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Male Polish Names

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  1. ALEKSANDER: Polish and Slovene form of Greek Alexandros, meaning "defender of men."
  2. ALEKSY: Polish form of Greek Alexios, meaning "defender."
  3. ALEŠ: Pet form of Polish/Slovene Aleksander "defender of mankind." Compare with another form of Aleš.

  4. ALOJZY: Polish form of Latin Aloisius, meaning "famous warrior."

  5. AMADEI: Polish form of Latin Amadeus, meaning "to love God."

  6. AMADEJ: Polish form of Latin Amadeus, meaning "to love God."

  7. AMADEUSZ: Polish form of Latin Amadeus, meaning "to love God."

  8. AMBROZIJ: Polish form of Greek Ambrosios, meaning "immortal."

  9. ANASTAZY: Polish form of Latin Anastasius, meaning "resurrection."

  10. ANDRZEJ: Polish form of Greek Andreas, meaning "man; warrior." In use by the Romani.

  11. ANTONI: Catalan and Polish form of Latin Antonius, possibly meaning "invaluable." Compare with another form of Antoni.

  12. APOLINARY: Polish form of Roman Latin Apollinaris, meaning "of Apollo." 

  13. ARKADIUSZ: Polish form of Greek Arkadios, meaning "of Arcadia."

  14. ARON: Polish form of Hebrew Aharown, meaning "light-bringer."

  15. AUGUSTYN: Polish form of Latin Augustinus, meaning "venerable."

  16. AURELIUSZ: Polish form of Roman Latin Aurelius, meaning "golden."

  17. BARTŁOMIEJ: Polish form of Greek Bartholomaios, meaning "son of Talmai."

  18. BARTOSZ: Pet form of Polish Bartłomiej, meaning "son of Talmai."

  19. BAZYLI: Polish form of Greek Vasilios, meaning "king." 

  20. BENEDYKT: Polish form of Greek Benediktos, meaning "blessed." 

  21. BŁAŽEJ: Polish form of Latin Blasius, meaning "talks with a lisp."

  22. BOGUMIŁ: Polish form of Slavic Bogumil, meaning "God-favor."

  23. BOGUSŁAW: Polish form of Slavic Bogoslav, meaning "God-glory."

  24. BOHATER: Polish form of Mongolian Baghatur, meaning "hero" or "warrior."

  25. BOLEK: Pet form of Polish Bolesław, meaning "large glory."

  26. BOLESŁAW: Polish form of Slavic Boleslav, meaning "large glory."

  27. BONIFACY: Polish form of Latin Bonifatius, meaning "good destiny/fate." 

  28. BORYS: Polish form of Russian Boris, probably meaning "fighter, warrior." 

  29. BOŻYDAR: Polish form of Slavic Bozidar, meaning "divine gift."

  30. BRATOMIŁ: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements bratu "brother" and mil "favor," hence "brother's favor."

  31. BRATUMIŁ: Variant spelling of Polish Bratomił, meaning "brother's favor."

  32. BRONISŁAW: Polish form of Slavic Bronislav, meaning "glorious protector." 

  33. CELESTYN: Polish form of Latin Cælestinus, meaning "heavenly."

  34. CEZAR: Polish and Romanian form of Latin Cæsar, meaning "severed."

  35. CIBOR: Pet form of Polish Czcibor, meaning "battle of honor."

  36. CYRYL: Polish form of Greek Kyrillos, meaning "lord."

  37. CZCIBOR: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements chest "honor" and bor "battle," hence "battle of honor."

  38. CZESŁAW: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements chest "honor" and slav "glory," hence "honor and glory."

  39. DARIUSZ: Polish form of Latin Darius, meaning "possesses a lot; wealthy."

  40. DAWID: Polish form of Hebrew David, meaning "beloved."

  41. DOBROGOST: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements dobro "good, kind" and gost "guest," hence "kind guest." 
  42. DOBROMIŁ: Polish form of Czech Dobromil, meaning "kind and gracious."
  43. DOBROSŁAW: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements dobro "kind, good" and slav "glory," hence "good glory."
  44. DOMINIK: Czech and Polish form of Latin Dominicus, meaning "belongs to the lord."
  45. DONAT: Catalan and Polish form of Latin Donatus, meaning "given (by God)."
  46. DOROFIEJ: Polish form of Greek Dorotheos, meaning "gift of God."
  47. DOROTA: Polish form of Greek Dorotheos, meaning "gift of God." Compare with feminine Dorota.
  48. DRUGI: Pet form of Polish Andrzej, meaning "man; warrior."
  49. EGIDIUSZ: Polish form of Greek Aegidios, meaning "kid; young goat" or "shield of goatskin."
  50. ELIASZ: Polish form of Greek Elias, meaning "the Lord is my God."
  51. ELIGIUSZ: Polish form of Latin Eligius, meaning "to choose."
  52. EMERYK: Polish form of German Emeric, meaning "work-power."
  53. EUGENIUSZ: Polish form of Latin Eugenius (2), meaning "well born."
  54. EUSTACHY: Polish form of Greek Eustakhios, meaning "fruitful."
  55. FELICJAN: Polish form of Roman Latin Felicianus, meaning "happy" or "lucky."
  56. FELIKS (Russian: Феликс): Polish and Russian form of Latin Felix, meaning "happy" or "lucky."
  57. FERDYNAND: Polish form of Visigothic Frithnanth, meaning "ardent for peace."
  58. FRANCISZEK: Polish form of Latin Franciscus, meaning "French."
  59. FRIDERICH: Polish form of German Frideric, meaning "peaceful ruler."
  60. FRYDERYK: Polish form of German Frideric, meaning "peaceful ruler."
  61. FRYDRYCH: Variant spelling of Polish Friderich, meaning "peaceful ruler."
  62. FRYDRYK: Variant spelling of Polish Fryderyk, meaning "peaceful ruler."
  63. GABRJEL: Polish form of Greek Gabriēl, meaning "man of God" or "warrior of God."
  64. GABRYJEL: Polish form of Greek Gabriēl, meaning "man of God" or "warrior of God."
  65. GABRYŜ: Pet form of Polish Gabryjel, meaning "man of God" or "warrior of God."
  66. GABRYSZ: Variant spelling of Polish Gabryŝ, meaning "man of God" or "warrior of God."
  67. GAWEŁ: Polish form of Roman Latin Gallus, meaning "rooster."
  68. GERWAZY: Polish form of Greek Gervasios, meaning "spear servant."
  69. GRZEGORZ: Polish form of Greek Gregorios, meaning "watchful; vigilant."
  70. GUSTAW: Polish form of Latin Gustavus, meaning "meditation staff."
  71. HAINRICH: Polish form of German Haimirich, meaning "home-ruler."
  72. HAJNRICH: Polish form of German Haimirich, meaning "home-ruler."
  73. HENDRYCH: Polish form of Latin Henricus, meaning "home-ruler."
  74. HENIO: Diminutive form of Polish Hendrych and Henryk, meaning "home-ruler."
  75. HENRYK: Polish form of Latin Henricus, meaning "home-ruler."
  76. HIERONIM: Polish form of Greek Hieronymos, meaning "holy name."
  77. HIPOLIT: Polish form of Greek Hippolytos, meaning "horse-freer."
  78. IDZI: Pet form of Polish Egidiusz, meaning "shield of goatskin."
  79. IGNACY: Polish form of Latin Ignatius, possibly meaning "unknowing."
  80. IRENEUSZ: Polish form of Greek Eirenaios, meaning "peaceful."
  81. IWAN: Polish form of Russian Ivan, meaning "God is gracious." Compare with another form of Iwan.
  82. IWO: Polish form of Latin Ivo, meaning "yew tree."
  83. IZAAK: German and Polish form of Greek Isaák, meaning "he will laugh." 
  84. IZYDOR: Polish form of Greek Isidoros, meaning "gift of Isis."
  85. JACEK: Modern form of Polish Jacenty, meaning "hyacinth flower."
  86. JACENTY: Polish form of Greek Hyakinthos, meaning "hyacinth flower."
  87. JAKUB: Czech and Polish form of Greek Iakob, meaning "supplanter."
  88. JANUSZ: Polish form of Latin Janus ("door, gate" or "archway") or Johannes, ("God is gracious").
  89. JAREK: Pet form of Slavic names beginning with the element jaro, meaning "spring." In use by the Polish.
  90. JAROGNIEW: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements jaro "spring" and gniew "anger," hence "spring anger."
  91. JAROMIR: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements jaro "spring" and mir "peace," hence "spring peace."
  92. JAROPEŁK: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements jaro "spring" and pelk "people," hence "spring people."
  93. JAROSŁAW: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements jaro "spring" and slawa "glory," hence "spring glory."
  94. JĘDRZEJ: Old Polish form of Greek Andreas, meaning "man, warrior."
  95. JERONIM: Polish form of Greek Hieronymos, meaning "holy name."
  96. JERZY: Polish form of Greek Georgios, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."
  97. JOZAFAT: Polish form of Greek Iosaphat, meaning "God has judged" or "whom God judges."
  98. JÓZEF: Polish form of Greek Ioseph (Hebrew Yowceph), meaning "(God) shall add (another son)."
  99. JULEK: Pet form of Polish Juliusz, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)."
  100. JULIUSZ: Polish form of Roman Latin Julius, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)."
  101. JUREK: Pet form of Polish Jerzy, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."
  102. JUSTYN: Polish form of Roman Latin Justinus, meaning "fair, just." 
  103. KACPER: Polish form of Spanish Gaspar, meaning "treasure bearer."
  104. KAJETAN: Polish form of Roman Latin Caietanus, meaning "from Caieta (Gaeta, Italy)."
  105. KAROL: Polish and Slovak form of German Karl, meaning "man."
  106. KASPER: Polish form of Spanish Gaspar, meaning "treasure bearer." Compare with another form of Kasper.
  107. KAZIMIERZ: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements kaze "to command, declare, order" and mir "peace, respect," hence "commands peace." 
  108. KLAUDIUSZ: Polish form of Greek Klaudios, meaning "lame."
  109. KLEMENS: Danish, German, Polish and Swedish form of Greek Klementos, meaning "gentle and merciful."
  110. KLIMEK: Pet form of Polish Klemens, meaning "gentle and merciful."
  111. KOŁEK: Polish form of Russian Koldan, meaning "sting."
  112. KONDRAT: Polish form of German Konrad, meaning "bold counsel."
  113. KONSTANTY: Polish form of Latin Constans, meaning "steadfast."
  114. KONSTANTYN: Polish form of Roman Latin Constantine, meaning "steadfast."
  115. KORNELI: Polish form of Roman Latin Cornelius, meaning "of a horn."
  116. KORNELIUSZ: Polish form of Greek Kornelios, meaning "of a horn."
  117. KRYSTIAN: Polish form of Greek Christianos, meaning "believer" or "follower of Christ."
  118. KRYSTYN: Polish form of Greek Christianos, meaning "believer" or "follower of Christ."
  119. KRZYŚ: Pet form of Polish Krzysztof, meaning "Christ-bearer." 
  120. KRZYSZTOF: Polish form of Greek Christophoros, meaning "Christ-bearer." 
  121. KSAWERY: Polish form of Basque Xavier, meaning "a new house."
  122. KUBA: Polish pet form of Czech/Polish Jakub, meaning "supplanter."
  123. LECH: This is the name of the legendary founder of Poland (Lechia). The name is used to denote "a Pole." It is said to have derived from the name of the tribe of Lędzianie, from Slavic lęda, meaning "uncultivated field."
  124. LECHOSŁAW: Polish name composed of the Slavic name Lech and the word slav "glory," hence "Polish glory" or "Lech's glory."
  125. LESŁAW: Contracted form of Polish Lechosław, meaning "Lech's glory."
  126. LESZEK: Pet form of Polish Lech, meaning "a Pole."
  127. LEW: Polish form of Yiddish Lev, meaning "lion." Compare with another form of Lew.
  128. LONGIN: Polish form of Roman Latin Longinus, meaning "long."
  129. LUBOMIERZ: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements lub "love" and meri "great, famous," hence "love-famous."
  130. LUBOMIR: Polish form of Czech Lubomír, meaning "love's peace."
  131. ŁUCJAN: Polish form of Greek Loukianos, meaning "light."
  132. ŁUCJUSZ: Polish form of Roman Latin Lucius, meaning "light."
  133. LUDMIŁ: Polish form of Czech/Russian Ludmil, meaning "people's favor."
  134. LUDWIK: Polish form of German Ludwig, meaning "famous warrior."
  135. ŁUKASZ: Polish form of Greek Loukas, meaning "from Lucania."
  136. MACIEJ: Polish form of Greek Mattathias, meaning "gift of God."
  137. MAKARY: Polish form of Greek Makarios, meaning "blessed."
  138. MAKSYM: Polish form of Greek Maksimos, meaning "the greatest."
  139. MAKSYMILIAN: Polish form of Latin Maximilian, meaning "the greatest rival."
  140. MARCELI: Polish form of Roman Latin Marcellus, meaning "defense" or "of the sea."
  141. MARCIN: Polish form of Roman Latin Martinus, meaning "of/like Mars."
  142. MAREK: Czech and Polish form of Greek Markos, meaning "defense" or "of the sea."
  143. MARIK: Variant spelling of Czech/Polish Marek, meaning "defense" or "of the sea."
  144. MARIUSZ: Polish form of Latin Marius, meaning "male, virile."
  145. MARTYN: Polish form of Latin Martinus, meaning "of/like Mars."
  146. MATEUSZ: Polish form of Greek Mattathias, meaning "gift of God."
  147. MAURYCY: Polish form of Roman Latin Maurice, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor." 
  148. METODY: Polish form of Greek Methodios, meaning "method."
  149. MICHAŁ: Polish form of Greek Michaēl, meaning "who is like God?"
  150. MIECZYSŁAW: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements miecz "man; sword" and slav "glory," hence "man of glory" or "sword of glory."

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