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Elfin Names
Names associated with elves/elfs. Names that mean elf.
Elf counselors; friends of elves; elf rulers; elf warriors, elf armies, etc.

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    1. AUBREY: English unisex form of Norman French Alberi, meaning "elf ruler."

    2. AVERY: English surname transferred to unisex forename use, derived from the Middle English personal name Alfred, meaning "elf counsel."

    3. OLLIE: Unisex pet form of English Oliver and Olivia, both probably meaning "elf army."

  • MALE:

    1. ÆLFGAR: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the Old English elements ælf "elf" and gar "spear," hence "elf spear."

    2. ÆLFHARE: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the Old English elements ælf "elf" and hari "army," hence "elf army."

    3. ÆLFHERE: Variant spelling of Anglo-Saxon Ælfhare, meaning "elf army."

    4. ÆLFRÆD: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the Old English elements ælf "elf" and ræd "counsel," hence "elf counsel."

    5. ÆLFRED: Variant spelling of Anglo-Saxon Ælfræd, meaning "elf counsel."

    6. ÆLFRIC: Anglo-Saxon equivalent of Old High German Albirich, composed of the Old English elements ælf "elf" and ric "rule," hence "elf ruler."

    7. ÆLFWEALD: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the Old English elements ælf "elf" and weald "rule," hence "elf ruler."

    8. ÆLFWEARD: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the Old English elements ælf "elf" and weard "guard," hence "elf guard."

    9. ÆLFWINE: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the Old English elements ælf "elf," and wine "friend," hence "elf friend."

    10. AILELL: Variant spelling of Irish Gaelic Ailill, meaning "elf."

    11. AILFRID: Irish Gaelic form of English Alfred, meaning "elf counsel."

    12. AILFRIED: Variant spelling of Irish Gaelic Ailfrid, meaning "elf counsel."

    13. AILFRYD: Variant spelling of Irish Gaelic Ailfrid, meaning "elf counsel."

    14. AILILL: Irish Gaelic name meaning "elf." In mythology, this is the name of the husband of queen Méabh.

    15. AILWARD: Variant spelling of Middle English Aylward, meaning either "noble guard" or "elf guard."

    16. ALBERI: Norman French form of Old High German Albirich, meaning "elf ruler."

    17. ALBERIC: Short form of Latin Albericus, meaning "elf ruler." 

    18. ALBERICH: Variant spelling of Old High German Albirich, meaning "elf ruler." In Germanic mythology, this was the name of a sorcerer king of elves.

    19. ALBERICO: Italian form of Latin Albericus, meaning "elf ruler."

    20. ALBERICUS: Latin form of German Alberich, meaning "elf ruler."

    21. ALBIRICH: Old High German name composed of the elements alf "elf" and ric "power, rule," hence "elf ruler." 

    22. ALF: Compare with another form of Alf.
      1. Scandinavian form of Old Norse Alfr, meaning "elf."

      2. Short form of English Alfred, meaning "elf counsel."

    23. ALFEO: Pet form of Italian Alfredo, meaning "elf counsel."

    24. ALFIE: Pet form of English Alfred, meaning "elf counsel."

    25. ALFIHAR: Middle Low German name composed of the elements alf "elf" and hari "army, host," hence "elf army."

    26. ÁLFLJÓTR: Old Norse name composed of the elements alfr "elf" and ljótr "ugly," hence "elfin ugly."

    27. ALFR: Old Norse legend name of a king who pursued the maiden Álfhidr, meaning "elf."

    28. ALFRÉD: Hungarian name derived from Latin Alfredus, meaning "elf counsel."

    29. ALFRED: Modern English form of Middle English Alvred, meaning "elf counsel."

    30. ALFREDO: Italian and Spanish form of Latin Alfredus, meaning "elf counsel."

    31. ALFREDUS: Variant spelling of Latin Alvredus, meaning "elf counsel."

    32. ALFRID: Variant spelling of English Alfred, meaning "elf counsel."

    33. ALFY: Pet form of English Alfred, meaning "elf counsel."

    34. ALGAR: Middle English form of Anglo-Saxon Ælfgar, meaning "elf spear." 

    35. ALGER: Variant spelling of Middle English Algar, meaning elf spear." 

    36. ALLGAR: Variant spelling of Middle English Algar, meaning "elf spear."

    37. ALLGER: Variant spelling of Middle English Algar, meaning "elf spear."

    38. ALUIN: Filipino name derived from Latin Alvinius, meaning "elf friend."

    39. ALUINO: Filipino name derived from Latin Alvinius, meaning "elf friend."

    40. ALURED: Variant spelling of Middle English Alvred, meaning "elf counsel."

    41. ALVAR: Middle English form of Anglo-Saxon Ælfhere, meaning "elf army."

    42. ALVEN: English variant spelling of Norman French Alvin, meaning "elf friend."

    43. ALVERÉ: Norman French form of Latin Alvredus, meaning "elf counsel."

    44. ALVIE: English pet form of Norman French Alvin, meaning "elf friend."

    45. ALVIN: Norman French name derived from Latin Alvinius, meaning "elf friend." In use by the English.

    46. ALVINIUS: Latin form of Old High German Alwin, meaning "elf friend." 

    47. ALVRED: Middle English form of Latin Alvredus, meaning "elf counsel."

    48. ALVREDUS: Latin form of Anglo-Saxon Ælfræd, meaning "elf counsel."

    49. ALVY: English pet form of Norman French Alvin, meaning "elf friend."

    50. ALVYN: English variant spelling of Norman French Alwin, meaning "elf friend."

    51. ALWIN

      1. Middle English form of Anglo-Saxon �lfwine, meaning "elf friend." 

      2. Old High German name composed of the elements alb "elf" and wini "friend," hence "elf friend." 

      3. Variant spelling of Norman French Alvin, meaning "elf friend."

    52. ALWYN: Variant spelling of Middle English Alwin, meaning "elf friend."

    53. AUBERON: Variant form of Norman French Alberi, meaning "elf ruler." 

    54. AUBRY: Masculine variant spelling of English unisex Aubrey, meaning "elf ruler."

    55. AYLWARD: Middle English form of Anglo-Saxon Æthelweard "noble guard" or Ælfweard "elf guard." 

    56. ELGAR: Variant spelling of Middle English Algar, meaning "elf spear." 
    57. ELGER: Variant spelling of English Algar, meaning "elf spear."
    58. ELLGAR: Variant spelling of Middle English Elgar, meaning "elf spear."
    59. ELLGER: Variant spelling of Middle English Elger, meaning "elf spear."
    60. ELRIC: Middle English form of Anglo-Saxon Ælfric, meaning "elf ruler."
    61. ELVIN: Variant spelling of Middle English Elwin, meaning "elf friend."
    62. ELWEARD: Variant spelling of Middle English Aylward, meaning "elf guard" or "noble guard."
    63. ELWIN: Variant spelling of Middle English Alwin, meaning "elf friend." 
    64. ELWYN: Variant spelling of Middle English Elwin, meaning "elf friend."
    65. GANDÁLFR: Old Norse name composed of the elements gandr " staff, wand" or "fiend, monster" and álfr "elf," hence "fiendish elf" or "wand elf." In mythology, this is the name of a dwarf.
    66. GONÇALO: Portuguese form of Spanish Gonzalo, meaning "battle genius; war elf."
    67. GONÇALVO: Variant spelling of Portuguese Gonçalo, meaning "battle genius; war elf."
    68. GONZALO: Spanish form of Visigothic Gundisalv, meaning "battle genius; war elf."
    69. GUNDISALV: Visigothic name composed of the elements gund "battle, fight" and alfs "elf, wise fog spirit (from Nordic mythology), hence "battle genius; war elf."
    70. GUNDISALVUS: Latinized form of Visigothic Gundisalv, meaning "battle genius; war elf."
    71. NAPOLEON: French form of Italian Napoleone, a very rare name borne by a short emperor (5'6"), probably meaning "elf, dwarf, Nibelung (son of the mist)."
    72. NAPOLEONE: Rare Italian name traditionally translated as "lion of Naples" but only because of its association with the name Napoli "Naples" and the word leone "lion." Etymologists now believe the name to be of Germanic origin, probably from elvish Nibelungen "sons of the mist," the name of a race of dwarfs; hence "elf, dwarf, Nibelung (son of the mist)." 
    73. NOLL: Medieval pet form of English Oliver, probably meaning "elf army."
    74. OBERON: English form of French Auberon, meaning "elf ruler." In Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream," this was the name of the king of the fairies.

    75. OILBHREIS: Gaelic form of French Olivier, probably meaning "elf army."

    76. OILILL: Variant spelling of Irish Gaelic Ailill, meaning "elf."

    77. OILIOLL: Variant spelling of Irish Gaelic Ailill, meaning "elf."

    78. OLAVO: Portuguese form of German Alfihar, meaning "elf army."

    79. OLGHAR: Scottish Gaelic form of French Olivier, probably meaning "elf army."

    80. OLI: Short form of English Oliver, probably meaning "elf army."

    81. OLIER: Breton form of French Olivier, probably meaning "elf army."

    82. OLIVER: English form of French Olivier, probably meaning "elf army."

    83. OLIVIER: Of Norman French origin, thus ultimately of Germanic origin, probably from German Alfihar, meaning "elf army." The name was first used as a character name in the French epic La Chanson de Roland.


    1. ÆLFGIFU: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the Old English elements ælf "elf" and gifu "gift," hence "elf gift."
    2. ÆLFLÆD: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the Old English elements ælf "elf" and fl�d "beauty," hence "elfin beauty."
    3. ÆLFLED: Variant spelling of Anglo-Saxon Ælflæd, meaning "elfin beauty."
    4. ÆLFÞRYÐ: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the Old English elements ælf "elf" and þryð "strength," hence "elfin strength."
    5. ÆLFTHRYTH: Variant spelling of Anglo-Saxon Ælfþryð, meaning "elfin strength."
    6. AELGIFU: Variant spelling of Anglo-Saxon Ælfgifu, meaning "elf gift."
    7. ALFHILD: Norwegian form of Old Norse Álfhildr, meaning "elf battle."

    8. ÁLFHILDR: Old Norse myth name composed of the elements alfr "elf" and hildr "battle," hence "elf battle."

    9. ALFREDA: Feminine form of English Alfred, meaning "elf counsel."

    10. ALFSIGR: Old Norse name composed of the elements alfr "elf" and sigr "victory," hence "elf victory."

    11. ALIVIA: Variant spelling of English Olivia, probably meaning "elf army."

    12. ALVA: Swedish feminine form of Old Norse Alf, meaning "elf." Compare with another form of Alva.

    13. ALVENA: Variant spelling of Middle English Alvina, meaning "elf friend."

    14. ALVINA: Middle English feminine form of Norman French Alvin, meaning "elf friend."

    15. ALVERAD: Visigothic name composed of the Germanic elements alf "elf" and rad "council," hence "elf council."

    16. ALVERY: Norman French form of Visigothic Alverad, meaning "elf council."

    17. ALVILDA: Danish form of Old Norse Álfhildr, meaning "elf battle."

    18. ALVINA: Feminine form of Middle English Alvin, meaning "elf friend."

    19. ALWILDA: Anglicized form of Danish Alvilda, meaning "elf battle."

    20. AUBREE: Feminine variant spelling of English unisex Aubrey, meaning "elf ruler."

    21. AUBRIE: Feminine variant spelling of English unisex Aubrey, meaning "elf ruler."

    22. ELFA: Variant spelling of Middle English Elva, meaning "elf friend."
    23. ELFI: Pet form of German Elfriede, meaning "elf strength."
    24. ELFREDA: Middle English form of Anglo-Saxon Ælfþryð, meaning "elfin strength." 
    25. ELFRIDA: Variant spelling of Middle English Elfreda, meaning "elfin strength."
    26. ELFRIEDA: Variant spelling of Middle English Elfreda, meaning "elfin strength."
    27. ELFRIEDE: German equivalent of Anglo-Saxon Ælfþryð, meaning "elfin strength." 
    28. ELVA: Pet form of Middle English Elvina, meaning "elf friend."
    29. ELVINA: Feminine form of Middle English Elvin, meaning "elf friend."
    30. LIVIA: Short form of English Olivia, probably meaning "elf army." Compare with another form of Livia.
    31. LIVVY: Pet form of English Olivia, probably meaning "elf army."
    32. OLIVIA: English name created by Shakespeare who may have intended it to be a feminine form of Oliver, probably meaning "elf army."
    33. OLÍVIA: Portuguese form of English Olivia, probably meaning "elf army."
    34. OLIVIE: Feminine form of French Olivier, probably meaning "elf army."
    35. OLIWIA: Polish form of English Olivia, probably meaning "elf army." 
    36. OLYVIA: Variant spelling of English Olivia, probably meaning "elf army."
    37. SIOFRA: Irish Gaelic name meaning "elf."
    38. VENA: Short form of Middle English Alvena, meaning "elf friend." Compare with another form of Vena.



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