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  1. SAVVAS (Σάββας): Variant spelling of Greek Sabbas, meaning "Saturday, the Sabbath."
  2. SAWNEY: Pet form of Scottish Gaelic Alaisdair, meaning "defender of mankind."
  3. SAWYER: English occupational surname transferred to forename use, derived from Middle English saghier, meaning "to saw."
  4. SAWYL: Welsh form of Greek Saoul, meaning "heard of God," "his name is El," or "name of God."
  5. SAXON: From a medieval English name for someone "from Saxony." The Saxons were a Germanic tribe who got their name from the word seax, a kind of "single-edged knife." 
  6. SAYYID (سيّد): Arabic name meaning "lord, master."
  7. SCÆVOLA: Roman name derived from the Latin word scævus, meaning "left-handed."
  8. SCANLAN: Irish name meaning "scandal."
  9. SCANLON: Variant spelling of Irish Scanlan, meaning "scandal."
  10. SCEVOLA: Italian form of Roman Latin Scævola, meaning "left-handed."
  11. SCHUYLER: Dutch surname transferred to English unisex forename use, meaning "protection, shelter." 
  12. SCILTI: Welsh form of Irish Cailte, meaning "the thin man." In Culhwch and Olwen, this was the name of a messenger of Arthur's. 
  13. SCOT: Variant spelling of English Scott, meaning "Scotsman."
  14. SCOTT: Old English surname transferred to forename use, derived from a byname for a "Scotsman."
  15. SCOTTIE: Pet form of English Scott, meaning "Scotsman."
  16. SCOTTY: Variant spelling of English Scottie, meaning "Scotsman."
  17. SCULLY: Irish name meaning "herald." 
  18. : Short form of Irish Gaelic Séaghdha, possibly meaning "hawk-like."
  19. SEACHLAINN: Irish Gaelic form of Roman Latin Secundinus, meaning "second." 
  20. SEACHNALL: Older form of Irish Gaelic Seachlainn, meaning "second."
  21. SÉAFRA: Irish Gaelic form of English Geoffrey, probably meaning "God's peace." 
  22. SEAGHDH: Old Gaelic byname of uncertain derivation, possibly meaning "hawk-like." 
  23. SÉAGHDHA: Traditional Irish name derived from the Gaelic byname Seaghdh, possibly meaning "hawk-like."
  24. SÉAMAS: Modern form of Irish Gaelic Séamus, meaning "supplanter."
  25. SEAMOUR: Variant spelling of English Seymour, meaning "St. Maurus."
  26. SÉAMUS: Irish Gaelic form of Latin Jacomus, meaning "supplanter."
  27. SEÁN: Irish Gaelic form of French Jean (English John), meaning "God is gracious."
  28. SEAN: Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Seán, meaning "God is gracious."
  29. SEANÁN: Irish name composed of the Gaelic word sean "old, wise" and a diminutive suffix, hence "little wise one."
  30. SÉARLAS: Irish Gaelic form of English/French Charles, meaning "man."
  31. SEASNÁN: Variant spelling of Gaelic Seastnán, meaning "bodyguard."
  32. SEASTNÁN: Old Gaelic name derived from the word seasuighim ("to defend; to resist"), hence "bodyguard."
  33. SEBASTIAAN: Dutch form of Latin Sebastianus, meaning "from Sebaste."
  34. SEBASTIÁN: Spanish form of Latin Sebastianus, meaning "from Sebaste."
  35. SEBASTIAN: English form of French Sébastien, meaning "from Sebaste," a town in Asia Minor. 
  36. SEBASTIANO: Italian form of Latin Sebastianus, meaning "from Sebaste."
  37. SEBASTIANOS (Σεβαστιανός): Greek name meaning "from Sebaste," a city in Pontus named after Augustus Cæsar (from Greek sebastos "venerable").
  38. SEBASTIANUS: Latin form of Greek Sebastianos, meaning "from Sebaste," a town in Asia Minor. 
  39. SÉBASTIEN: French form of Latin Sebastianus, meaning "from Sebaste."
  40. SEBASTIJAN: Slovene form of Greek Sebastianos, meaning "from Sebaste."
  41. SEBASTJAN: Slovene form of Greek Sebastianos, meaning "from Sebaste."
  42. SEBASTYÉN: Hungarian form of Greek Sebastianos, meaning "from Sebaste."
  43. SEBESTYJAN: Polish form of Greek Sebastianos, meaning "from Sebaste."
  44. SEBOUH: Armenian name meaning "noble."
  45. SECHNALL: Irish form of Roman Latin Secundinus, meaning "second."
  46. SECUNDINUS: Roman family name derived from Latin Secundus, meaning "second."
  47. SECUNDUS: Roman Latin name meaning "second."
  48. SEFF (סֶעף): Variant spelling of Yiddish Zeff, meaning "wolf."
  49. SEFTON: English surname transferred to forename use, from a place name composed of Old Norse sef "rush" and Old English run "enclosure, settlement," hence "rush settlement."
  50. SEFU: Egyptian name meaning "sword."
  51. SEGENAM: Native American Algonquin name meaning "lazy."
  52. SEIICHI (精一): Japanese name meaning "refined first (son)."
  53. SEIJI (精二): Japanese name meaning "refined second (son)."
  54. SEILENOS (Σειληνός): Greek name meaning "moving to-and-fro in the wine trough." In mythology, this is the name of the teacher and companion of the wine-god Dionysus.
  55. SEIR: Anglicized form of Hebrew Seiyr, meaning "hairy, rough." In the bible, this is the name of several place, and the name of a patriarch of the Horites.
  56. SEIYR (שֵׂעִיר): Hebrew name meaning "hairy, rough." In the bible, this is the name of several place, and the name of a patriarch of the Horites.
  57. SEISSYLT: Welsh name derived from Latin Sextilius, meaning "sixth." 
  58. SEKANI: Egyptian name meaning "laughs."
  59. SEKAR (शेखर): Hindi name meaning "crest, peak."
  60. SEKEL: Pet form of Yiddish Eizik, meaning "he will laugh." 
  61. SELA (סֶלַע): Anglicized form of Hebrew Cela, meaning "a rock." In the Old Testament bible, this is the name of the capital city of Edom, possibly an early name for Petra. In use as a unisex name.
  62. SELAH: Anglicized form of Hebrew Cela, meaning "a rock." In the Old Testament bible, this is the name of the capital city of Edom, possibly an early name for Petra. In use as a unisex name.
  63. SELBY: English surname transferred to unisex forename use, derived from a place name composed of the Old Norse elements selja "willow" and býr "farm, settlement," hence "willow settlement."
  64. SELEUCUS: Latin form of Greek Seleukos, possibly meaning "to be bright or white." This was the name one of Alexander the Great's generals. His surname was Nicator, meaning "the conqueror."
  65. SELEUKOS (Σέλευκος): Greek name of uncertain etymology, possibly from the Greek word leukos ("bright, white"), hence "to be bright or white." This was the name one of Alexander the Great's generals. His surname was Nicator, meaning "the conqueror."
  66. SELIG (סֶעלִיג): Yiddish name meaning "happy."
  67. SELIM (سليم): Turkish form of Arabic Salim, meaning "safe."
  68. SELWYN: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the Old English elements sele "manor" and wine "friend," hence "manor-friend."
  69. SELYF: Welsh form of Greek Solomōn, meaning "peaceable." 
  70. SEM: Dutch form of Hebrew Shem, meaning "mark, name, signature, stigma."
  71. SEME: Basque name meaning "son."
  72. SEMEN: Variant spelling of Basque Xemen, meaning "hearkening."
  73. SEMNI: Egyptian name meaning "to establish oneself."
  74. SEMYON (Семён): Russian form of Greek Symeon, meaning "hearkening."
  75. SENAN: Variant spelling of Irish Seanán, meaning "little wise one."
  76. SENDER (סֶנְדֶר): Yiddish form of English Alexander, meaning "defender of mankind."
  77. SENDOA: Basque name meaning "strong."
  78. SENECA: Roman name derived from the Latin word senectus, meaning "old."
  79. SENNACHERIB: Anglicized form of Hebrew Cancheriyb, meaning "Sin (the moon god) has taken the place of brothers to me." In the bible, this is the name of a king of Assyria, son of Sargon II.
  80. SEOC: Scottish Gaelic form of French Jacques (English Jack), meaning "God is gracious."
  81. SEOIRSE: Irish form of Greek Georgios, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."
  82. SEÒRAS: Scottish form of Greek Georgios, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."
  83. SEÒSAIDH: Scottish Gaelic form of Greek Ioseph, meaning "(God) shall add (another son)." 
  84. SEOSAMH: Irish Gaelic form of Greek Ioseph, meaning "(God) shall add (another son)." 
  85. SEPI: Finnish pet form of Greek Sebastianos, meaning "from Sebaste," a town in Asia Minor. 
  86. SEPP: German form of Latin Josephus, meaning "(God) shall add (another son)." 
  87. SEPPEL: Pet form of German Sepp, meaning "(God) shall add (another son)." 
  88. SEPPO: Finnish myth name of a smith god, meaning "smith."
  89. SEPTEMBER: English unisex name derived from the month name, which was originally the seventh month of the Roman year, meaning "seventh."
  90. SEPTIMUS: Roman Latin name meaning "seventh."
  91. SERAFEIM (Σεραφείμ): Greek form of Hebrew Saraph, meaning "burning one" or "serpent."
  92. SERAFIM (Серафим): Russian form of Greek Serafeim, meaning "burning one" or "serpent."
  93. SERAFIN: Polish form of Greek Serafeim, meaning "burning one" or "serpent."
  94. SERAFINO: Italian form of Latin Seraphinus, meaning "burning one" or "serpent."
  95. SÉRAPHIN: French form of Latin Seraphinus, meaning "burning one" or "serpent."
  96. SERAPHINUS: Late Latin form of Hebrew Saraph, meaning "burning one" or "serpent." In the bible, this is the name of an order of six-winged angels mentioned in Isaiah 6:2.
  97. SERENA: Chamoru name meaning "sunlight; sunshine." 
  98. SERGE: French form of Latin Sergius, possibly meaning "sergeant." 
  99. SERGEI (Сергей): Russian form of Greek Sergios, possibly meaning "sergeant." 
  100. SERGEJ: Variant spelling of Russian Sergei, possibly meaning "sergeant." 
  101. SERGEY: Variant spelling of Russian Sergei, possibly meaning "sergeant."
  102. SERGHEI: Romanian form of Greek Sergios, possibly meaning "sergeant."
  103. SERGIO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Sergius, possibly meaning "sergeant."
  104. SERGIOS (Σέργιος): Greek form of Latin Sergius, possibly meaning "sergeant."
  105. SERGIU: Variant form of Romanian Serghei, possibly meaning "sergeant."
  106. SERGIUS: Roman Latin family name, possibly sharing the same etymology as "sergeant." Originally, a sergeant was a military servant whose duty it was to enforce judgments of a tribunal. 
  107. SERGIUSZ: Polish form of Greek Sergios, possibly meaning "sergeant."
  108. SERHAT: Turkish name meaning "frontier."
  109. SERIK: Kazakh name meaning "support."
  110. SERKAN: Turkish name meaning "blood head."
  111. SERVIUS: Roman name derived from the Latin word servo, meaning "to preserve."
  112. SESTO: Italian form of Roman Latin Sextus, meaning "sixth."
  113. SET: Another form of Egyptian Sutekh, possibly meaning "one who dazzles." In mythology, this is the name of an ancient evil god of Chaos, storms, and the desert, who slew Osiris
  114. SETH (Greek 1-Σεθ, 2-Σήθ, Hindi: सेठ):
    1. Anglicized form of Hebrew Sheth, meaning "buttocks." In the bible, this is the name of the third son of Adam and Eve.
    2. (1) Greek form of Egyptian Set, possibly meaning "one who dazzles." In mythology, this is the name of an ancient evil god of Chaos, storms, and the desert, who slew Osiris
    3. (2) Greek form of Hebrew Sheth ("buttocks"), meaning "appointed." In the bible, this is the name of the third son of Adam and Eve.
    4. Hindi name derived from the Sanskrit word setu, meaning "bridge."
  115. SETHI (Σήθι): Greek form of Egyptian Seti, meaning "of Seth." 
  116. SETHOS (Σήθος): Greek form of Egyptian Sutekh, possibly meaning "one who dazzles." In mythology, this is the name of an ancient evil god of Chaos, storms, and the desert, who slew Osiris
  117. SETI: Egyptian name meaning "of Seth."
  118. SETTIMIO: Italian form of Roman Latin Septimus, meaning "seventh."
  119. SEUMAS: Scottish Gaelic form of Latin Jacomus, meaning "supplanter."
  120. SEVAG: Armenian name meaning "black-eyed."
  121. SEVAN: Armenian unisex name derived from a lake name of unknown meaning.
  122. SEVASTIAN (Севастьян): Russian form of Greek Sebastianos, meaning "from Sebaste," a town in Asia Minor. 
  123. SEVASTYAN: Variant spelling of Russian Sevastian, meaning "from Sebaste."
  124. SEVE: Spanish pet form of Italian/Spanish Severiano and Severino, both meaning "stern."
  125. SÉVÈRE: French form of Roman Latin Severus, meaning "stern."
  126. SEVERI: Finnish form of Roman Latin Severus, meaning "stern."
  127. SEVERIANO: Italian and Spanish form of Roman Latin Severianus, meaning "stern."
  128. SEVERIANUS: Derived from Roman Latin Severus, meaning "stern."
  129. SÉVERIN: French form of Roman Latin Severinus, meaning "stern."
  130. SEVERIN: German and Scandinavian form of Roman Latin Severinus, meaning "stern."
  131. SEVERINO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Severinus, meaning "stern."
  132. SEVERINUS: Derived from Roman Latin Severus, meaning "stern."
  133. SEVERO: Italian and Spanish form of Roman Latin Severus, meaning "stern."
  134. SEVERUS: Roman name derived from the Latin word severus, meaning "stern."
  135. SEWARD: English surname transferred to forename use, from a Middle English form of Anglo-Saxon Siweard, meaning "sea guard." 
  136. SEWATI: Native American Miwok name meaning "curved bear claw."
  137. SEWERYN: Polish form of Roman Latin Severinus, meaning "stern."
  138. SEXTILIUS: A derivative of Roman Latin Sextus, meaning "sixth."
  139. SEXTUS: Roman name derived from Latin sextus, meaning "sixth."
  140. SEYMOUR: English surname transferred to forename use, from the Norman baronial name Saint-Maur, meaning "St. Maurus."
  141. SGÀIRE: Scottish Gaelic form of the Old Norse byname Skári, meaning "sea-mew," another name for the common seagull.
  142. SHABAT: Variant spelling of Hebrew Shabbath, meaning "rest, Sabbath."
  143. SHABBATH (שַׁבָּת): Hebrew name meaning "rest, Sabbath." In the Old Testament bible, this is the name of the seventh day of the week, a day of rest.
  144. SHACHAR (שַׁחַר): Hebrew unisex name meaning "dawn" or "morning."
  145. SHAD (Arabic: شاد): 
    1. Arabic name meaning "happy." 
    2. Variant spelling of English Chad, possibly meaning "battle."
  146. SHADI (Arabic: شادي, Persian: شادی): Compare with feminine Shadi.
    1. Arabic name meaning "singer."
    2. Persian name meaning "happiness."
  147. SHADRACH (שַׁדְרַךְ): Hebrew name meaning "little friend of the king" or "rejoicing in the way." In the bible, this is a name given to Hananiah in the court of Babylon."
  148. SHAFAQAT (شفقت): Arabic unisex name meaning "compassion."
  149. SHAFIQ (شفيق): Arabic name meaning "compassionate."
  150. SHAHAN: Armenian name meaning "profit-maker."

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