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Female Hungarian Names

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  1. ADRIENN: Hungarian feminine form of Latin Adrianus, meaning "from Hadria."
  2. ÁGI: Pet form of Hungarian Ágota "good" and Ágnes "chaste, holy."
  3. ÁGNES: Hungarian form of Greek Hagne, meaning "chaste; holy."
  4. ÁGOTA: Hungarian form of Latin Agatha, meaning "good."
  5. ALIDA: Dutch and Hungarian form of Old High German Adelheid, meaning "noble sort."
  6. ALIZ: Hungarian equivalent of English Alice, meaning "noble sort."
  7. AMÁLIA: Hungarian form of German Amalia, meaning "work."
  8. ANASZTÁZIA: Feminine form of Hungarian Anasztáz, meaning "resurrection."
  9. ANGYALKA: Hungarian feminine form of Latin Angelicus, meaning "angelic."
  10. ANIKÓ: Hungarian form of Greek Hanna, meaning "favor; grace."
  11. ANNUSKA: Pet form of Hungarian Anikó, meaning "favor; grace."
  12. ARANKA: Hungarian form of Latin Aurelia, meaning "golden."
  13. BEÁTA: Hungarian name derived from Latin beatus, meaning "blessed." 
  14. BERNÁDETT: Feminine form of Hungarian Bernát, meaning "bold as a bear."
  15. BIANKA: Hungarian form of French Blanche, meaning "white."
  16. BORBÁLA: Hungarian form of Greek Barbara, meaning "foreign; strange."
  17. BÖZSI: Pet form of Hungarian Erzsébet, meaning "God is my oath."
  18. CILI: Hungarian form of Latin Cæcilia, meaning "blind." 
  19. CSILLA: Hungarian name derived from the word csillag meaning "star."
  20. DÓRA: Pet form of Hungarian Dorottya, meaning "gift of God."
  21. DORIKA: Pet form of Hungarian Dorottya, meaning "gift of God."
  22. DOROTTYA: Hungarian form of Greek Dorothea, meaning "gift of God."
  23. DUCI: Pet form of Hungarian Magdolna, meaning "of Magdala."
  24. EDIT: Hungarian form of English Edith, meaning "rich battle."
  25. EMA: Hungarian form of Norman French Emma, meaning "entire, whole." Compare with other forms of Ema.
  26. EMESE: Hungarian legend name of the mother of High Prince Álmos, meaning "mother." 
  27. ENÉH: Hungarian legend name of the mother of the Hungarian people, possibly meaning "deer."
  28. ENIKÕ: Hungarian named derived from Enéh, possibly meaning "deer."
  29. ERZSÉBET: Hungarian form of Greek Elisabet, meaning "God is my oath."
  30. ERZSI: Pet form of Hungarian Erzsébet, meaning "God is my oath."
  31. ESZTER: Hungarian form of Persian Esther, meaning "star."
  32. ESZTI: Pet form of Hungarian Eszter, meaning "star."
  33. ETEL: Hungarian form of English Ethel, meaning "noble."
  34. EUFROZINA: Hungarian form of Greek Euphrosyne, meaning "joy, mirth."
  35. ÉVA: Hungarian form of Greek Eva, meaning "life."
  36. ÉVIKE: Hungarian pet form of Greek Eva, meaning "life."
  37. FELÍCIA: Hungarian form of Latin Felicia, meaning "happy" or "lucky."
  38. FELÍCIAN: Hungarian form of Latin Feliciana, meaning "happy" or "lucky."
  39. FELICITÁS: Hungarian form of Roman Latin Felicitas, meaning "fortune; good luck."
  40. FIRENZE: Hungarian form of English/French Florence, meaning "blossoming."
  41. FLÓRA: Hungarian form of Latin Flora, meaning "flower."
  42. FRANCI: Pet form of Hungarian Franciska, meaning "French."
  43. FRANCISKA: Feminine form of Hungarian Ferenc, meaning "French."
  44. FRIDA: Hungarian form of German Frieda, meaning "peaceful ruler." Compare with another form of Frida.
  45. FRUZSINA: Pet form of Hungarian Eufrozina, meaning "joy, mirth."
  46. GERTRÚD: Hungarian form of German Gertrude, meaning "spear strength."
  47. GIZELA: Hungarian form of German Gisela, meaning "pledge, hostage, noble offspring."
  48. GIZELLA: Variant spelling of Hungarian Gizela, meaning "pledge, hostage, noble offspring."
  49. GIZI: Pet form of Hungarian Gizella, meaning "pledge, hostage, noble offspring."
  50. GYÖNGYI: Hungarian name meaning "pearl."
  51. GYÖRGYI: Feminine form of Hungarian György, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."
  52. GYÖRGYIKE: Pet form of Hungarian Györgyi, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."
  53. HAJNA: Hungarian form of English Hannah, meaning "favor; grace."
  54. HAJNAL: Hungarian name meaning "dawn."
  55. HAJNALKA: Pet form of Hungarian Hajnal, meaning "dawn."
  56. IBOLYA: Hungarian equivalent of Latin Viola, meaning "violet color" or "violet flower."
  57. ILDI: Pet form of Hungarian Ildikó, meaning "battle."
  58. ILDIKÓ: Hungarian form of German Hilda, meaning "battle."
  59. ILDÓ: Pet form of Hungarian Ildikó, meaning "battle."
  60. ILI: Pet form of Hungarian Ilona, probably meaning "torch."
  61. ILKA: Pet form of Hungarian Ilona, probably meaning "torch." Compare with another form of Ilka.
  62. ILONA: Hungarian form of Greek Helénē, probably meaning "torch."
  63. ILONKA: Pet form of Hungarian Ilona, probably meaning "torch."
  64. IRÉN: Hungarian form of Greek Eirênê, meaning "peace."
  65. IRMUSKA: Hungarian pet form of German Irma, meaning "entire, whole."
  66. IZABELLA: Hungarian and Polish form of Latin Isabella, meaning "God is my oath." 
  67. JANIKA: Pet form of Hungarian János, meaning "God is gracious." Compare with another form of Janika.
  68. JOLA: Pet form of Hungarian Jolán, meaning "violet flower."
  69. JOLÁN: Hungarian form of English Yolanda, meaning "violet flower."
  70. JOLÁNKA: Pet form of Hungarian Jolán, meaning "violet flower."
  71. JOZEFA: Feminine form of Hungarian József, meaning "(God) shall add (another son)." 
  72. JUDIT: Hungarian form of Hebrew Yehuwdiyth, meaning "Jewess" or "praised."
  73. JÚLIA: Hungarian and Slovak form of Roman Latin Julia, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)."
  74. JULIANNA: Hungarian feminine form of Roman Latin Julianus, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)."
  75. JULISKA: Pet form of Hungarian Júlia, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)."
  76. KAMILLA: Hungarian form of Roman Latin Camilla, possibly meaning "attendant (for a temple)."
  77. KAROLA: Feminine form of Hungarian Károly, meaning "man."
  78. KAROLINA: Feminine form of Hungarian Károly, meaning "man." Compare with other forms of Karolina.
  79. KATA: Short form of Hungarian Katalin, meaning "pure." Compare with other forms of Kata.
  80. KATALIN: Hungarian form of Greek Aikaterine, meaning "pure."
  81. KATARINA: Swedish form of Greek Aikaterine, meaning "pure." This form is also used in Germany, Hungary, and many other Slavic countries.
  82. KATI: Pet form of Hungarian Katalin, meaning "pure." Compare with another form of Kati.
  83. KATÓ: Pet form of Hungarian Katalin, meaning "pure."
  84. KINGA: Hungarian and Polish form of German Kunigunde, meaning "brave war."
  85. KITTI: Pet form of Hungarian Katalin, meaning "pure." Compare with another form of Kitti.
  86. KLÁRA: Hungarian form of Latin Clara, meaning "clear, bright." 
  87. KORNÉLIA: Feminine form of Hungarian Kornél, meaning "of a horn."
  88. KRISZTINA: Feminine form of Hungarian Krisztián, meaning "believer" or "follower of Christ."
  89. LÍCIA: Short form of Hungarian Felícian, meaning "happy" or "lucky."
  90. LUDMILLA: Hungarian form of Russian Ludmila, meaning "people's favor."
  91. LUJZA: Hungarian form of Roman Latin Louisa, meaning "famous warrior."
  92. MAGDOLNA: Hungarian form of Greek Magdalēnē, meaning "of Magdala."
  93. MARGARÉTA: Hungarian form of Greek Margarites, meaning "pearl."
  94. MARGIT: Hungarian and Scandinavian form of Greek Margarites, meaning "pearl."
  95. MÁRIA: Hungarian and Slovak form of Greek Maria, meaning "obstinacy, rebelliousness" or "their rebellion."
  96. MARICA: Pet form of Hungarian Mária, meaning "obstinacy, rebelliousness" or "their rebellion." Compare with another form of Marica.
  97. MARIKA: Pet form of Hungarian Mária, meaning "obstinacy, rebelliousness" or "their rebellion."
  98. MARISKA: Pet form of Hungarian Mária, meaning "obstinacy, rebelliousness" or "their rebellion."
  99. MÁRTA: Hungarian form of Greek Martha, meaning "lady, mistress." 
  100. MÁRTUSKA: Pet form of Hungarian Márta, meaning "lady, mistress." 
  101. MATILD: Hungarian form of Latin Mathilda, meaning "mighty in battle."
  102. MÓNIKA: Hungarian form of Latin Monica, possibly meaning "advise, counsel."
  103. NATÁLIA: Hungarian form of Latin Natalia, meaning "birthday," or in Church Latin "Christmas day." 
  104. NIKOLETT: Hungarian feminine form of Nikola, meaning "victor of the people."
  105. ORSOLYA: Hungarian form of Latin Ursula, meaning "little she-bear."
  106. PANNI: Pet form of Hungarian Anikó, meaning "favor; grace."
  107. PIRI: Pet form of Hungarian Piroska, meaning "ancient."
  108. PIROSKA: Hungarian form of Roman Latin Prisca, meaning "ancient."
  109. RÁHEL: Hungarian form of Hebrew Rachel, meaning "ewe."
  110. REBEKA: Hungarian and Slovene form of Greek Rhebekka, meaning "ensnarer."
  111. RENÁTA: Hungarian form of Latin Renata, meaning "reborn."
  112. RÓZA: Variant spelling of Hungarian Rózsa, meaning "rose."
  113. ROZÁLIA: Hungarian form of Latin Rosalia, meaning "rose."
  114. RÓZSA: Hungarian form of Russian Roza, meaning "rose."
  115. RÓZSI: Pet form of Hungarian R�zsa, meaning "rose."
  116. SÁRA: Czech and Hungarian form of Hebrew Sarah, meaning "noble lady, princess."
  117. SÁRI: Pet form of Hungarian Sára, meaning "noble lady, princess."
  118. SÁRIKA: Pet form of Hungarian Sára, meaning "noble lady, princess."
  119. SZILVIA: Hungarian form of Roman Latin Silvia, meaning "from the forest."
  120. TECA: Pet form of Hungarian Terézia, meaning "harvester."
  121. TEODÓRA: Feminine form of Hungarian Tódor, meaning "gift of God."
  122. TERÉZ: Short form of Hungarian Terézia, meaning "harvester."
  123. TERÉZIA: Hungarian form of Spanish Teresa, meaning "harvester."
  124. TÍMEA: Hungarian feminine form of Latin Timæus, meaning "honor."
  125. TÜNDE: Variant spelling of Hungarian Tündér, meaning "fairy."
  126. TÜNDÉR: Hungarian name derived from the word tündér, meaning "fairy."
  127. VALÉRIA: Hungarian form of Roman Latin Valeria, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong." 
  128. VIKTÓRIA: Hungarian form of Roman Latin Victoria, meaning "conqueror" or "victory."
  129. VILMA: Feminine form of Hungarian Vilmos, meaning "will-helmet." Compare with another form of Vilma.
  130. VIRÁG: Hungarian name meaning "flower."
  131. XÉNIA: Hungarian form of Greek Xenia, meaning "stranger, foreigner," but sometimes rendered "hospitable (esp. to foreigners)."
  132. ZSANETT: Hungarian form of French Jeannette, meaning "God is gracious."
  133. ZSA ZSA: Variant spelling of Hungarian Zsazsa, meaning "lily." 
  134. ZSAZSA: Pet form of Hungarian Zsuzsanna, meaning "lily."
  135. ZSIZSI: Pet form of Hungarian Erzsébet, meaning "God is my oath."
  136. ZSÓFIA: Hungarian form of Greek Sophia, meaning "wisdom."
  137. ZSÓFIKA: Pet form of Hungarian Zsófia, meaning "wisdom."
  138. ZSÓKA: Pet form of Hungarian Erzsébet, meaning "God is my oath."
  139. ZSUZSA: Pet form of Hungarian Zsuzsanna, meaning "lily."
  140. ZSUZSANNA: Hungarian form of Greek Sous�nna, meaning "lily."
  141. ZSUZSI: Pet form of Hungarian Zsuzsanna, meaning "lily."

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