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Female Egyptian Names


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  1. AAHHOTEP, peace of Aah, or, peace of the moon.
  2. AAHMAS, child of the moon.
  3. AAHOTEP, peace of Aah, or, peace of the moon.
  4. ACHEN, recluse.
  5. AHIT, assistant.
  6. AHMES, child of the moon.
  7. AHTI, a hippo goddess.
  8. AHURA, living.
  9. AI, divine.
  10. AKARKHENTKATS, wise one keeping her place.
  11. AKELA, (alone ?); the mother of Tahrarka.
  12. AKUSAA, ("sunset"); the wife of Tum.
  13. AMA, mother.
  14. AMAUNET, hidden.
  15. AMEM, the wife of Enantef.
  16. AMENANKHNAS, self-existence + life, living + people.
  17. AMENIRITIS, the sister of Shabaka king of Egypt.
  18. AMENMEIT, a priestess of Amen Ra.
  19. AMENSE, sewer of Amen.
  20. AMENSET, Set Amen, Daughter of the Sun.
  21. AMENT, the Hidden.
  22. AMENTAKEHAL, the mother of King Urdamani.
  23. AMUNET, hidden.
  24. AMUNIRITIS, a priestess of Amen.
  25. Amunnebkettoti, a wife of Amenrut or Amyrtæus.
  26. AMUNTA, the Sun; or, the self-existent.
  27. AMUNTIKHET, the wife of Taharka.
  28. ANA, the sun.
  29. ANAI, a royal priestess.
  30. ANI, the sun.
  31. ANIT, Anahita ("pure, spotless").
  32. ANKA, Anucis; Hestia.
  33. ANKARAMA, a daughter of Takelot II.
  34. ANKHATEFS, the mother of Osirtesen-pepa.
  35. ANKHES, the wife of Sekherta.
  36. ANKHESENAMEN, the wife of King Tutankhamen.
  37. ANKHESENATEN, a daughter of Amenhotep IV.
  38. ANKHHI, the mother of Psametek, priest of Pthah.
  39. ANKHKAROAMAT, a daughter of Takelot II.
  40. ANKHNAS RANOFREHET, the the daughter of Psametik II.
  1. ANKHSAPENAP, the granddaughter of Piankhi II.
  2. ANKHSEN RANOFREHET, the the daughter of Psametik II.
  3. ANKHSEPUNTEPET, a lady of the blood royal of Panki.
  4. ANKHTA, city of life.
  5. ANKU, the second wife of Uah.
  6. ANNEKE, the wife of Nakht-ankh.
  7. ANOUKE, an Egyptian warlike goddess.
  8. ANQT, Anouke.
  9. ANQTTITE, a daughter of Sebekhotep III.
  10. ANRN, an Egyptian goddess.
  11. ANTA, a goddess of war.
  12. ANTAEMNEKHT, Anaïtis in her strength.
  13. ANTARTA, a goddess of the Khita.
  14. ANUB, a priestess of Amen.
  15. ANUCIS, Anka.
  16. ANUKETMATMA, a daughter of King Sebekhotep II.
  17. ANUKTATA, an Egyptian princess.
  18. APET, the hippo goddess.
  19. APITUS, she who is on the hill.
  20. APU, Egyptian unisex name.
  21. ARA, the wife of Thothmes IV.
  22. ARAT, a consort of Thothmes IV.
  23. ARBASTUTANIF, a daughter of King Takelothes I.
  24. ARBASUTANIFU, a daughter of King Amenrut.
  25. ARIA, a priestess, the daughter of Diogenes.
  26. ARIURU, a Saitic name.
  27. ARSINOE, the sister of Queen Cleopatra.
  28. AS, Isis.
  29. ASHTARCHEMOSH, a form of Chemosh.
  30. ASMATARTA, a wife of Rameses III.
  31. ASNOFRE, the Good Isis.
  32. ASTARETENHEB, Priestess of Astarte.
  33. ASTEKHU, mother of the sculptor Abet.
  34. ATA, princess.
  35. ATEF, the mother of Nunnu.
  36. ATEM, the mother goddess of time.
  37. ATIM, the mother of Mentuhotep IV.
  38. ATINMERIT, an Egyptian queen.
  39. AUA, the wife of Amenemapet.
  40. AUAIT, an unidentified goddess.

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