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Female Hebrew Names

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  1. NINA (נִינָה): Hebrew name meaning "granddaughter" or "great-granddaughter." Compare with other forms of Nina.
  2. NIR (נִיר): Hebrew unisex name meaning "to cultivate a field."
  3. NISA: (נִסָה): Hebrew name meaning "to test." Also spelled Nissa.
  4. NISSA (נִסָה): Variant spelling of Hebrew Nisa, meaning "to test."
  5. NITA (נִיטַע): Hebrew name meaning "to plant." Compare with other forms of Nita.
  6. NITZA (נִצָה): Hebrew name meaning "flower bud."
  7. NIVA (נִיבָה): Hebrew name meaning "speech."
  8. NO'AH (נׄעָה): Hebrew name meaning "motion." In the bible, this is the name of a daughter of Zelophehad.
  9. NOAM (נׄעַם): Hebrew unisex name meaning "pleasantness."
  10. NOGA (נׄגַה): Unisex form of Hebrew Nogahh, meaning "shining splendor," as of the fire or the sun. 
  11. NO'OMIY (נָעֳמִי): Hebrew name meaning "my delight, my pleasantness." In the bible, this is the name of the mother-in-law of Ruth.
  12. NURIT (נוּרִית): Hebrew flower name meaning "buttercup."
  13. NURYA (נוּרְיָא): Hebrew form of Aramaic Nura, meaning "illumination, wisdom (of God)."
  14. NYSSA (נִסָה): Variant spelling of Hebrew Nissa, meaning "sign."
  15. ODELEYA (אוֹדֶלְיָה): Hebrew name meaning "I will praise God."
  16. ODELIA: Variant spelling of Hebrew Odeleya, meaning "I will praise God." Compare with another form of Odelia.
  17. OFRA (עָפְרָה): Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Ophrah, meaning "fawn." 
  18. OPHRAH (עָפְרָה): Hebrew unisex name meaning "fawn." In the bible, this is the name of two places, and the name of a son of Meonothai
  19. OPRAH: Feminine variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Ophrah, meaning "fawn." 
  20. ORA (אוֹרָה): Hebrew name meaning "light." Compare with another form of Ora.
  21. ORAH: Variant spelling of Hebrew Ora, meaning "light."
  22. ORALEE (אוֹרָה-לִי): Hebrew name meaning "my light." Compare with another form of Oralee.
  23. ORIT (אוֹרִית): Variant form of Hebrew Ora, meaning "light."
  24. OR-LEE (אוֹר-לִי): Hebrew name meaning "light is mine."
  25. ORLI (אוֹרְלִי): Variant spelling of Hebrew Or-lee, meaning "light is mine."
  26. ORLY: Variant spelling of Hebrew Orli, meaning "light is mine."
  27. ORNA (אָרְנָה): Hebrew name meaning "let there be light" or "pine tree." Compare with another form of Orna.
  28. ORNAT (אׄרְנַת): Variant form of Hebrew Orna, meaning "let there be light" or "pine tree." Compare with another form of Ornat.
  29. ORPA: Variant spelling of Hebrew Orpah, meaning "forelock, mane" or "gazelle, hind." 
  30. ORPAH (עָרְפָּה): Hebrew name meaning "forelock, mane" or "gazelle, hind." In the bible, this is the name of a Moabite woman. 
  31. OZ (עׄז): Hebrew name meaning "might, strength." Compare with masculine forms of Oz.
  32. PENINAH: Variant spelling of Hebrew Peninnah, meaning "coral" or "pearl."
  33. PENINNAH (פְּנִנָּה): Hebrew name meaning "coral" or "pearl." In the bible, this is the name of a wife of Elkanah
  34. PILI (פִּלְאִי): Hebrew name meaning "miraculous." Compare with other forms of Pili.
  35. QEREN (קֶרֶן): Hebrew name meaning "horn (of an animal)." Also a short form of Qeren Happuwk, meaning "horn of antimony," a black paint used for eye-shadow.
  36. QEREN HAPPUWK (קֶרֶן-הַפּוּךְ): Hebrew name meaning "horn of antimony," a black paint used for eye-shadow. In the bible, this is the name of one of Job's daughters born after his trial.
  37. QETSIYAH (קְצִיעָה): Hebrew name meaning "cassia," a bark similar to cinnamon. In the bible, this is the name of the second daughter of Job, born after his trial. 
  38. QETUWRAH (קְטוּרָה): Hebrew name meaning "incense." In the bible, this is the name of Abraham's second wife.
  39. RACHAB (רָחָב): Hebrew name meaning "ample, broad, spacious, wide." In the bible, this is the name of a harlot of Jericho who aided the spies in their escape and was saved from destruction.
  40. RACHAV (רָחָב): Variant spelling of Hebrew Rachab, meaning "ample, broad, spacious, wide."
  41. RACHEL (רָחֵל): Hebrew name meaning "ewe." In the bible, this is the name of Jacob's favorite wife, and mother of Joseph and Benjamin. Compare with other forms of Rachel.
  42. RAFAELA: Variant spelling of Hebrew Refaela, meaning "healed of God" or "whom God has healed." Compare with another form of Rafaela.
  43. RAYA (רֵעַ): Hebrew name meaning "friend." Compare with another form of Raya.
  44. REBA: Pet form of Hebrew Ribqah, meaning "ensnarer." Compare with masculine Reba. Compare with another form of Reba.
  45. REENA: Feminine variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Rina, meaning "joy."
  46. REFAELA (רְפָאֵלָה): Variant spelling of Hebrew Rephaela, meaning "healed of God" or "whom God has healed."
  47. REPHAELA (רְפָאֵלָה): Feminine form of Hebrew Rephael, meaning "healed of God" or "whom God has healed."
  48. REUT (רְעוּת): Hebrew name meaning "friend."
  49. REVA (רֶבַע): Variant spelling of Hebrew Reba, meaning "ensnarer." Compare with masculine Reva.
  50. RIBQAH (רִבְקָה): Hebrew name meaning "ensnarer." In the bible, this is the name of the wife of Isaac. Also spelled Rivka.
  51. RINA: Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Rinnah, meaning "shouting for joy." Compare with other forms of Rina.
  52. RINNAH (רִנָּה): Hebrew unisex name meaning "shouting for joy." In the bible, this is the name of descendant of Judah. Although this is a masculine name in the bible, it is otherwise used primarily as a feminine name.
  53. RITSPAH (רִצְפָּה): Hebrew name meaning "hot coal" or "pavement." In the bible, this is the name of one of King Saul's concubines.
  54. RITZPA: Variant spelling of Hebrew Ritspah, meaning "hot coal" or "pavement." 
  55. RITZPAH: Variant spelling of Hebrew Ritspah, meaning "hot coal" or "pavement." 
  56. RIVA (רִיבָה): Pet form of Hebrew Rivka, meaning "ensnarer." Compare with another form of Riva.
  57. RIVKA (רִבְקָה): Variant spelling of Hebrew Ribqah, meaning "ensnarer." 
  58. ROMA (רוֹמָה): Hebrew name meaning "exalted, lofty." 
  59. RON (רוֹן): Hebrew unisex name meaning "joy, song." Compare with strictly masculine Ron.
  60. RONA (רׄנָּה): Hebrew name meaning "joy." Compare with another form of Rona.
  61. RONI (רוֹנִי): Hebrew unisex name meaning "my joy" or "my song." Compare with another form of Roni.
  62. RONIT (רוֹנִית): Feminine form of Hebrew unisex Ron, meaning "joy, song." Compare with another form of Ronit.
  63. ROTEM (רוֹתֶם): Hebrew unisex name derived from the word rethem, found in the bible, meaning "juniper" or "broom plant," a shrub growing in the deserts of Arabia with yellowish flowers, and a bitter root which the poor were accustomed to eat. 
  64. RUWTH (רוּת): Hebrew name meaning "appearance" or "friendship." In the bible, this is the name of a Moabite who marries Naomi's son.
  65. SABA (סָבָא): Hebrew unisex name meaning "aged, old." Compare with strictly masculine Saba.
  66. SABRA (סַבְּרָה): Hebrew name for a native-born Israeli, of Arabic origin, meaning "thorny cactus."
  67. SALMA (שַׂלְמָה): Hebrew unisex name meaning "garment." In the bible, this is a masculine name only, the name of the father of Boaz. Compare with another form of Salma.
  68. SAPHIRA (סַפִירָה): Hebrew form of Greek Sapphira, meaning "sapphire." 
  69. SARAH (שָׂרָה): Hebrew name meaning "noble lady, princess." In the bible, this is the name that God gave to Sarai, wife of Abraham.
  70. SARAY (שָׂרַי): Hebrew name meaning "my princes?" or "nobility." In the bible, this is the name of the wife of Abraham before God changed her name to Sarah.
  71. SARIT (שָׂרַית): Diminutive form of Hebrew Sarah, meaning "noble lady, princess."
  72. SAVA (סָבָא): Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Saba, meaning "aged, old." Compare with strictly masculine forms of Sava.
  73. SEMADAR (סְמָדַר): Hebrew name meaning "bud" or "blossom."
  74. SHACHAR (שַׁחַר): Hebrew unisex name meaning "dawn" or "morning."
  75. SHAHAR (שַׁחַר): Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Shachar, meaning "dawn" or "morning."
  76. SHAMIRA (שָׁמִירָה): Feminine form of Hebrew Shamiyr, meaning "a sharp point," hence "thorn." 
  77. SHANI (שָׁנִי): Hebrew unisex name meaning "crimson red." Compare with strictly masculine Shani.
  78. SHAROWN (שָׁרוֹן): Hebrew name meaning "plain, level ground." In the bible, this is the name of a valley in Palestine. The name is sometimes given because of its association with the flowering shrub called Rose of Sharon. 
  79. SHEBA (שֶׁבַע): Short form of Hebrew Bathsheba, meaning "daughter of the oath." Compare with another form of Sheba.
  80. SHECHINA (שׁכִינה): Variant spelling of Hebrew Shekinah, meaning "God" or "God's holy spirit."
  81. SHE'ERA (שֶׁאֱרָה): Hebrew name meaning "kinswoman." In the bible, this is the name of a daughter of Ephraim.
  82. SHEKINAH (שׁכִינה): Hebrew name derived from the word shekinah, meaning "God" or "God's holy spirit."
  83. SHELOMIYTH (שְׁלמִׄית): Hebrew name meaning "peaceful." In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including a daughter of Dibri of the tribe of Dan.
  84. SHEVA (שֶׁבַע): Short form of Hebrew Bat-Sheva, meaning "daughter of the oath." Compare with masculine Sheva.
  85. SHIBAH (שֶׁבַע): Hebrew name meaning "oath" or "seven." In the bible, this is the name of a well named by Isaac.
  86. SHIFRA (שִׁפְרָה): Variant spelling of Hebrew Shiphrah, meaning "beauty, brightness." Compare with another form of Shifra.
  87. SHIPHRAH (שִׁפְרָה): Hebrew name meaning "beauty, brightness." In the bible, this is the name of two midwives. 
  88. SHIR (שִׁיר): Hebrew unisex name meaning "song."
  89. SHIRA (שִׁירָה): Hebrew name meaning "song."
  90. SHIRI (שִׁירָי): Hebrew name meaning "my song."
  91. SHIR-LEE (שִׁיר-לִי): Hebrew name meaning "song is mine."
  92. SHIRLEE: Variant spelling of Hebrew Shir-Lee, meaning "song is mine." Compare with another form of Shirlee.
  93. SHLOMIT: Contracted form of Hebrew Shelomiyth, meaning "peaceful." 
  94. SHOSHAN (שׁוֹשַׁן): Hebrew unisex name meaning "lily." Compare with another form of Shoshan.
  95. SHOSHANA (שׁוֹשַׁנָּה): Feminine form of Hebrew unisex Shoshan, meaning "lily."
  96. SHOSHANAH: Variant spelling of Hebrew Shoshana, meaning "lily."
  97. SHOSHANNAH: Variant spelling of Hebrew Shoshana, meaning "lily."
  98. SHULA (שׁוּלָה): Short form of Hebrew Shulamith, meaning "peaceful." Compare with another form of Shula.
  99. SHULAMITH: Variant spelling of Hebrew Shuwlammiyth, meaning "peaceful."
  100. SHURA (שׁוּרָה): Hebrew name meaning "row, line." Compare with another form of Shura.
  101. SHUWLAMMIYTH (שׁוּלַמִּית): Hebrew name meaning "peaceful." In the bible, this is the name of the maiden celebrated in the Song of Solomon
  102. SIGAL (סִיגָל): Hebrew name meaning "treasure."
  103. SIMCHA (שִׂמְחָה): Hebrew unisex name meaning "joy."
  104. SMADAR (סְמָדַר): Variant form of Hebrew Semadar, meaning "bud" or "blossom."
  105. TAHLIA: Variant spelling of Hebrew Talia, meaning "dew."
  106. TAL (טַל): Hebrew unisex name meaning "dew." 
  107. TALIA (טַלְיָה): Variant spelling of Hebrew Talya, meaning "dew." Compare with another form of Talia.
  108. TALYA (טַלְיָה): Hebrew name meaning "dew." Compare with other forms of Talya.
  109. TAMAR (תָּמָר): Hebrew name meaning "palm tree." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a wife of Judah.
  110. TEHILA (תְּהִלָּה): Hebrew name meaning "prayer" or "song of praise."
  111. TIQVAH (תִּקְוָה): Hebrew unisex name meaning "hope." In the bible, this is strictly a masculine name, the name of the father of Shallum.
  112. TIRTSAH (תִּרְצָה): Hebrew name meaning "pleasantness." In the bible, this is a place name and the name of a daughter of Zelophehad.
  113. TORA (תּוֹרָה): Hebrew name meaning "bible, holy scripture." Compare with another form of Tora.
  114. TORI (תּוֹרִי): Hebrew name meaning "my turtledove." Compare with another form of Tori.
  115. TOVA (טוֹבָה):Hebrew name meaning "good." Compare with another form of Tova.
  116. TOVAH: Variant spelling of Hebrew Tova, meaning "good."
  117. TSERUWYAH (צְרוּיָה): Hebrew name meaning "balsam" or "cleft." In the bible, this is the name of a daughter of Jesse.
  118. TSIBYA (צִבְיָא): Hebrew name meaning "a female gazelle." In the bible, this is the name of a Benjamite.
  119. TSIBYAH (צִבְיָה): Hebrew name meaning "a female gazelle." In the bible, this is the name of the mother of King Joash
  120. TSILLAH (צִלָה): Hebrew name meaning "shade, shadow." In the bible, this is the name of Lamech's second wife.
  121. TSIPPORAH (צִפּוֹרָה): Hebrew name meaning "bird." In the bible, this is the name of the wife of Moses. The Anglicized form is Zipporah.
  122. TSIYBA (צִיבָא): Hebrew name meaning "a plant." In the bible, this is the name of a servant of Saul. Ziba is the Anglicized form.
  123. TZERUYA (צְרוּיָה): Variant spelling of Hebrew Tseruwyah, meaning "balsam" or "cleft." 
  124. TZILA (צִלָה): Variant spelling of Hebrew Tsillah, meaning "shade, shadow." 
  125. TZIPORAH: Variant spelling of Hebrew Tsipporah, meaning "bird." 
  126. TZIVYA (צִבְיָה): Variant spelling of Hebrew Tsibyah, meaning "a female gazelle." 
  127. TZOFI (צוֹפִי): Hebrew name meaning "guard" or "scout." 
  128. TZUFIT (צוּפִית): Feminine form of Hebrew Tzuf, meaning "flow, overflow," hence "honey as dropping."
  129. UDIA: Variant spelling of Hebrew Udiya, meaning "fire of God."
  130. UDIYA (אוּדִיָּה): Hebrew name meaning "ember (or fire) of God."
  131. UFARA (עוּפָרָה): Hebrew name meaning "leader."
  132. ULA (עוּלָא): Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Ulla, meaning "yoke." Compare with other forms of Ula.
  133. ULLA (עוּלָא): Hebrew unisex name meaning "yoke." In the bible, this is the name of a male member of the tribe of Asher. Compare with other forms of Ulla.
  134. UMA (אֻמָה): Hebrew name meaning "nation." Compare with another form of Uma.
  135. UMARIT (אוּמָרִית): Hebrew name meaning "sheaf."
  136. UPHARA: Variant spelling of Hebrew Ufara, meaning "leader."
  137. URANIT (אוּרָנִית): Hebrew name meaning "light."
  138. URIT (אוּרִית): Hebrew name meaning "fire, light."
  139. URITH: Variant spelling of Hebrew Urit, meaning "fire, light."
  140. URITI: Variant form of Hebrew Urit, meaning "fire, light."
  141. USHARA (אוּשָׁרָה): Hebrew name meaning "fortunate."
  142. USHERET: Variant form of Hebrew Ushara, meaning "fortunate."
  143. USHRIA: Variant spelling of Hebrew Ushriya, meaning "blessed of God" or "fortunate of God."
  144. USHRIYA (אוּשְׁרִיָּה): Hebrew name meaning "blessed of God" or "fortunate of God."
  145. UWRIYELA (אוּרִיאֵלָה): Feminine form of Hebrew Uwriyel, meaning "flame of God" or "light of the Lord."
  146. VARDA (וַרְדָּה): Hebrew name meaning "rose."
  147. VARDAH: Variant spelling of Hebrew Varda, meaning "rose."
  148. VASHTIY (וַשְׁתִּי): Hebrew form of Persian Vashti, meaning "beautiful." In the bible, this is the name of the wife of king Ahasuerus who was replaced by Esther.
  149. VERED (וֶרֶד): Hebrew unisex name meaning "rose."
  150. YAA (יָאָה): Hebrew name meaning "beautiful." Compare with another form of Yaa.

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