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Male Russian Names

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  1. KHARITON (Харито́н): Russian form of Greek Chariton, meaning "grace, kindness."
  2. KIR (Ки́р): Russian name meaning "master, ruler."
  3. KIRILL (Кири́лл): Russian form of English Cyril, meaning "lord."
  4. KLAVDII (Клавдии): Russian form of Greek Klaudios, meaning "lame."
  5. KLIMENT (Климент): Russian form of Greek Klementos, meaning "gentle and merciful."
  6. KOLDAN (Колдан): Russian name meaning "sting."
  7. KOLMOGOROV (Колмогоров): Russian name meaning "hill."
  8. KOLODA (Колода): Russian name meaning "log."
  9. KOLODKA (Колодка): Diminutive form of Russian Koloda ("log"), hence "little log."
  10. KOLYA (Коля): Pet form of Russian Nikolai, meaning "victor of the people."
  11. KOLZAK (Колзак): Russian name meaning "slippery."
  12. KONSTANTIN (Константин): Russian form of Roman Latin Constantine, meaning "steadfast." Compare with other forms of Konstantin.
  13. KOSTYA (Костя): Pet form of Russian Konstantin, meaning "steadfast."
  14. KUZMA (Кузьма): Russian form of Greek Kosmos, meaning "beauty, order."
  15. LAVRENTII (Лаврентий): Variant spelling of Russian Lavrentiy, meaning "of Laurentum."
  16. LAVRENTIY (Лаврентий): Russian form of Roman Latin Laurentius, meaning "of Laurentum."
  17. LAVRENTY: Variant spelling of Russian Lavrentiy, meaning "of Laurentum."
  18. LAZAR (Russian: Ла́зарь, Serbian: Лазар): Russian and Serbian form of Latin Lazarus, meaning "my God has helped."
  19. LEONID (Леонид): Russian form of Greek Leonidas, meaning "lion's son."
  20. LEONTII: Variant spelling of Russian Leontiy, meaning "lion-like."
  21. LEONTIY (Леонтий): Russian form of Latin Leontius, meaning "lion-like."
  22. LEONTY: Variant spelling of Russian Leontiy, meaning "lion-like."
  23. LEV: Yiddish name meaning "lion." In use by the Russians. Compare with other forms of Lev.
  24. LUDMIL (Russian: Лудмил): Czech and Russian name composed of the Slavic elements lud "people, tribe" and mil "favor, grace," hence "people's favor." 
  25. LUKA: Hawaiian and Russian form of Greek Loukas, meaning "from Lucania."
  26. LYOV: Variant spelling of Russian Lev, meaning "lion."
  27. MAKAR (Макар): Short form of Russian Makariy, meaning "blessed."
  28. MAKARI: Variant spelling of Russian Makariy, meaning "blessed."
  29. MAKARIY (Макарий): Russian form of Greek Makarios, meaning "blessed."
  30. MAKSIM (Максим): Russian name derived from Greek Maksimos, meaning "the greatest." Compare with another form of Maksim.
  31. MAKSIMILIAN (Максимилиа́н): Russian form of Latin Maximilian, meaning "the greatest rival."
  32. MARLEN (Марлен): Russian name created by blending the names Marx and Lenin. Compare with another form of Marlen.
  33. MATVEI: Variant spelling of Russian Matvey, meaning "gift of God."
  34. MATVEY (Матвей): Russian form of Greek Mattathias, meaning "gift of God."
  35. MAXIM (Максим): Variant spelling of Russian Maksim, meaning "the greatest." Compare with another form of Maxim.
  36. MEFODIY (Мефодий): Russian form of Latin Methodius, meaning "method."
  37. MELOR (Мэлор): Modern Russian name composed of the first letter of each of the following: Marx, Engels, Lenin, October, Revolution.
  38. MIKHAIL (Михаи́л): Russian form of Greek Michaēl, meaning "who is like God?"
  39. MIRON (Мирон): Russian form of Greek Myron, meaning "myrrh."
  40. MISHA (Миша): Pet form of Russian Mikhail, meaning "who is like God?"
  41. MITROFAN (Мітрафан): Russian form of Greek Metrophanes, meaning "mother-appearing," probably in the sense "resembles the mother."
  42. MITYA (Митя): Pet form of Russian Dmitri, meaning "loves the earth."
  43. MODEST (Модест): Russian form of Roman Latin Modestus, meaning "moderate, sober."
  44. MODYA (Модя): Pet form of Russian Modest, meaning "moderate, sober."
  45. MOTYA (Мотя): Pet form of Russian Matvey, meaning "gift of God." 
  46. NAUM (Наум): Russian form of Hebrew Nachuwm, meaning "comfort."
  47. NAZAR (Назар): Russian form of Latin Nazarius, meaning "of Nazareth." Compare with another form of Nazar.
  48. NAZARIY (Назарий): Russian form of Greek Nazoraios, meaning "of Nazareth."
  49. NIKIFOR (Cyrillic: Никифор): Bulgarian, Polish and Russian masculine form of Greek unisex Nikephoros, meaning "victory-bearer."
  50. NIKITA (Никита): Russian form of Greek Aniketos, meaning "unconquerable."
  51. NIKODIM (Никоди́м): Russian form of Greek Nikodemos, meaning "victory of the people."
  52. NIKOLAI (Никола́й): Russian form of Greek Nikolaos, meaning "victor of the people." 
  53. OLEG (Олег): Russian form of Scandinavian Helge, meaning "dedicated to the gods; holy."
  54. ONISIM (Онисим): Russian form of Greek Onesimos, meaning "profitable, useful."
  55. OSIP (Осип): Russian form of Greek Ioseph, meaning "(God) shall add (another son)."
  56. PANKRATI: Variant spelling of Russian Pankratiy, meaning "all power." 
  57. PANKRATII: Variant spelling of Russian Pankratiy, meaning "all power." 
  58. PANKRATIY (Панкратий): Russian form of Greek Pankratios, meaning "all power."
  59. PASHA (Паша): Russian pet form of Czech/Russian Pavel, meaning "small."
  60. PATYA (Патя): Pet form of Russian Ipati, meaning "most high, supreme." 
  61. PAVEL (Павел): Czech and Russian form of Greek Pavlos, meaning "small."
  62. PETYA (Петя): Pet form of Russian Pyotr, meaning "rock, stone."
  63. PROKHOR (Прохор): Russian form of Greek Prochoros, meaning "leader of the dance."
  64. PROKOPIY (Прокопий): Russian form of Greek Prokopios, meaning "advance, progress."
  65. PROKOPY: Variant spelling of Russian Prokopiy, meaning "advance, progress."
  66. PYOTR (Пётр): Russian form of Greek Petros, meaning "rock, stone."
  67. RADOMIL (Russian: Радомил):  Czech and Russian form of Polish Radomił, meaning "happy favor."
  68. RODION (Родион): Russian form of Greek Herodion, meaning "sprung from a hero."
  69. RODYA (Родя): Pet form of Russian Rodion, meaning "sprung from a hero."
  70. ROLAN (Ролан): Russian form of German Hrodland, meaning "famous land." 
  71. ROMAN (Роман): Russian name derived from Latin Romanus, meaning "Roman." Compare with other forms of Roman.
  72. ROSTISLAV (Russian: Ростислав): Czech and Russian name composed of the Slavic elements rosts "usurp" and slav "glory," hence "usurp-glory."
  73. ROSTYA (Рося): Russian pet form of Czech/Russian Rostislav, meaning "usurp-glory."
  74. RURIK (Рюрик): Russian form of Old High German Hrodric, meaning "famous power."
  75. SAMUIL (Самуил): Bulgarian and Russian form of Greek Samouel, meaning "heard of God," "his name is El," or "name of God."
  76. SASHA (Саша): Unisex pet form of Russian Aleksandr and Aleksandra, both meaning "defender of mankind." 
  77. SASHURA (Сашура): Unisex pet form of Russian Aleksandr and Aleksandra, both meaning "defender of mankind." 
  78. SAVELI: Variant spelling of Russian Saveliy, meaning "Sabine; a follower of another religion."
  79. SAVELIY (Саве́лий): Russian name meaning "Sabine; a follower of another religion."
  80. SAVELY: Variant spelling of Russian Saveliy, meaning "Sabine; a follower of another religion."
  81. SAVIN (Савин): Russian form of Roman Latin Sabinus, meaning "Sabine; a follower of another religion." 
  82. SAVVA (Савве): Russian form of Spanish Sabas, meaning "old man."
  83. SEMYON (Семён): Russian form of Greek Symeon, meaning "hearkening."
  84. SERAFIM (Серафим): Russian form of Greek Serafeim, meaning "burning one" or "serpent."
  85. SERGEI (Сергей): Russian form of Greek Sergios, possibly meaning "sergeant." 
  86. SERGEJ: Variant spelling of Russian Sergei, possibly meaning "sergeant." 
  87. SERGEY: Variant spelling of Russian Sergei, possibly meaning "sergeant."
  88. SEVASTIAN (Севастьян): Russian form of Greek Sebastianos, meaning "from Sebaste," a town in Asia Minor. 
  89. SEVASTYAN: Variant spelling of Russian Sevastian, meaning "from Sebaste."
  90. SHURA (Шура): Short form of Russian unisex Sashura, meaning "defender of mankind." Compare with strictly feminine Shura.
  91. SIMON: Greek byname derived from the word simós, meaning "flat- or snub-nosed." In use by the Russians. 
  92. SLAVA (Слава): Russian unisex name meaning "glory."
  93. SPIRIDON (Спиридон): Russian form of Greek Spyridon, meaning "spirit." 
  94. STANISLAV (Станислав): Slavic name composed of the elements stan "government" and slav "glory," hence "glorious government." In use by the Bulgarians, Czechs, Croatians, Russians, Serbians, Slovaks, Slovenes, and Ukrainians.
  95. STAS (Стас): Russian pet form of Slavic Stanislav, meaning "glorious government."
  96. STEFAN (Стефан): Russian form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown." Compare with other forms of Stefan.
  97. STEPAN (Степан): Russian form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown." Compare with another form of Stepan.
  98. SVYATOPOLK (Святополк): Russian name composed of the Slavic elements svyanto "blessed, holy" and polk "people," hence "blessed people."
  99. SVYATOSLAV (Святослав): Russian name composed of the Slavic elements svyanto "blessed, holy" and slav "glory," hence "blessed glory."
  100. TARAS (Greek: Τάρας, Cyrillic: Тарас): Greek myth name of a son of Poseid�n by the nymph Satyrion, of uncertain origin, possibly from the Indo-European root *ter-, meaning "to cross, to transgress," hence "mutineer, rebel." In use by the Russians and Ukrainians.
  101. TERENTI (Терентий): Russian name derived from Greek Terentios, possibly meaning "rub, turn, twist." 
  102. TIKHON (Тихон): Russian form of Greek Tychon, meaning "hitting the mark."
  103. TIMOFEI (Russian: Тимофе́й): Finnish and Russian form of Greek Timotheos, meaning "to honor God."
  104. TIMOFEY (Тимофе́й): Variant spelling of Russian Timofiy, meaning "to honor God."
  105. TIMOFIY (Тимофій): Russian and Ukrainian form of Greek Timotheos, meaning "to honor God."
  106. TIMOUR: Variant spelling of Russian Timur, meaning "iron."
  107. TIMUR (Тиму́р): Russian name derived from the Turkish word for "iron."
  108. TIT (Тит): Russian form of Roman Latin Titus, meaning "fire; to burn" or "straining."
  109. TOMA (Тома): Croatian, Bulgarian and Russian form of Greek Thōmas (Aramaic Tau'ma), meaning "twin." Compare with feminine Toma.
  110. VADIM (pronounced vuh-DEEM): A rare Russian name which some etymologists believe must have its root in Slavic vadit or vedet, meaning "to know," because pagan magicians were called veduny, "the knowing ones." 
  111. VALERI: Variant spelling of Russian Valeriy, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong." 
  112. VALERII: Variant spelling of Russian Valeriy, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong." 
  113. VALERIY (Валерий): Russian form of Roman Latin Valerius, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong." 
  114. VALERY: Variant spelling of Russian Valeriy, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong." 
  115. VANJA (Ваня): Variant spelling of Russian Vanya, a pet form of Ivan, meaning "God is gracious." 
  116. VANYA (Ваня): Pet form of Russian Ivan, meaning "God is gracious." 
  117. VARFOLOMEI (Варфоломей): Russian form of Greek Bartholomaios, meaning "son of Talmai."
  118. VARFOLOMEY: Variant spelling of Russian Varfolomei, meaning "son of Talmai."
  119. VARNAVA (Варнава): Russian form of Greek Barnabas, meaning "son of exhortation." 
  120. VASILI: Variant spelling of Russian Vasiliy, meaning "king."
  121. VASILIY (Василий): Russian form of Greek Vasilios, meaning "king."
  122. VASILY: Variant spelling of Russian Vasiliy, meaning "king."
  123. VASSILY: Variant spelling of Russian Vasiliy, meaning "king."
  124. VASYA (Вася): Pet form of Russian Vasiliy, meaning "king."
  125. VENEDIKT (Венедикт): Russian form of Greek Benediktos, meaning "blessed." 
  126. VENIAMIN (Вениамин): Russian form of Greek Beniamín, meaning "son of the right hand."
  127. VENYAMIN: Variant spelling of Russian Veniamin, meaning "son of the right hand."
  128. VIKENTI: Variant spelling of Russian Vikentiy, meaning "conquering."
  129. VIKENTIY (Викентий): Russian form of Latin Vincentius, meaning "conquering."
  130. VIKTOR (Cyrillic: Виктор): Slavic form of Roman Latin Victor, meaning "conqueror." In use by the Bulgarians, Russians and Serbians. Compare with another form of Viktor.
  131. VITALI: Variant spelling of Russian Vitaliy, meaning "of life; vital."
  132. VITALIY (Виталий): Russian form of Roman Latin Vitalis, meaning "of life; vital."
  133. VITALY: Variant spelling of Russian Vitaliy, meaning "of life; vital."
  134. VITYA (Витя): Pet form of Russian Vitaliy, meaning "of life; vital."
  135. VLAD (Влад): Russian short form of Slavic names containing the element volod, meaning "ruler."
  136. VLADIMIR (Cyrillic: Влади́мир): Slavic name composed of the elements volod "to rule" and mir "peace," hence "peaceful ruler." In use by the Bulgarians, Croatians, Russians and Serbians.
  137. VLADISLAV (Cyrillic: Владислав): Slavic name composed of the elements vlado "to rule" and slav "glory," hence "rules with glory." In use by the Bulgarians, Russians and Serbians.
  138. VLASII (Власий): Variant spelling of Russian Vlasiy, meaning "talks with a lisp." 
  139. VLASIY (Власий): Russian form of Greek Vlasios, meaning "talks with a lisp." 
  140. VOLYA (Воля): Russian pet form of Slavic Vladimir, meaning "peaceful ruler."
  141. VOVA (Вова): Russian pet form of Slavic Vladimir, meaning "peaceful ruler." Compare with feminine Vova.
  142. VSEVOLOD (Всеволод): Russian name composed of the Slavic elements vse "all" and volod "rule," hence "all-ruler."
  143. VYACHESLAV (Вячеслав): Russian form of Latin Wenceslaus, meaning "more glory." 
  144. YAKIM (Яким): Russian form of Hebrew Yehoyakim, meaning "Jehovah raises up."
  145. YAKOV (Яков): Russian form of Greek Iakob, meaning "supplanter."
  146. YAROMIR (Яромир): Russian form of Polish Jaromir, meaning "spring peace."
  147. YAROPOLK (Ярополк): Russian form of Polish Jaropełk, meaning "spring people."
  148. YAROSLAV (Ярослав): Russian form of Polish Jarosław, meaning "spring glory."
  149. YASHA (Яша): Pet form of Russian Yakov, meaning "supplanter."
  150. YEFIM (Ефим): Russian form of Latin Euphemius, meaning "Well I speak."
  151. YEFREM (Ефрем): Russian form of Hebrew Ephrayim, meaning "fruitful." 
  152. YEGOR (Егор): Russian form of Greek Georgios, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."
  153. YEMELYAN (Емельян): Russian form of Latin Æmilianus, meaning "rival."
  154. YERMOLAI (Ермолай): Russian form of Greek Hermolaos, meaning "people of Hermes."
  155. YEVGENI: Variant spelling of Russian Yevgeniy, meaning "well born." 
  156. YEVGENIY (Евгений): Variant spelling of Russian Evgeniy, meaning "well born." 
  157. YEVGENY: Variant spelling of Russian Yevgeniy, meaning "well born." 
  158. YULI (Юлий): Variant spelling of Russian Yuliy, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)." Compare with another form of Yuli.
  159. YULIAN (Юлиан): Russian form of Roman Latin Julian, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)."
  160. YULIY (Юлий): Russian form of Roman Julius, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)."
  161. YURI: Variant spelling of Russian Yuriy, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."
  162. YURIY (Юрий): Russian form of Greek Georgios, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."
  163. ZAKHAR (Захар): Russian form of Greek Zacharias, meaning "whom Jehovah remembered."
  164. ZERNEBOG: Variant form of Russian Czernobog, meaning "black god."
  165. ZINOVIY (Зиновий): Russian form of Greek Zenobios, meaning "life of Zeus." 

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