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Male Assyrian Names

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  1. ACCALU, the devourer.

  2. ACRAGANES, the god Assur has begotten a son.

  3. ADAD, a storm god; the chief god of the Hittites.

  4. ADAPA, a fisherman; a son of Ea.

  5. ADAR, fire.

  6. ADAR-MALIK, Adar is prince, or, Adar is fire-king.

  7. ADAR-PILESER, Adar the son of the sanctuary, or, Adar protects his son.

  8. ADASI, isle.

  9. ADINI, delicate, soft.

  10. ADONIBAHAL, My Lord Baal.

  11. AGRON, eradication; a rooting out.

  12. AHSERA, king of Minni.

  13. AIRAMMU, noble.

  14. AKHABBU, descended from a father's brother.

  15. AKHIRAMU, an Assyrian officer in the court of Esarhaddon.

  16. AḲUBU, reward.

  17. ALALA, consort of Belili.

  18. ALAPI, Winged Human-headed bulls.

  19. AMAKHAR, a king of the city of Kharmisandai.

  20. AMAMAS, a king of Kingüstilinzamar.

  21. AMBARIS, son of Hulli or Xulli.

  22. AMIDASSI, brother of Assur-liha.

  23. AMIKA, a chief of the district of Lamua.

  24. AMMIBAHLA, a chief prince who was tributary to Assurnazirpal.

  25. AMMIHITAH, a chief of Vas in the land of Armenia.

  26. Anakunadasharruasshur, I the Great King of Assyria.

  27. ANAKYNDARAXES, I the Great King of Assyria.

  28. ANNUNNACI, Gods of the Earth.

  29. ANSHAR, early ancestor of the gods.

  30. ANU, ("heaven; the sky"); god of heaven.

  31. ANU-MALIK, Anu, is prince; Anammelech.

  32. ANUNNAKI, the gods of the earth.

  33. AO, the Intelligent Guide, the Lord of the Visible World, the Lord of Knowledge, Glory and Life.

  34. APSU, god of the "watery deep."

  35. ARAMU, a king of Ararat.

  36. ARCHENANUS, Sargon II.

  37. ARDARA, a king of the country of the Ustassai.

  38. ARDASARI, the king of Surdira.

  39. ARDYS, son of Gyges.

  40. ASHUR, ("good god"); a god of war.

  1. ASHUR-AKH-IDDINA, Esarhaddon ("Ashur has given a brother").

  2. ASNAPPAR, the god Assur has begotten a son.

  3. ASSHURABAMER, a king of the Assyrians.

  4. ASSHURADINNA, Esarhaddon ("Ashur has given a brother").

  5. ASSHURBALAT, Assur gives life.

  6. ASSHUR-NADIN, Asshur gives.

  7. ASSHUR-RISH-ISHI, Assur possesses a Head.

  8. ASSUR, the King and Father of the gods.

  9. ASSURACHERIB, Sin has multiplied her brothers.

  10. ASSURACUS, the last king of Assyria.

  11. ASSUR-AKHI-IDDIN, Esarhaddon ("Ashur has given a brother").

  12. ASSUR-BANAI-UZUR, Assur, protect my offspring.

  13. ASSURBANI, Assur my Creator.

  14. ASSURBANIPAL, the god Assur has begotten a son.

  15. ASSUR-BEL-KALA, Assur (is) Lord of all.

  16. ASSUR-BEL-NISI, Assur (is) Lord of Men.

  17. ASSUR-BEL-UKIN, Assur established the Lord.

  18. ASSUR-BEL-UZUR, Assur protects the Lord.

  19. ASSUR-DAINANNI, Assur, judge Me.

  20. ASSUR-DAIN-PAL, Assur, judge the Son.

  21. ASSUR-DAN, Assur is Judge.

  22. ASSURDAN, Assur is Judge.

  23. ASSUR-DANIN-SARRI, Assur the Strengthener of the King.

  24. ASSURDAYAN, Assur is Judge.

  25. ASSUR-EBIL-ILI, Assur is Lord of the Gods.

  26. ASSUREDILILANI, Assur is Arbiter (?) of the Gods.

  27. ASSUR-IZKA-DAIN, Assur judges Crimes.

  28. ASSUR-LIHA, King of Karalla.

  29. ASSUR-LIHHIS, Assur-Nirari.

  30. ASSURLIKKISH.  A king of Assyria (?)

  31. ASSUR-MAKHIR-NISI, Assur the Presenter of Men.

  32. ASSUR-MULIK, Assur who causes to march.

  33. ASSUR-NADIN-AKHE, Assur gives Brothers.

  34. ASSUR-NADIN-SUMI, Asshur gives.

  35. ASSUR-NAZIR-PAL, Assur protects (his) Son.

  36. ASSUR-NIRARI, Assur my Helper.

  37. ASSUR-RABU-AMAR, a successor of Samas-Rimmon II.

  38. ASSUR-RIS-ILIM, Assur, Head of the Gods.

  39. ASSUR-SALIMANNI, Assur gives me Peace.

  40. ASSUR-SEMUANI, Assur, hear me (?).

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