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Female "O" Names

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  1. OANA: Short form of Romanian Ioana, meaning "God is gracious."
  2. OANEZ: Breton form of English Agnes, meaning "chaste; holy." 
  3. OCEAN: English unisex name derived from the vocabulary word, from Latin Oceanus, from Greek Okeanos, meaning "ocean."
  4. OCÉANE: French name derived from the vocabulary word océan, from Latin Oceanus, from Greek Okeanos, meaning "ocean."
  5. OCTAVIA: Feminine form of Roman Octavius, meaning "eighth."
  6. OCYRHOE: Latin form of Greek Okyrhoe, meaning "fast-flowing." In mythology, this is the name of a Naiad nymph, the daughter of Chiron.
  7. ODA
    1. English name derived from Greek oide, meaning "song." Compare with masculine Oda.
    2. Feminine form of German Odo, meaning "wealthy."
  8. ÖDA: Swedish form of Old Norse Auðr, meaning "deeply rich."
  9. ODAHINGUM: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "rippling water."
  10. ODALIS: Spanish unisex form of French Odilon, meaning "wealthy."
  11. ODALYS: Feminine variant spelling of Spanish unisex Odalis, meaning "wealthy."
  12. ODE: Egyptian name meaning "from the road."
  13. ODELEYA (אוֹדֶלְיָה): Hebrew name meaning "I will praise God."
  14. ODELIA
    1. Variant spelling of German Odilia, meaning "wealthy."
    2. Variant spelling of Hebrew Odeleya, meaning "I will praise God."
  15. ODETTA: Latin feminine form of German Odo, meaning "wealthy."
  16. ODETTE: Feminine diminutive form of French Oda, meaning "little wealthy one."
  17. ODHARNAIT: Feminine form of Irish Gaelic Odhrán, meaning "little sallow one." 
  18. ODILA: Variant spelling of German Odilia, meaning "wealthy."
  19. ODILE: Feminine form of French Odilon, meaning "wealthy."
  20. ODILIA: Feminine form of German Odo, meaning "wealthy."
  21. ODILLE: Variant spelling of French Odile, meaning "wealthy."
  22. ODJIT: Egyptian name meaning "wicked."
  23. OENONE: Latin form of Greek Oinone, meaning "wine." In mythology, this is the name of a Naiad nymph who was the first wife of Paris
  24. OFÉLIA: Portuguese form of Latin Ofelia, meaning "help."
  25. OFELIA: Latin form of Greek Ophelia, meaning "help." 
  26. OFRA (עָפְרָה): Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Ophrah, meaning "fawn." 
  27. OGAFIA (Огафья): Variant spelling of Russian Agafia, meaning "good."
  28. OGECHI: Short form of African Igbo Ogechukwukama, meaning "God's time is the best."
  29. OGECHUKWUKAMA: African Igbo name, meaning "God's time is the best."
  30. OGRIFINA: Variant form of Russian Agrafina, meaning "wild horse."
  31. OGROFENKA: Diminutive form of Russian Ogrifina, meaning "wild horse."
  32. OGRUFENA: Variant form of Russian Agrafina, meaning "wild horse."
  33. OGRUFINA: Variant form of Russian Agrafina, meaning "wild horse."
  34. OHNDREA: Variant form of English Andrea, meaning "man; warrior."
  35. OHNDREEA: Variant form of English Andrea, meaning "man; warrior."
  36. OHNDRIA: Variant form of English Andrea, meaning "man; warrior."
  37. OHTLINahuatl unisex name meaning "road."
  38. OIGHRIG: Possibly a modern variant spelling of Scottish Gaelic Aithbhreac, meaning "new speckled one."
  39. OIHANA: Basque name meaning "forest."
  40. OILBHE: Irish form of English Olive, meaning "olive tree." 
  41. OILI: Finnish form of Russian Olga, meaning "dedicated to the gods; holy."
  42. OINAZE: Basque name meaning "pain."
  43. OINONE (Οινώνη): Greek name meaning "wine." In mythology, this is the name of a Naiad nymph who was the first wife of Paris
  44. OKELANI: Hawaiian name meaning "from heaven."
  45. OKSANA (Оксана): Ukrainian form of Greek Xenia, meaning "stranger, foreigner," but sometimes rendered "hospitable (esp. to foreigners)."
  46. OKYRHOE (Οκυροη): Greek name meaning "fast-flowing." In mythology, this is the name of a Naiad nymph, the daughter of Chiron.
  47. OLA: Hawaiian name meaning "life; well-being."
  48. OLABISI: Egyptian name meaning "brings joy."
  49. OLALLA: Perhaps a pet form of Portuguese/Spanish Eulália, meaning "well-spoken."
  50. OLAMIDE: African Yoruba name meaning "wealth has arrived."
  51. OLAYINKA: African Yoruba name meaning "wealth surrounds me."
  52. OLENA (Олена): Ukrainian form of Greek Helénē, possibly meaning "torch."
  53. OLGA (Ольга): Feminine form of Russian Oleg, meaning "dedicated to the gods; holy."
  54. OLHA: Ukrainian form of Russian Olga, meaning "dedicated to the gods; holy."
  55. OLIANA: Hawaiian name meaning "oleander."
  56. OLIMPIA (Ολυμπία): Older spelling of Greek Olympia, meaning "of Olympus." 
  57. OLINA: Hawaiian name meaning "joyous."
  58. OLIVE: English name derived from the tree name, "olive," from Latin oliva, from Greek elaia, the name of a Mediterranean fruit-bearing evergreen tree. The name was popular in the 19th century because the olive branch has been a symbol of "peace" since biblical times.
  59. OLIVETTE: Pet form of English Olive, meaning "olive tree."
  60. OLIVIA: English name created by Shakespeare who may have intended it to be a feminine form of Oliver, probably meaning "elf army."
  61. OLÍVIA: Portuguese form of English Olivia, probably meaning "elf army."
  62. OLIVIE: Feminine form of French Olivier, probably meaning "elf army."
  63. OLIWIA: Polish form of English Olivia, probably meaning "elf army." 
  64. OLLIE: Unisex pet form of English Oliver and Olivia, both probably meaning "elf army."
  65. OLUCHI: African Igbo unisex name meaning "God's work."
  66. OLUFEMI: Egyptian name meaning "beloved of the gods."
  67. OLUFUNMILAYO: African Yoruba name meaning "God gave me joy."
  68. OLUFUNMILOLA: African Yoruba name meaning "God gives me wealth."
  69. OLUWAFUNMILAYO: Variant spelling of African Yoruba Olufunmilayo, meaning "God gave me joy."
  70. OLUWASEYI: African Yoruba unisex name meaning "God made this."
  71. OLUWATOYIN: African Yoruba unisex name meaning "God is worthy to be praised."
  72. OLWEN: Welsh Arthurian legend name of the heroine of Culhwch and Olwen, composed of the elements ol "footprint, track," and (g)wen "fair, holy, white," hence "footprint/track of the holy one." Olwen was the daughter of the fierce giant Ysbaddaden who was fated to die if she ever married. She was a magical girl who caused flowers to spring up wherever she went. When Culhwch (a cousin of King Arthur) came to seek her hand, Ysbaddaden required that he complete a series of nearly impossibly tasks before he would grant permission for them to marry.
  73. OLWIN: Variant spelling of Welsh Olwen, meaning "footprint/track of the holy one."
  74. OLWYN: Variant spelling of Welsh Olwen, meaning "footprint/track of the holy one."
  75. OLYA: Pet form of Russian Olga, meaning "dedicated to the gods; holy."
  76. OLYMPE: French form of Greek Olympia, meaning "of Olympus." 
  77. OLYMPIA (Ολυμπία): From the Greek place name, a feminine form of Greek Olympos ("home of the gods"), meaning "of Olympus." 
  78. OLYMPIAS (Ολυμπιάς): Ancient Greek name of the mother of Alexander the Great. It is a feminine form of Greek Olympos ("home of the gods"), meaning "of Olympus." 
  79. OLYVIA: Variant spelling of English Olivia, probably meaning "elf army."
  80. OMEGA (Ωμέγα): English unisex name derived from the last letter of the Greek alphabet. This name was used occasionally by Victorian parents for a "last-born child." 
  81. OMID (اُمید): Persian unisex name meaning "hope."
  82. OMINOTAGO: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "beautiful voice."
  83. OLOLARA: African Yoruba name meaning "born at the right time."
  84. OMOROSE: Egyptian name meaning "beautiful."
  85. OMUSA: Native American Miwok name meaning "misses with arrows."
  86. ONA
    1. Lithuanian form of Greek Hanna, meaning "favor; grace."
    2. Variant spelling of English Oona, possibly meaning "famine, hunger."
  87. ONATAH: Native American Iroquois name meaning "of the earth."
  88. ONDREA: Variant form of English Andrea, meaning "man; warrior."
  89. ONDREEA: Variant form of English Andrea, meaning "man; warrior."
  90. ONDRIA: Variant form of English Andrea, meaning "man; warrior."
  91. ONEIDA: English name derived from the name of the Iroquois tribe, meaning "standing stone, upright stone."
  92. ONI
    1. African Yoruba name meaning "born in a sacred abode."
    2. Egyptian name meaning "wanted."
  93. ONNDREA: Variant form of English Andrea, meaning "man; warrior."
  94. ONNDRIA: Variant form of English Andrea, meaning "man; warrior."
  95. ONÓRA: Irish form of Latin Honora, meaning "honor, valor."
  96. ONYEKA: Feminine short form of African Igbo unisex Onyekachukwu, meaning "who is greater than God?"
  97. ONYEKACHUKWU: African Igbo unisex name meaning "who is greater than God?"
  98. OOLJEE: Native American Navajo name meaning "moon."
  99. OONA: Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Úna, possibly meaning "famine, hunger."
  100. OONAGH: Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Úna, possibly meaning "famine, hunger."
  101. OOTA DABUN: Native American Algonquin name meaning "day star."
  102. OPAL: English name, derived from the name of the gemstone, from Greek opallios, from Sanskrit utpala, meaning "gem, precious stone." This is the birthstone for the month of October.
  103. OPALINE: Elaborated form of English Opal, meaning "gem, precious stone."
  104. OPHELIA (Οφέλια): Feminine form of Greek Ophelos, meaning "help." This name was used by Shakespeare for an ill-omened character in Hamlet.
  105. OPHRAH (עָפְרָה): Hebrew unisex name meaning "fawn." In the bible, this is the name of two places, and the name of a son of Meonothai
  106. OPRAH: Feminine variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Ophrah, meaning "fawn." 
  107. OPS: Roman Latin name meaning "plenty." In mythology, this is the name of an earth goddess, the wife of Saturn. Identified with Greek Rhea.
  108. ORA (Hebrew: אוֹרָה): 
    1. English unisex name derived from Latin orare, meaning "to pray."
    2. Hebrew name meaning "light."
  109. ORABEL: English name derived from Italian Orabella, meaning "golden beautiful."
  110. ORABELA: Esperanto form of Italian Orabella, meaning "golden beautiful."
  111. ORABELLA: Italian name meaning "golden beautiful."
  112. ORABELLE: French form of Italian Orabella, meaning "golden beautiful."
  113. ORAH: Variant spelling of Hebrew Ora, meaning "light."
  114. ORALEE (Hebrew: אוֹרָה-לִי): 
    1. Hebrew name meaning "my light."
    2. Variant spelling of English Oralie, meaning "golden."
  115. ORALIE: English form of French Aurélie, meaning "golden."
  116. ORCADES: From the Latin name for the Scottish "Isles of Orkney." In Arthurian legend, Arthur's half-sister Morgause was known as Queen of the Orcades.
  117. ORCHID: English name derived from the flower name, from Greek orkhis, meaning "testicle," from Proto-Indo-European orghi-, the base root for for the word "testicle." The plant was given this name because of the shape of its root. 
  118. ORENDA: Native American Iroquois name meaning "magic power."
  119. ÓRFHLAITH: Irish Gaelic name composed of the elements ór "gold" and flaith "princess," hence "gold-princess."
  120. ORIANA: Latin name first found in the medieval romance Amadis of Gaul, as the name of the king's daughter who married the Gaulish knight Amadis, possibly from the medieval Latin word oroana, meaning "golden." 
  121. ORIANE: French from of Latin Oriana, possibly meaning "golden."
  122. ORIANNE: Variant spelling of French Oriane, possibly meaning "golden."
  123. ORIT (אוֹרִית): Variant form of Hebrew Ora, meaning "light."
  124. ORLA: Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Órfhlaith, meaning "gold-princess."
  125. ORLAGH: Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Órfhlaith, meaning "gold-princess."
  126. ÓRLAITH: Variant spelling of Irish Gaelic Órfhlaith, meaning "gold-princess."
  127. ORLANDA: Feminine form of Italian Orlando, meaning "famous land." 
  128. OR-LEE (אוֹר-לִי): Hebrew name meaning "light is mine."
  129. ORLENDA: English variant spelling of Italian Orlanda, meaning "famous land."
  130. ORLI (אוֹרְלִי): Variant spelling of Hebrew Or-lee, meaning "light is mine."
  131. ORLY: Variant spelling of Hebrew Orli, meaning "light is mine."
  132. ORMONDA: Feminine form of English Ormond, meaning "descendant of Ruadh."
  133. ORNA (Hebrew: אָרְנָה): 
    1. Hebrew name meaning "let there be light" or "pine tree." 
    2. Variant spelling of English Ornat, meaning "little sallow one."
  134. ORNAT (Hebrew: אׄרְנַת): 
    1. Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Odharnait, meaning "little sallow one."
    2. Variant form of Hebrew Orna, meaning "let there be light" or "pine tree."
  135. ORNELLA: Italian name derived from the word ornello, meaning "flowering ash tree."
  136. ORO: Basque name meaning "all."
  137. ORPA: Variant spelling of Hebrew Orpah, meaning "forelock, mane" or "gazelle, hind." 
  138. ORPAH (עָרְפָּה): Hebrew name meaning "forelock, mane" or "gazelle, hind." In the bible, this is the name of a Moabite woman. 
  139. ORREAGA: Basque name meaning "juniper grove."
  140. ORSINA: Feminine form of Italian Orsino, meaning "bear-like."
  141. ORSOLA: Italian form of Latin Ursula, meaning "little she-bear."
  142. ORSOLYA: Hungarian form of Latin Ursula, meaning "little she-bear."
  143. ORTRUN: German name composed of the elements ort "point" and rún "rune, secret," hence "point-rune."
  144. ORVOKKI: Finnish name meaning "pansy flower."
  145. OSABIDE: Basque name meaning "healing."
  146. OSANE: Basque name meaning "cure, remedy."
  147. OSANNA: Latin form of Greek Hōsanna, meaning "deliver us."
  148. OSANNE: French form of Greek Hōsanna, meaning "deliver us."
  149. OSASUNE: Basque name meaning "health."
  150. OSEYE: Egyptian name meaning "happy."
  151. OSSIA: Feminine form of English Ossian, meaning "little deer."
  152. OSUMARE: African Yoruba name meaning "rainbow."
  153. OTILIE: Czech form of German Ottilia, meaning "wealthy."
  154. OTSANA: Basque name meaning "she-wolf."
  155. OTSANDA: Variant spelling of Basque Otsana, meaning "she-wolf."
  156. OTTALIE: Swedish form of German Ottilia, meaning "wealthy."
  157. OTTAVIA: Feminine form of Italian Ottavio, meaning "eighth."
  158. OTTHILD: German name composed of the elements od "fortune, wealth" and hild "battle," hence "battle of fortune." This name was given to an asteroid discovered by Karl Wilhelm Reinmuth in Heidelberg, Germany on March 18, 1923. 
  159. OTTILA: Variant spelling of German Ottilia, meaning "wealthy."
  160. OTTILIA: Feminine form of German Otto, meaning "wealthy."
  161. OTTILIE: Variant spelling of Swedish Ottalie, meaning "wealthy."
  162. OTTOLINE: Pet form of German Ottilia, meaning "wealthy."
  163. OUIDA: Pet form of French Louise, meaning "famous warrior." 
  164. OURANIA (Ουρανία): Greek myth name of a muse of astronomy, derived from the word ouranios, meaning "heavenly."
  165. OVDOTIA: Variant spelling of Russian Ovdotya, meaning "good-seeming."
  166. OVDOTYA (Овдотья): Variant form of Russian Avdotya, meaning "good-seeming."
  167. OVSANNA: Armenian form of Greek Hōsanna, meaning "deliver us." 
  168. OWENA: Feminine form of English and Welsh Owen, meaning "born of yew."
  169. OXANA: Variant spelling of Ukrainian Oksana, meaning "stranger, foreigner," but sometimes rendered "hospitable (esp. to foreigners)."
  170. OZ (עׄז): Hebrew name meaning "might, strength." Compare with masculine forms of Oz.
  171. OZANNE: Variant spelling of French Osanne, meaning "deliver us."
  172. ÖZGE: Turkish name meaning "different, other."
  173. ÖZGÜR: Turkish unisex name meaning "free."
  174. ÖZLEM: Turkish name meaning "yearning."

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