthy, strong."
  24. WALERIAN: Polish form of Roman Latin Valerianus, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong." 
  25. WALERY: Polish form of Roman Latin Valerius, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong." 
  26. WALID (وليد): Arabic name meaning "to give birth." 
  27. WALKER
    1. English name derived from the Scandinavian habitational surname Walkyr, from kiarr, meaning "from the wall by the marsh."
    2. English occupational surname transferred to forename use, derived from Middle English walkere from Old English wealcere ("to walk, tread"), hence "cloth fuller." 
  28. WALLACE: English surname transferred to forename use, from an ethnic byname, from Old French waleis, meaning "foreigner, stranger," especially Celtic or Roman.
  29. WALLIS: Variant spelling of English Wallace, meaning "foreigner, stranger," especially Celtic or Roman.
  30. WALLY: Pet form of English Wallace "foreigner, stranger," especially Celtic or Roman, and Walter "ruler of the army."
  31. WALT: Short form of English Walter, meaning "ruler of the army."
  32. WALTER: English form of German Walther, meaning "ruler of the army."
  33. WALTHARI: Old High German name composed of the elements waltan "to rule, to wield power " and hari "army, host," hence "ruler of the army."
  34. WALTHER: Variant spelling of Old High German Walthere, meaning "ruler of the army." In use by the Romani.
  35. WALTHERE: Variant spelling of Old High German Walthari, meaning "ruler of the army."
  36. WALTIER: Variant form of Old French Gautier, meaning "ruler of the army."
  37. WALTON: English habitational surname transferred to forename use, composed of the Old English elements wæll "spring" and tun "enclosure, settlement," hence "spring settlement."
  38. WAMBLEESKA: Native American Sioux name meaning "white eagle."

  39. WAMBLI-WASTE: Native American Dakota name meaning "good eagle."

  40. WAMUKOTA: Egyptian name meaning "left-handed."

  41. WANAGEESKA: Native American Sioux name meaning "white spirit."

  42. WANAHTON: Native American Sioux name meaning "charger."

  43. WANG (): Chinese unisex name, possibly meaning perhaps "of royalty."
  44. WANIKIYA: Native American Sioux name meaning "savior."
  45. WAPASHA: Native American Dakota name meaning "red leaf."
  46. WAQUINI: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "hook nose."
  47. WARD: English occupational surname transferred to forename use, derived from Old English weard, meaning "guard, watchman." 
  48. WARIN: Old High German name derived from the word wari(n), meaning "cover, shelter," from warnôn "to be careful, watchful." 
  49. WARINOT: Pet form of Old High German Warin, from the word wari(n), meaning "cover, shelter," from warnôn "to be careful, watchful." 
  50. WARNER: English surname transferred to forename use, derived from the German personal name Werner, meaning "Warin warrior," i.e. "covered warrior."
  51. WARREN: English surname of Norman French origin, transferred to forename use, from a place called La Varenne, meaning "game-park." 
  52. WARWICK: English habitational surname transferred to forename use, composed of the Old English elements wær "dam" and wic "dairy farm," hence "lives by the dam near the dairy farm."
  53. WASHINGTON: English surname transferred to forename use, from the village of Washington in Co. Durham, named from Old English Wassingtun, meaning "Wassa's settlement." 
  54. WASI (واسع): Arabic name meaning "broad-minded."
  55. WASIM (وسيم): Arabic name meaning "handsome."
  56. WASSA: Pet form of Anglo-Saxon Waðsige "hunt-victory" and other names containing the element wað, meaning "hunt."
  57. WASSWA: African Luganda name meaning "first born of twins."
  58. WASYL (Василь): Variant spelling of Ukrainian Vasyl, meaning "king."
  59. WAT: Old pet form of English Walter, meaning "ruler of the army."
  60. WATI: Egyptian name meaning "rebel."
  61. WATKIN: Old Pet form of English Walter, meaning "ruler of the army."
  62. WAWRZYNIEC: Polish form of Roman Latin Laurentius, meaning "of Laurentum."
  63. WAYLAND: English form of German Wieland, meaning "war territory" or "battlefield."
  64. WAYNE: English occupational surname transferred to forename use, meaning "cartwright; wagon-maker."
  65. WAYRA: Native American Quechua name meaning "wind."
  66. WEALDHERE: Anglo-Saxon equivalent of German Waldheri, composed of the Old English elements weald "to rule, to wield power" and heri "army, host," hence "ruler of the army."
  67. WEAVER:
    1. English habitational surname transferred to forename use, from the name of a place in Cheshire named after the river Weaver which got its name form Old English wefer, meaning "winding."
    2. English occupational surname transferred to forename use, from Middle English weven, meaning "to weave," hence "weaver."
  68. WEAYAYA: Native American Sioux name meaning "setting sun."
  69. WEBSTER: English occupational surname transferred to forename use, from early Middle English webber, meaning "weaver."
  70. WEI (1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-): Chinese name meaning 1) "great, mighty," 2) "high, lofty," 3) "hold fast, secure, preserve," 4) "powerful, strong," or 5) "river."
  71. WEIMIN (伟民): Chinese name meaning "of the mighty people."
  72. WEISHENG (伟胜): Chinese name meaning "great-success."
  73. WEIT: Pet form of Dutch Wouter, meaning "ruler of the army."
  74. WEIYUAN (渭源): Chinese name meaning "flow/river-source."
  75. WEIZHE (维哲): Chinese name meaning "secure/preserve-wisdom."
  76. WEKESA: African Bantu name meaning "born during harvest."
  77. WELDON: English habitational surname transferred to forename use, composed of the Old English elements wella "spring, stream" and dun "hill," hence "spring hill."
  78. WEMATIN: Native American Algonquin name meaning "brother."
  79. WEN (1-, 2-): Chinese unisex name meaning 1) "warm," or 2) "refined."
  80. WENCESLAS: Contracted form of Latin Wenceslaus, meaning "more glory." 
  81. WENCESLAUS: Latin form of Bulgarian Ventsislav, meaning "more glory."
  82. WENCHENG (文成): Chinese name meaning "refined-complete."
  83. WENDEL: Old High German name meaning "a Wend; a wanderer," a term used to refer to migrant Slavs in the sixth century. 
  84. WENDELIN: Diminutive form of Old High German Wendel, meaning "a Wend; a wanderer," a term used to refer to migrant Slavs in the sixth century. 
  85. WENDELL: Variant spelling of Old High German Wendel, meaning "a Wend; a wanderer," a term used to refer to migrant Slavs in the sixth century. 
  86. WENYANG (文阳): Chinese name meaning "refined man."
  87. WENZEL: Medieval contracted form of German Wenzeslaus, meaning "more glory."
  88. WENZESLAUS: German form of Latin Venceslaus, meaning "more glory." 
  89. WERMUND: Old Danish form of Old Norse Vermundr, meaning "protector of man." 
  90. WERNER: Old High German name composed of the tribal name Warin "cover, shelter," from warnôn "to be careful, watchful" and the word hari/heri "army, warrior," hence "Warin warrior," i.e. "covered warrior."
  91. WERNHER: Variant spelling of Old High German Werner, meaning "Warin warrior," i.e. "covered warrior."
  92. WERTHER: Old High German name composed of the elements wert "worthy" and heri "army," hence "worthy army."
  93. WESLEY: English habitational surname transferred to forename use, from a contracted form of Westley, meaning "western meadow." 
  94. WESTLEY: English habitational surname transferred to forename use, from the name of various places called Westley, composed of the Old English elements west "west" and leah "meadow, pasture," hence "western meadow." 
  95. WESTON: English habitational surname transferred to forename use, composed of the Old English elements west "west" and tun "enclosure, settlement," hence "western settlement."
  96. WHITAKER: English habitational surname transferred to forename use, from various place names composed of the Old English elements hwit "white" and æcer "cultivated land," hence "white acres."
  97. WHITNEY: English habitational surname transferred to unisex forename use, from the name of various places derived from the Middle English phrase atten whiten ey ("by the white island"), hence "white island."
  98. WICASA: Native American Dakota name meaning "sage."
  99. WICKANINNISH: Native American Nootka name meaning "having no one before him in his canoe." 
  100. WIDO: Medieval Latin name derived from the Germanic word wīt, meaning "wide."
  101. WIEBE: Pet form of German names containing the element -wig, meaning "battle, fight, war."
  102. WIELAND: German myth name of a craftsman, composed of the elements wig "battle, fight, war" and land "land, territory," hence "war territory" or "battlefield."
  103. WIELISŁAW: Polish name, meaning "great glory." 
  104. WIESŁAW: Contracted form of Polish Wielisław, meaning "great glory."
  105. WIGHEARD: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the Old English elements wig "battle, fight, war" and heard "brave, hardy, strong," hence "hardy warrior."
  106. WIGMUND: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the Old English elements wig "battle, fight, war" and mund "protection," hence "fight-protection."
  107. WIGSTAN: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the Old English elements wig "battle, fight, war" and stan "stone," hence "battle-stone."
  108. WIKTOR: Polish form of Latin Victor, meaning "conqueror."
  109. WIKVAYA: Native American Hopi name meaning "one who brings."
  110. WIL: Short form of Old English names beginning with Wil-, meaning "will."
  111. WILBEORHT: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the Old English elements wil "desire, will" and beohrt "bright," hence "will-bright."
  112. WILBER: English surname transferred to forename use, composed of the Middle English elements wild "wild" and bor "boar," hence "wild boar."
  113. WILBERT: German equivalent of Anglo-Saxon Wilbeorht, composed of the elements will "desire, will" and beraht "bright," hence "will-bright."
  114. WILBUR: Variant spelling of Middle English Wilber, meaning "wild boar."
  115. WILBURN: English habitational surname transferred to forename use, probably from the name of a lost place composed of the Old English elements wella "well, spring" and burn "boiling, bubbling, running water," hence "bubbling stream" or perhaps "boiling spring." 
  116. WILEY
    1. Old English name meaning "water meadow."
    2. Variant spelling of Irish/Scottish Wylie, meaning "will-helmet."
  117. WILF: Short form of Middle English Wilfred, meaning "desires peace."
  118. WILFORD: English habitational surname transferred to forename use, composed of the name Will and the word ford "ford," hence "Will's river crossing."
  119. WILFRED: Variant spelling of Middle English Wilfrid, meaning "desires peace." 
  120. WILFREDO: Spanish form of German Wilfried, meaning "desires peace." 
  121. WILFRIÐ: Anglo-Saxon equivalent of German Wilfried, composed of the Old English elements wil "desire, will" and frið "peace," hence "desires peace."
  122. WILFRID: Middle English form of Anglo-Saxon Wilfrið, meaning "desires peace."
  123. WILFRIED: Modern German form of Old German Willafried, meaning "desires peace." 
  124. WILFRITH: Variant spelling of Anglo-Saxon Wilfrið, meaning "desires peace."
  125. WILHEARD: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the Old English elements wil "desire, will" and heard "brave, hardy, strong," hence "strong-willed."
  126. WILHELM: Contracted form of Old High German Willahelm, meaning "will-helmet." 
  127. WILHELMUS: Latin form of Old High German Wilhelm, meaning "will-helmet."
  128. WILKIE: Pet form of Scottish Gaelic Uilleam, meaning "will-helmet." 
  129. WILL: Short form of English William, meaning "will-helmet."
  130. WILLAFRIED: Old High German name composed of the elements willo "desire, will" and fried "peace," hence "desires peace."
  131. WILLAHELM: Old High German name composed of the elements willo "desire, will" and helm "helmet, protection," hence "will-helmet."
  132. WILLARD: English surname transferred to forename use, derived from the Anglo-Saxon personal name Wilheard, meaning "strong-willed." 
  133. WILLELM: Norman French form of Old High German Wilhelm, meaning "will-helmet."
  134. WILLEM: Dutch form of German Wilhelm, meaning "will-helmet."
  135. WILLERICH: Old High German name composed of the elements willo "desire, will" and ric "power, rule," hence "will-power."
  136. WILLI: Pet form of German Wilhelm, meaning "will-helmet."
  137. WILLIAM: English form of Norman French Willelm, meaning "will-helmet."
  138. WILLIE
    1. Pet form of English William, meaning "will-helmet."
    2. Pet form of Scottish Gaelic Uilleam, meaning "will-helmet."
  139. WILLIS: English surname transferred to forename use, meaning "Willy's," i.e. "son of Willy."
  140. WILLOUGHBY: English surname transferred to forename use, composed of Old English wilig "willow" and Old Norse býr "settlement," hence "willow settlement."
  141. WILLY: Pet form of English Will, meaning "will-helmet."
  142. WILMAR: Old High German name composed of the elements willo "desire, will" and mari "famous," hence "desires fame."
  143. WILMER: English surname transferred to forename use, derived from the German personal name Wilmar, meaning "desires fame."
  144. WILMOT: English surname transferred to forename use, possibly a corruption of the French surname Guillemot, from Guillaume (English William), meaning "will-helmet."
  145. WILSON: English patronymic surname transferred to forename use, meaning "son of Will." 
  146. WILTON: English surname transferred to forename use, from the name of various places composed of the Old English elements wilig "willow" and tun "enclosure, settlement," hence "willow settlement."
  147. WIM: Pet form of German Wilhelm, meaning "will-helmet."
  148. WIMUND: Contracted form of Anglo-Saxon Wigmund, meaning "fight-protection."
  149. WIN: Short form of English Winfred and Winifred, both meaning "holy reconciliation," and other names beginning with Win-. 
  150. WINCENTY: Polish form of Latin Vincentius, meaning "conqueror."

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