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Male Celtic Names

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  1. ABELIO, the sun.
  2. ABELLIO, the sun.
  3. ADMINIUS, votary of Minos.
  4. ÁED, fire.
  5. ALAN, hunting dog.
  6. ALAUNUS, bright, light.
  7. ALBIN, white.
  8. ALW, bright, light.
  9. AMBACTUS, native official or deputy.
  10. AMBIORIX, king of the Ambiani.
  11. ANDECOMBOS, the leader and legislative judge of the state of the Andecavi.
  12. ARGENTOCOXOS, chief commander.
  13. ART, high.

  14. ARTH, high.

  15. ARTHUR, high, noble.

  16. ARTHWYS, high wisdom; lofty and wise (?).

  17. ARVIRAGUS, king paramount.

  18. ARZUR, high, noble.

  19. ATEULA, servant of Mars.

  20. ATPILOS, hereditary king.

  21. AUSCROCOS, priest of the Auscii.

  22. AVARDDWY, son of a ruler (?).
  23. BATHANAT, son of the wild boar.
  24. BEL, (the Lord); Apollo, Jupiter.
  25. BELENOS, (Lord; shining one); Apollo.
  26. BELENUS, (Lord; shining one); Apollo.
  27. BELINUS, (the Lord); Apollo, Jupiter.

  28. BELLAUNOS, (the Lord); Apollo, Jupiter.

  29. BERICUS, high king; king paramount.

  30. BODUOC, victory.

  31. BODUOGNATUS, accustomed to winning.

  32. BOLG, a Belgic man.

  33. BORVO, boiling.

  34. BRAN, king; raven.

  35. BRENHIN, king; raven.

  1. BRENNUS, strong.

  2. BRITHOMAR, the great Briton.

  3. CADMAN, horn of battle; a warrior.

  4. CADR, battle-man; combative.

  5. CAMULOGENOS, of the race of Mars.

  6. CAMULUS, Mars, the divinity.

  7. CANTORIX, chief or king of a district or division.

  8. CARACTACUS, king-commander.

  9. CARVILIUS, hereditary chief or ruler.

  10. CARVILLIUS, hereditary chief or ruler.

  11. CASSIVELLAUNOS, king of the Cassi.

  12. CATUMANUS, horn of battle; a warrior.

  13. CERNUNNOS, the horned.

  14. CISIAMBOS, high judge.

  15. COCIDIUS, an epithet of the war god Mars.

  16. CONTUTOS, chief leader.

  17. CORAN, little hill, or, little nose.

  18. COS, elder, priest.

  19. CUNO, chief, lord; or, king.
  20. CUNOBELINE, Lord of Belinus; war-lord.
  21. CUNOBELINUS, Lord of Belinus; war-lord.
  22. CYMBELINE, Lord of Belinus; war-lord.
  23. CUNOTIGERNOS, head chief.
  24. CYNGETORIX, chief commander and king.
  25. DUBNOBELINUS, king of the Dobuni.
  26. DUBNOVELLAUNOS, king of the Dobuni.
  27. DUCARIUS, divine noble (or leader).
  28. DUMNO, world.
  29. DUMNONOS, world.
  30. EBULILIM, king of the Eburones.
  31. EBUROVICOM, the leader (commios) of the confederation of the Eburovices.
  32. EOGHAN, young warrior.
  33. EPPENOS, hereditary prince.
  34. EPPILLUS, hereditary king.
  35. ERATOS, (elected); the elected chief.

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