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Male Armenian Names

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  1. ABIRAD, miserable.
  2. AGATANGEGHOS, bringer of good news.
  3. ANANIA, whom Jehovah protects.
  4. ANASTAS, of the Resurrection.
  5. ANDON, inestimable.
  6. ANDRANIG, firstborn.
  7. ANOUSHAVAN, prince of Anu (?)
  8. ANTRANIG, firstborn.
  9. ANUSHAVAN, prince of Anu (?)
  10. ARA, the sun.
  11. ARAKEL, stork.
  12. ARAM, bib. Aram.
  13. ARAMAZD, the much knowing (or giving) spirit.
  14. ARDARA, a king of the country of the Ustassai.
  15. ARGISTIS, a king of Ararat.
  16. ARI, brave.

  17. ARMAZD, the much knowing (or giving) spirit.

  18. ARMEN, from Armenia.

  19. ARSEN, strong, virile.

  20. ARSHAVIR, wise and venerable.

  21. ARTASHIR, mighty king.

  22. ASBED, knight.

  23. ASDVADZADOUR, god-given.

  24. ASTADOOR, god-given.

  25. ATAM, (Adam) red.

  26. AVAK, great.

  27. AVARAIR, from Avarair.

  28. AVEDIS, gospel.

  29. AZAD, free.

  30. BAB, grandfather.
  31. BAGABARTA, Bagamazda.
  32. BAGAMAZDA, the supreme deity.
  33. BAGDATTI, the leader of the great Armenian rebellion against Sargon II.
  34. BARED, cold.
  35. BARKEV, gift.
  36. BARSEGH, babbles.

  37. BARUIR, a king of Armenia.

  38. BATRIG, (Patrick), Patriarch.

  39. BEDROS, (Peter), a rock.

  40. BEDROSIAN, son of Bedros.

  1. BOGHOS, (Paul), small.

  2. BOGOS, (Paul), small.

  3. BARUIR, a king of Armenia.

  4. BUBA, the father of Bubu.

  5. BUBU, the son of Buba.

  6. DIKRAN, dominant.

  7. DIRAN, dominant.

  8. EMIN, faithful.

  9. FADEY, praise.

  10. FADEYKA, praise.

  11. FADEYUSHKA, praise.

  12. FARAG, comfort, release, succour.

  13. GARABED, fore-runner.

  14. GAVRIL, man (or hero) of God.

  15. GHOUKAS, (Lucas), of Lucania.

  16. GORYOUN, lion whelp.

  17. GOUSAN, musician, singer.

  18. HACHADOOR, cross-given.

  19. HAGOP, (Jacob), supplanter.

  20. HAIG, father.
  21. HALDI, the great deity of the people of Ararat.
  22. HALDIA, the local god of the city of Musassir on lake Van.
  23. HAMPARTSOOM, ascension.
  24. HAMPARZOUN, ascension.
  25. HAROUTIOUN, resurrection.
  26. HAROUTYOUN, resurrection.
  27. HARTCHEA, Urtsa.
  28. HAYRABED, ravager.
  29. HAYRIG, father.
  30. HOHANNES, (Jonathan), Jehovah's gift (or grace).
  31. HOVAN, (John), Jehovah's gift (or grace).
  32. HOVHANNES, (Jonathan), Jehovah's gift (or grace).
  33. HOVSEP, (Joseph), Jehovah will add.
  34. HRAVARD, fire rose.
  35. HRAVART, fire rose.
  36. ISHKHAN, prince.
  37. ISPUNI, a king of Ararat.
  38. ITTI, King of Allabra.
  39. IZMIRLIAN, from Izmir, (in Turkey).
  40. JIRAIR, hard-working.

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