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Female "P" Names

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  1. PEYTON: Variant spelling of English unisex Payton, meaning "Pæga's settlement."
  2. PHAEDRA: Latin form of Greek Phaidra, meaning "bright." In mythology, this is the name of the wife of Theseus who fell in love with her stepson Hippolytos.
  3. PHAIDRA (Φαίδρα): Greek name derived from the word phaidros, meaning "bright." In mythology, this is the name of the wife of Theseus who fell in love with her stepson Hippolytos.
  4. PHAILIN: Thai name meaning "sapphire."
  5. PHAIROH: Thai name meaning "sweet and pleasant sounding."
  6. PHANESSA: Feminine form of Greek Phanes, meaning "bring to light; make appear." 
  7. PHAWTA: Thai name meaning "pleasing to the eye."
  8. PHEBE: English variant spelling of Greek Phoebe, meaning "shining one."
  9. PHEMIE: Short form of English Euphemie, meaning "Well I speak."
  10. PHEOBE: Modern English variant spelling of Latin Phoebe, meaning "shining one."
  11. PHERENIKE (Φερενίκη): Greek name composed of the elements pherein "to bring" and nike "victory," hence "bringer of victory." 
  12. PHILE: Feminine form of Greek Philon, meaning "to love."
  13. PHILIPA: Feminine form of English Philip, meaning "lover of horses."
  14. PHILIPPA: Feminine form of English Philip, meaning "lover of horses."
  15. PHILIPPINA: Anglicized form of Spanish Felipina, meaning "lover of horses."
  16. PHILIPPINE: Feminine form of French Philippe, meaning "lover of horses."
  17. PHILIS: English variant spelling of Greek Phyllis, meaning "foliage."
  18. PHILLIDA: Variant spelling of Greek Phyllida, meaning "foliage." In use by the English.
  19. PHILLIPA: Feminine form of English Philip, meaning "lover of horses."
  20. PHILLIS: English variant spelling of Greek Phyllis, meaning "foliage."
  21. PHILOGEA: Greek name meaning "lover of the Earth." In mythology, this is the name of one of the horses of the Sun.
  22. PHILOMEL (Φιλομήλ): Short form of Greek Philomela, meaning "sweet singer; nightingale."
  23. PHILOMELA (Φιλομήλα): Greek name composed of the elements philos "dear, sweet" and melos "song," usually rendered "sweet singer; nightingale." In mythology, this is the name of a princess who was raped and had her tongue cut out.
  24. PHILOMENA (Φιλομήνα): This is the name of a virgin martyr of the Roman Catholic Church, said to have been a Greek princess who was tortured and finally decapitated in the 4th century. Her name was dropped from the calendar of saints in 1961. It is probably a feminine form of Greek Philomenos, meaning "friend of ease." 
  25. PHILYRA: Latin form of Greek Philyre, meaning "linden tree; lime tree." In mythology, this is the name of an Ocean nymph of Mount Pelion who mothered the centaur Chiron by Cronus.
  26. PHILYRE (Φιλύρη): Greek name meaning "linden tree; lime tree." In mythology, this is the name of an Ocean nymph of Mount Pelion who mothered the centaur Chiron by Cronus.
  27. PHOEBE: Latin form of Greek Phoibe, meaning "shining one." In mythology, this is the name of a Titan goddess of bright intellect.
  28. PHOIBE (Φοίβη): Greek name meaning "shining one." In mythology, this is the name of a Titan goddess of bright intellect.
  29. PHOENIX: Latin form of Greek Phoinix, meaning "crimson." In mythology, this is the name of an immortal bird who would rise from its own ashes after being consumed by fire every 500 years. The name has been adopted into English use as a unisex name.
  30. PHOINIX (Φοῖνιξ): Greek name derived from the word phoinix, meaning "crimson." In mythology, this is the name of an immortal bird who would rise from its own ashes after being consumed by fire every 500 years.
  31. PHOTINE (Φωτινή): Greek name derived from the word phos, meaning "light."
  32. PHRONA: English short form of Greek Sophronia, meaning "self-controlled."
  33. PHUENG: Thai name meaning "bee."
  34. PHUONG: Vietnamese name meaning "phoenix."
  35. PHYLISS: English variant spelling of Greek Phyllis, meaning "foliage."
  36. PHYLLIDA: Feminine form of Greek Phyllidos, meaning "foliage." In use by the English.
  37. PHYLLIS (Φυλλίς): Feminine form of Greek Phyllidos, meaning "foliage." In mythology, this is the name of a girl who killed herself over love and was transformed into an almond tree, meaning "foliage."
  38. PIA: Feminine form of Latin Pius, meaning "pious."
  39. PÍA: Feminine form of Spanish Pío, meaning "pious."
  40. PICH: Cambodian Khmer unisex name meaning "diamond."
  41. PIEDAD: Spanish name meaning "mercy."
  42. PIERA: Feminine form of Italian Piero, meaning "rock, stone."
  43. PIERINA: Pet form of Italian Piera, meaning "rock, stone."
  44. PIERRETTE: Feminine form of French Pierre, meaning "rock, stone."
  45. PIETRINA: Feminine form of Italian Pietro, meaning "rock, stone."
  46. PIETRONELLA: Italian form of Latin Petronilla, meaning "little rock."
  47. PIETY: English name derived from the vocabulary word, meaning "piety."
  48. PIIA: Finnish form of Latin Pia, meaning "pious."
  49. PILAR: Spanish name derived from a title of the Virgin Mary, María del Pilar "Mary of the Pillar," hence "pillar."
  50. PILI (Hebrew: פִּלְאִי): 
    1. Egyptian name meaning "born second."
    2. Hebrew name meaning "miraculous."
    3. Pet form of Spanish Pilar, meaning "pillar."
  51. PILOQUTINNGUAQ: Greenlandic name meaning "little leaf."
  52. PILVI: Finnish name meaning "cloud."
  53. PINA: Short form of Italian names ending with -pina.
  54. PINAR: Turkish name meaning "spring."
  55. PINJA: Estonian name derived from the word piinia, meaning "pine tree."
  56. PIPALUK: Greenlandic name meaning "nurse."
  57. PIPER: English occupational surname transferred to unisex forename use, derived from Middle English pipere, meaning "pipe-player."
  58. PIPPA: Pet form of English Philippa, meaning "lover of horses." It is the feminine equivalent of masculine Pip.
  59. PIPRA: Esperanto name meaning "peppery."
  60. PIRI: Pet form of Hungarian Piroska, meaning "ancient."
  61. PIRITTA: Finnish form of Latin Brigitta, meaning "exalted one."
  62. PIRJO: Pet form of Finnish Piritta, meaning "exalted one."
  63. PIRKITTA: Finnish form of Scandinavian Birgitta, meaning "exalted one."
  64. PIRKKO: Pet form of Finnish Pirkitta, meaning "exalted one."
  65. PIROSKA: Hungarian form of Roman Latin Prisca, meaning "ancient."
  66. PIZKUNDE: Basque name meaning "resurrection."
  67. PLACIDA: Feminine form of Latin Placidus, meaning "calm, placid."
  68. PLACIDE: French form of Latin Placida, meaning "calm, placid."
  69. PLAISANCE: Old French name meaning "pleasant."
  70. PLEASANCE: English form of Old French Plaisance, meaning "pleasant."
  71. PLEASANT: English name derived from the vocabulary word, meaning simply "pleasant."
  72. PLÊIONÊ (Πλειόνη): Greek name meaning "more, plenty." In mythology, this is the name of the Okeanid nymph wife of Atlas.
  73. PLEIONE: Latin form of Greek Plêionê, meaning "more, plenty." In mythology, this is the name of the Okeanid nymph wife of Atlas.
  74. PNEUMA (Πνεῦμα): English name derived from Greek pneuma, meaning "breath," or, metaphorically, a non-material being or influence, i.e. "spirit."
  75. POCAHONTAS: Native American Algonquin name meaning "she is playful."
  76. PODARGE (Ποδαργη): Greek unisex name meaning "fleet-foot." In mythology, this is the name of several characters: 1) one of the Harpies who was the mother of Balius and Xanthus; 2) another name for the rainbow goddess Iris; and 3) it was Priam's birth name; he changed it after buying his life from Herakles.
  77. POLIKWAPTIWA: Native American Hopi name meaning "butterfly sitting on a flower."
  78. POLINA (Полина): Short form of Russian Apollinariya, meaning "of Apollo."
  79. POLLIE: Variant spelling of English Polly, meaning "obstinacy, rebelliousness" or "their rebellion." 
  80. POLLY: Alternate form of English Molly, "obstinacy, rebelliousness" or "their rebellion." The reason for the change from "M" to "P" is not known.
  81. POLLYANNA: English compound name composed of Polly "obstinate, rebellious" and Anna "favor, grace."
  82. POLOLENA: Hawaiian form of English/French Florence, meaning "blossoming."
  83. POLOMA: Native American Choctaw name meaning "bow."
  84. POLONA (Πολωνα): Short form of Greek Apollonia, meaning "of Apollo." 
  85. POLONIJA: Short form of Slovene Apolonija, meaning "of Apollo."
  86. POLYHYMNIA: Latin form of Greek Polymnia, meaning "very musical" or "many hymns."
  87. POLYMNIA (Πολύμνια): Greek name composed of the elements polys "much" and hymnos "hymn, song," hence "very musical" or "many hymns." In mythology, this is the name of the muse of dance and sacred hymns. 
  88. POLYXENA: Latin form of Greek Polyxene, meaning "very foreign" or "very hospitable (esp. to foreigners)." In mythology, this is the name of a daughter of Priam and Hecuba.
  89. POLYXENE (Πολυξένη): Greek name composed of the elements polys "much" and xenoi "hospitable (esp. to foreigners)," hence "very foreign" or "very hospitable (esp. to foreigners)." In mythology, this is the name of a daughter of Priam and Hecuba.
  90. POMONA: Roman name derived from Latin pomus, meaning "fruit tree." In mythology, this is the name of a goddess of fruit trees.
  91. POMPEIA: Feminine form of Roman Latin Pompeius, possibly meaning "display, solemn procession." 
  92. POORNIMA (पूर्णिमा): Variant spelling of Hindi Purnima, meaning "full moon."
  93. POPPY: English name derived from the flower name, from Latin papaver, which may be a reduplication of the base *pap-, meaning "to swell." 
  94. PORSCHE: German form of Roman Latin Porcius, meaning "pig." A moon of Uranus was given this name.
  95. PORTIA: English Shakespeare character name derived from Roman Latin Porcius, meaning "pig." A moon of Uranus was given this name.
  96. POSALA: Native American Miwok name meaning "farewell to spring flowers."
  97. POSEY: Variant spelling of English Posy, meaning both "bouquet, flower" and "(God) shall add (another son)."
  98. POSIE: Variant spelling of English Posy, meaning both "bouquet, flower" and "(God) shall add (another son)."
  99. POSY
    1. English name derived from the flower name which originally meant "a line of verse engraved on the inner surface of a ring," but later acquired the meaning "bouquet, flower."
    2. Pet form of English Josephine, meaning "(God) shall add (another son)." 
  100. POUNIG: Armenian name meaning "phoenix bird."
  101. POURASDAN: Armenian name meaning "flower garden."
  102. POUREGH: Armenian name meaning "crystal."
  103. POWAQA: Native American Hopi name meaning "witch."
  104. POZNE: Basque name meaning "happiness."
  105. PRAISE: English name derived from the vocabulary word, "praise," from Old French preisier, from Late Latin preciare, meaning "price," hence "to value."
  106. PRANVERA: Albanian name meaning "spring."
  107. PRAPION: Armenian name meaning "tube rose."
  108. PRASKOVIYA (Параскева): Russian form of Greek Paraskeve, meaning "preparation."
  109. PRATIBHA (प्रतिभा): Hindi name meaning "talented."
  110. PRATIMA (प्रतिमा): Hindi name meaning "idol, statue." 
  111. PREMA (प्रेमा): Feminine form of Hindi Prem, meaning "love."
  112. PRIMITIVA: Feminine form of Roman Latin Primitivus, meaning "first-formed."
  113. PRIMROSE: English name derived from the flower name, from Latin prima rosa, meaning "first rose." 
  114. PRIMULA: English name derived from Latin prima, meaning "first, prime."
  115. PRINCESS: English name derived from the title, itself from Old French princesse, a feminine form of Prince, meaning "chief, first."
  116. PRIS: English short form of Roman Latin Priscilla, meaning "ancient."
  117. PRISCA: Latin form of Greek Priska, meaning "ancient." In the bible, this is a name used in the New Testament to refer to Aquila's wife Priscilla. It is a feminine form of Roman Latin Priscus.
  118. PRISCILA: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Priscilla, meaning "ancient."
  119. PRISCILLA: Latin form of Greek Priskilla, meaning "ancient." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of Aquila's wife.
  120. PRISKA (Πρίσκα): Greek name meaning "ancient." In the bible, this is a name used in the New Testament to refer to Aquila's wife Priscilla
  121. PRISKILLA (Πρίσκιλλα): Pet form of Greek Priska, meaning "ancient." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of Aquila's wife.
  122. PRISSY: English pet form of Latin Priscilla, meaning "ancient."
  123. PRIYA (प्रिया): Hindi name meaning "beloved."
  124. PROCRIS: Latin form of Greek Prokris, possibly meaning either "dew" or "to condemn." In mythology, this is the name of the wife of Cephalus.
  125. PROKRIS (Πρόκρις): Greek name, possibly meaning either "dew" or "to condemn." In mythology, this is the name of the wife of Cephalus.
  126. PROSERPINA: Roman form of Greek Persephone ("person-slayer"), derived from Latin proserpere, meaning "to emerge." In mythology, this is the name of a daughter of Ceres and Jupiter
  127. PROSERPINE: Variant spelling of Roman Proserpina, meaning "to emerge."
  128. PRU: Short form of English Prudence "cautious" and Prunella "little prune."
  129. PRUDENCE: English form of Latin Prudentia, meaning "cautious." This is a virtue name popular with the Puritans. Some others are Charity, Chastity, Faith, Honor, and Hope.
  130. PRUDENCIA: Feminine form of Spanish Prudencio, meaning "cautious."
  131. PRUDENTIA: Feminine form of Latin Prudentius, meaning "cautious."
  132. PRUE: Short form of English Prudence "cautious" and Prunella "little prune."
  133. PRUNELLA: English name composed of Latin pruna "plum" and a diminutive suffix, hence "little prune."
  134. PRYDWEN: Arthurian legend name of King Arthur's ship in Culhwch and Olwen, meaning "fair face."
  135. PSYCHE: Latin form of Greek Psykhe, meaning "animating spirit." In mythology, this is the name of a mortal princess who was loved by Eros.
  136. PSYKHE (ψυχή): Greek name derived from the word psykhe ("soul, mind, spirit, breath, life"), meaning "animating spirit." In mythology, this is the name of a mortal princess who was loved by Eros.
  137. PTAYSANWEE: Native American Sioux name meaning "white buffalo."
  138. PTOLEMA: Feminine form of Greek Ptolemy, meaning "aggressive, warlike."
  139. PUENGI: Chamoru name meaning "night."
  140. PULES: Native American Algonquin name meaning "pigeon."
  141. PUNITA: Hindi name meaning "holy, pure."
  142. PURDIE: Pet form of English Perdita, meaning "lost."
  143. PURNIMA (पूर्णिमा): Hindi name meaning "full moon."
  144. PURVA: Hindi name meaning "east."
  145. PUSHPA (पुष्पा): Hindi name meaning "flower."

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