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Female Aztec Names, Nahuatl Names

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  1. ACHCAUHTLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "leader."
  2. AHUILIZTLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "joy."
  3. AMOXTLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "protection, shelter."
  4. ATL: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "water." 
  5. CENTEHUA: Nahuatl name meaning "only one."
  6. CHALCHIUHTICUE: Aztec Nahuatl myth name of a goddess of water and rivers, the wife of Tlaloc, meaning "jade skirt."
  7. CHALCHIUITL: Nahuatl name meaning "emerald."
  8. CHICAHUA: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "strong."
  9. CHIPAHUA: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "clean."
  10. CIHUATON: Nahuatl name meaning "little woman."
  11. CITLALI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "star."
  12. CITLALMINA: Nahuatl name meaning "arrow stars; meteorites."
  13. COAXOCH: Nahuatl name meaning "serpent flower."
  14. COSZCATL: Nahuatl name meaning "jewel."
  15. COZAMALOTL: Nahuatl name meaning "rainbow."
  16. CUALLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "good."
  17. CUICATL: Nahuatl name meaning "song."
  18. ELEUIA: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "wish."
  19. ELOXOCHITL: Nahuatl name meaning "magnolia."
  20. ETALPALLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "wing."
  21. EZTLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "blood."
  22. ICHTACA: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "secret."
  23. ICNOYOTL: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "friendship."
  24. IHUICATL: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "sky."
  25. ILHUITL: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "day."
  26. ITOTIA: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "dance."
  27. ITZEL: Variant spelling of Nahuatl Ixchel, meaning "rainbow lady."
  28. IUITL: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "feather."
  29. IXCATZIN: Nahuatl name meaning "like cotton."
  30. IXCHEL: Nahuatl name of a Mayan goddess of the earth, moon, and medicine, meaning "rainbow lady."
  31. IXTLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "face."
  32. IZEL: Nahuatl name meaning "unique."
  33. MAHUIZOH: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "glorious person."
  34. MALINALXOCHITL: Nahuatl name meaning "grass flower."
  35. MANAUIA: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "defend."
  36. MECATL: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "rope" or "lineage."
  37. MEZTLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "moon."
  38. MIYAOAXOCHITL: Nahuatl name meaning "maize tassel flower."
  39. MIZQUIXAUAL: Nahuatl name meaning "Mesquite face paint."
  40. MOMOZTLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "altar."
  41. MOYOLEHUANI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "enamored one."
  42. NAHUATL: Unisex name derived from the name of the Nahuatl language, meaning "four waters." 
  43. NECAHUAL: Nahuatl name meaning "left behind; survivor."
  44. NELLINahuatl unisex name meaning "truth."
  45. NENETL: Nahuatl name meaning "doll."
  46. NOCHTLINahuatl unisex name meaning "prickly pear fruit."
  47. NOXOCHICOZTLI: Female Nahuatl name meaning "my necklace of flowers."
  48. OHTLINahuatl unisex name meaning "road."
  49. PAPAN: Nahuatl name meaning "flag."
  50. PATLINahuatl unisex name meaning "medicine."
  51. QUETZALXOCHITL: Female Nahuatl name meaning "precious flower; queen."
  52. SACNITE: Mayan Nahuatl name meaning "white flower."
  53. TEICUIH: Nahuatl name meaning "younger sister."
  54. TEOXIHUITLNahuatl unisex name meaning "turquoise" or "precious and divine."
  55. TEPIN: Nahuatl name meaning "little one."
  56. TEUICUI: Variant of Nahuatl Teicuih, meaning "younger sister."
  57. TEYACAPAN: Nahuatl name meaning "first born."
  58. TLACHINOLLINahuatl unisex name meaning "fire."
  59. TLACO: Nahuatl name meaning "middle-born."
  60. TLACOEHUA: Nahuatl name meaning "middle one."
  61. TLACOTL: Nahuatl name meaning "osier twig."
  62. TLALLI: Nahuatl name meaning "earth."
  63. TLANEXTLINahuatl unisex name meaning "radiance, brilliance, majesty or splendor."
  64. TLAZOHTZIN: Feminine form of Nahuatl Tlazohtlaloni, meaning "one who is loved."
  65. TLEXICTLINahuatl unisex name meaning "fire navel."
  66. TOLTECATLNahuatl unisex name meaning "artist."
  67. TONALNAN: Nahuatl name meaning "mother of light."
  68. XIHUITLNahuatl unisex name meaning "year" or "comet."
  69. XILOXOCH: Nahuatl name meaning "Calliandra."
  70. XIPILNahuatl unisex name meaning "noble of the fire."
  71. XIUHCOATLNahuatl unisex name meaning "fire serpent" or "weapon of destruction."
  72. XIUHTONAL: Nahuatl name meaning "precious light."
  73. XOCHICOTZIN: Nahuatl name meaning "little necklace of flowers."
  74. XOCHIQUETZAL: Nahuatl myth name of the twin sister of Xochipilli, meaning "flower feather." 
  75. XOCHITL: Nahuatl name meaning "flower." 
  76. XOCHIYOTL: Nahuatl name meaning "heart of a gentle flower."
  77. XOCO: Nahuatl name meaning "youngest sister."
  78. XOCOYOTL: Nahuatl name meaning "youngest child."
  79. YAOTLNahuatl unisex name meaning "war" or "warrior."
  80. YAYAUHQUINahuatl unisex name meaning "black smoking mirror."
  81. YOLIHUANI: Nahuatl name meaning "source of life."
  82. YOLOTLINahuatl unisex name meaning "heart."
  83. YOLOXOCHITL: Nahuatl name meaning "flower of the heart."
  84. YOLTZIN: Nahuatl name meaning "little heart."
  85. YOLYAMANITZINNahuatl unisex name meaning "considerate, tender person."
  86. ZELTZIN: Nahuatl name meaning "delicate."
  87. ZYANYA: Nahuatl name meaning "always; forever."

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