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Male Spanish Names

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  1. RAYMUNDO: Portuguese and Spanish form of German Raginmund, meaning "wise protector."
  2. RÉGULO: Spanish form of Roman Latin Regulus, meaning "ruler."
  3. REINALDO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Reginaldus, meaning "wise ruler."
  4. REMIGIO: Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish form of Roman Latin Remigius, meaning "oarsman."
  5. RENATO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Renatus, meaning "reborn."
  6. REYES: Spanish religious name meaning "kings," given in reference to the Magi who visited the baby Jesus.
  7. REYNALDO: Spanish form of Latin Reynaldus, meaning "wise ruler."
  8. RICARDO: Spanish form of Latin Ricardus, meaning "powerful ruler."
  9. RICO: Contracted form of Spanish Ricardo, meaning "powerful ruler." Compare with another form of Rico.
  10. ROBERTO: Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish form of Latin Robertus, meaning "bright fame."
  11. RODOLFO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Rudolphus, meaning "famous wolf."
  12. RODRIGO: Spanish and Portuguese form of Old High German Hrodric, meaning "famous power."
  13. ROGELIO: Spanish form of Latin Rogelius, possibly meaning "prayed for, wished for."
  14. ROGERIO: Spanish form of Latin Rogerius, meaning "famous spear." 
  15. ROLANDO: Spanish form of Latin Orlandus, meaning "famous land." 
  16. ROLDÁN: Spanish form of Latin Orlandus, meaning "famous land." 
  17. ROMÁN: Spanish form of Latin Romanus, meaning "Roman."
  18. ROQUE: Portuguese and Spanish form of Italian Rocco, meaning "rest."
  19. ROSARIO: Spanish unisex name derived from one of the Virgin Mary's titles: Nuestra Señora del Rosario ("Our Lady of the Rosary"), hence "rosary."
  20. RUBÉN: Spanish form of Hebrew Reuwben, meaning "behold, a son!" 
  21. RUFINO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Rufinus, meaning "red-haired."
  22. RUPERTO: Spanish form of Latin Robertus, meaning "bright fame."
  23. RUY: Spanish pet form of Portuguese/Spanish Rodrigo, meaning "famous power."
  24. SABAS: Spanish form of Arabic Saba, meaning "ole man."
  25. SAL: Short form of Spanish Salvador, meaning "savior." Compare with feminine Sal.
  26. SALOMÓN: Spanish form of Latin Salomon, meaning "peaceable."
  27. SALVADOR: Spanish name derived from Latin Salvator, meaning "savior."
  28. SANCHO: Spanish form of Latin Sanctius, meaning "holy."
  29. SANDALIO: Spanish form of Latin Sandalius, meaning "true wolf."
  30. SANS: Medieval form of Spanish Sancho, meaning "holy."
  31. SANTIAGO: Spanish name composed of the word santo "saint" and the name Iago, hence "saint Iago."
  32. SANTOS: Portuguese and Spanish name meaning "saints." This name is sometimes bestowed on a child to invoke the protection of the saints. It is also given to baby boys born on the Feast of All Saints.
  33. SATURNINO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Saturninus, possibly meaning "to sow."
  34. SAULO: Spanish form of Latin Saul, meaning "asked for, desired."
  35. SEBASTIÁN: Spanish form of Latin Sebastianus, meaning "from Sebaste."
  36. SERGIO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Sergius, possibly meaning "sergeant."
  37. SEVE: Spanish pet form of Italian/Spanish Severiano and Severino, both meaning "stern."
  38. SEVERIANO: Italian and Spanish form of Roman Latin Severianus, meaning "stern."
  39. SEVERINO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Severinus, meaning "stern."
  40. SEVERO: Italian and Spanish form of Roman Latin Severus, meaning "stern."
  41. SILVESTRE: Spanish form of Latin Silvester, meaning "from the forest."
  42. SILVIO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Silvius, meaning "from the forest." 
  43. SIMÓN: Spanish form of Hebrew Shimown, meaning "hearkening."
  44. SOFRONIO: Spanish form of Latin Sophronius, meaning "self-controlled."
  45. SOSIMO: Spanish form of Latin Zosimus, meaning "likely to survive; survivor."
  46. TACITO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Tacitus, meaning "mute, silent."
  47. TADEO: Spanish form of Latin Thaddaeus, meaning "courageous, large-hearted."
  48. TEOBALDO: Basque, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Theobaldus, meaning "people-bold."
  49. TEODORO: Italian and Spanish form of Latin Theodorus, meaning "gift of God."
  50. TEODOSIO: Italian and Spanish form of Latin Theodosius, meaning "god-giving."
  51. TEÓDULO: Spanish form of Latin Theodulus, meaning "god-slave."
  52. TEÓFILO: Spanish form of Latin Theophilus, meaning "friend of God."
  53. TERCERO: Spanish name meaning "third."
  54. TIBURCIO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Tiburtius, meaning "of the Tiber (river)."
  55. TIMOTEO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Timotheus, meaning "to honor God."
  56. TITO: Italian and Spanish form of Roman Latin Titus, meaning "fire; to burn" or "straining."
  57. TOMÁS: Spanish form of Greek Thōmas, meaning "twin." Compare with another form of Tomás.
  58. TONIO: Pet form of Italian/Spanish Antonio, possibly meaning "invaluable." 
  59. TOÑO: Spanish pet form of Italian/Spanish Antonio, possibly meaning "invaluable." 
  60. TRINIDAD: Spanish unisex name meaning "trinity."
  61. TRISTÁN: Spanish form of French Tristan, probably meaning "riot, tumult."
  62. ULISES: Spanish form of Latin Ulixes, probably meaning "to be angry, to hate."
  63. URBANO: Italian and Spanish form of Roman Latin Urbanus, meaning "of the city."
  64. VALENTÍN: Spanish form of Latin Valentinus, meaning "healthy, strong."
  65. VALERIANO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Valerianus, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong."
  66. VALERIO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Valerius, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong." 
  67. VASCO: Contracted form of Spanish Velasco, meaning "crow."
  68. VELASCO: Medieval Spanish name derived from the surname Velázquez, meaning "crow."
  69. VENCESLÁS: Spanish form of Middle Latin Venceslaus, meaning "more glory." 
  70. VICENTE: Spanish form of Latin Vincentius, meaning "conquering."
  71. VÍCTOR: Spanish form of Roman Latin Victor, meaning "conqueror."
  72. VICTORINO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Victorinus, meaning "conqueror."
  73. VIDAL: Spanish form of Roman Latin Vitalis, meaning "of life; vital."
  74. VINCENÇ: Catalan-Spanish form of Latin Vincentius, meaning "conquering."
  75. VINICIO: Italian and Spanish form of Roman Latin Vinicius, meaning "vine."
  76. VIRGILIO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Virgilius, possibly meaning "flourishing." 
  77. VITO: Italian and Spanish form of Roman Latin Vitus, meaning "life."
  78. WILFREDO: Spanish form of German Wilfried, meaning "desires peace." 
  79. XIMEN: Spanish form of Basque Ximun, meaning "hearkening." 
  80. XIMENEZ: Mexican form of Spanish Ximen, meaning "hearkening." 
  81. ZACARÍAS: Spanish form of Hebrew Zekaryah, meaning "whom Jehovah remembered."

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