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Male Arthurian Legend Names

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  1. AFALLACH, orchard.
  2. AFALLECH, orchard.
  3. ACCALON, knight of the Round Table.
  4. ACCOLON, knight of the Round Table.
  5. ADDANC, crocodile.
  6. AGLOUALE, knight of the Round Table.
  7. AGLOVALE, knight of the Round Table.
  8. AGRAVAIN, The Desirous or Haughty.
  9. AGRAWAIN, The Desirous or Haughty.
  10. ALAIN, (fair, handsome; and, bright, clear, lucid); a Fisher King.
  11. ALBION, ancient Britain ("white").
  12. ALEXANDER, defender of man.
  13. ALIS, defender of man.
  14. AMFORTAS, the powerless one.
  15. ANCELOT, servant.
  16. ANDRET, (from Adria, or man, warrior); a nephew of king Mark.
  17. ANGUISH, (wise son); father of Isolde.
  18. ANIR, (man?); a son of king Arthur.
  19. ANTOR, (high, noble); Arthur's foster-father.
  20. APOLLO, destroyer; an ancient knight and ancestor of Tristan.
  21. ARAWN, the eloquent.
  22. AROUNDIGHT, sir Launcelot's sword.
  23. ARTEGAL, high valor.
  24. ARTHGAL, high valor.
  25. ARTHGALLO, high valor.
  26. ARTHUR, high, lofty.
  27. ARTHWYS, lofty and wise (?).
  28. ARTUR, high, lofty.
  29. ARTUS, bear, or, high, lofty, noble.
  30. AUGUSEL, the rich.
  31. AUGUSELUS, the rich.
  32. AVALLACH, orchard.

  33. AVALLOC, orchard.

  34. AVANC, crocodile.

  35. AWARNACH, a giant (alder river).

  36. BAGDEMAGUS, father of Meleagant.

  37. BALAN, (modest?); brother of Balin.

  38. BALDULF, bold wolf.

  39. BALIN, brother of Balan; an herb having the power to restore the dead to life.

  40. BAN, (white); the father of Lancelot.
  1. BEAUMAINS, beautiful hands.
  2. BEDIVERE, (the birch tree); a knight of the Round Table.
  3. BEDVER, (the birch tree); a knight of the Round Table.
  4. BEDWYR, (the birch tree); a knight of the Round Table.
  5. BELLAMOUR, (a fair lover); a knight.
  6. BELLANGÈRE, (a baker, or, boat); the son of Sir Alisander.
  7. BERSULES, a knight.
  8. BICOIR, Arthur's father (7th cent.)
  9. BLADUD, (wolf fighter); father of king Lear.
  10. BLAISE, babbles; the name of a saint.
  11. BLAMOR, (a fair lover); a knight.
  12. BLAMOUR, (a fair lover); a knight.
  13. BLEOBERIS, de Ganis, a knight; cousin to Lancelot.
  14. BLIANT, a knight who healed Lancelot.
  15. BLYANT, a knight who healed Lancelot.
  16. BOHORT, a knight of the Round Table.
  17. BORS, a knight of the Round Table.
  18. BRAN, (king; raven); Bran the Blessed.
  19. BRANDELIS, (sword of the castle of Lys); a knight of the Round Table.
  20. BRANGOIRE, a king of the Saxons.
  21. BRANOR, le Brun, an ancient knight.
  22. BREDBEDDLE, the Green Knight.
  23. BRENNUS, (strong); a king of Britain.
  24. BREUNOR, le Noire; a knight of the Round Table.
  25. BREUSE, a knight.
  26. BRIEFBRAS, Sir Caradoc's surname; (shrunken-arm).
  27. BRUCE, a knight.
  28. CABAL, (horse); king Arthur's dog.
  29. CADOR, father of Constantine.
  30. CADWALADR, battle-lord.
  31. CADWALLON, (a great and successful warrior); king of the Western Britons.
  32. CADWR, battle knight, soldier, warrior.
  33. CAERLEON, City of Legions.
  34. CAI, (rejoicing); a knight of the Round Table.
  35. CALIBURN, a sword of king Arthur's.
  36. CALOGRENANT, (Kay the grumpy); a knight of the Round Table.
  37. CAMLANN, site of Arthur's last battle; (crooked enclosure).
  38. CARACTACUS, a son of Bran; (king-commander).
  39. CARADAWC, a son of Bran; (beloved).
  40. CARADAWG, a son of Bran; (beloved).

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