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Dark Names
On this page you will find names associated with dark,
darkness, dark skin, dark warriors, dark strangers, dark places, etc.
Also see Black Names, Night Names, and Sunset Names.

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    1. CAREY: Variant spelling of English unisex Cary, meaning "dark one." 
    2. CARI: Variant spelling of English unisex Cary, meaning "dark one." 
    3. CARY: Irish surname transferred to unisex forename use, from an Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Ciardha, "descendant of Ciardha ("black, dark"), hence "dark one." 
    4. DEE: English unisex short form of longer names beginning with the letter "D." In some cases, it may be of Scottish origin, associated with the River Dee, possibly meaning "dark water." Compare with strictly feminine Dee.
    5. EFA ( עֵיפָה): Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Efah, meaning "darkness" or "gloomy." Compare with another form of Efa.
    6. EFAH (עֵיפָה): Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Eyphah, meaning "darkness" or "gloomy."
    7. EIFA: Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Efah, meaning "darkness" or "gloomy." 
    8. EPHAH: Anglicized form of Hebrew unisex Eyphah, meaning "darkness" or "gloomy." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a son of Midian and one of Caleb's concubines.
    9. EYPHAH (עֵיפָה): Hebrew unisex name meaning "darkness" or "gloomy." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a son of Midian and one of Caleb's concubines. Also spelled Efah. The Anglicized form is Ephah.
  • MALE:

    1. CETHIN: Old Celtic byname, meaning "dark, swarthy."
    2. CIARDHA: Gaelic name derived from the word ciar, meaning "black, dark."
    3. DONNDUBHÁN: Old Gaelic name composed of the elements donn "brown," and dubh "dark, black," and the diminutive suffix -án, hence "little dark brown one."
    4. DUFF: Scottish name derived from the Gaelic byname dùbh, meaning "black, dark." Compare with another form of Duff.
    5. DUNN: English surname transferred to forename use, originally a byname for someone with dark hair or a swarthy complexion, from the Middle English element dunn, meaning "dark-colored." Compare with another form of Dunn.
    6. DUNSTAN: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the elements dun "black, dark" and stan "stone," hence "black stone" or "dark stone."
    7. EREBOS (Ἔρεβος): Greek name, probably borrowed from Hebrew erebh or Akkadian erebu ("sunset, evening"), hence "darkness." In mythology, this is the name of the offspring of Chaos, brother of Nyx, and father of Æther. He is the personification of primordial darkness. In later legends Erebos became the name of a place in Hades, the underworld. 
    8. EREBUS: Latin form of Greek Erebos, meaning "darkness." In mythology, this is the name of the offspring of Chaos, brother of Nyx, and father of Æther. He is the personification of primordial darkness. In later legends Erebos became the name of a place in Hades, the underworld. 
    9. FEARDORCHA: Gaelic name composed of the elements fear "man" and dorcha "dark," hence "dark man."
    10. FREDERICK: Irish Anglicized form of Gaelic Feardorcha, meaning "dark man." Compare with another form of Frederick.
    11. GETHEN: Variant spelling of Welsh Gethin, meaning "dark, swarthy."
    12. GETHIN: Welsh name derived from the Celtic byname Cethin, meaning "dark, swarthy."
    13. IMOO: African Luo name meaning "darkness; dusk."
    14. KAMENWATI: Egyptian name meaning "dark rebel."
    15. KARAYAN: Armenian name meaning "dark."
    16. KOLI: Old Norse byname for a dark-complexioned person, derived from the element kol, meaning "black, coal."
    17. MAURI: Finnish form of Roman Latin Maurice, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor." 
    18. MAURICE: Contracted form of Roman Latin Mauricius, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor." Introduced to Britain by the Normans. Infrequently used by the French and English.
    19. MAURICIO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Mauricius, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor."
    20. MAURICIUS: Extended form of Latin Maurus, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor."
    21. MAURITS: Dutch form of Roman Latin Maurice, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor." 
    22. MAURIZIO: Italian form of Latin Mauricius, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor."
    23. MAURO: Italian form of Latin Mauricius, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor."
    24. MAURUS: Latin byname meaning "dark-skinned; Moor."
    25. MAURYCY: Polish form of Roman Latin Maurice, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor." 
    26. MEURIC: Welsh form of Roman Latin Maurice, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor."
    27. MEURIG: Variant spelling of Welsh Meuric, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor."
    28. MO: Pet form of English Morris, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor." Compare with feminine Mo.
    29. MÓRIC: Hungarian form of Roman Latin Maurice, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor."
    30. MORITZ: German form of Roman Latin Maurice, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor."
    31. MORRIS: Medieval English form of Roman Latin Maurice, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor."
    32. MUIRIS: Irish form of Roman Latin Maurice, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor."
    33. ORFEO: Italian form of Greek Orpheus, meaning either "deprived" or "darkness."

    34. ORPHEUS (Ὀρφεύς): Greek name derived either from orbhao "deprived" or orphe "darkness." In mythology, this is the name of a musician who charmed Hades with his lyre in an attempt to rescue his wife from the underworld.

    35. PANHSJ: Egyptian name meaning "the Nubian," i.e. "dark-complexioned."

    36. RAMA (राम): Hindi myth name of a hero of the Ramayana, meaning "black, dark" or "darkness." Compare with another form of Rama.
    37. RAMAKRISHNA (रामकृष्ण): Hindi compound name composed of the names Rama "black, dark" or "darkness" and Krishna "the black/blue."
    38. SÚILEABHÁN: Old Irish Gaelic name composed of the elements súil "eye" and dubh "black, dark," and a diminutive suffix, hence "little dark eyes."
    39. SULLIVAN: Irish surname transferred to forename use, from an Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Súileabháin ("descendant of Súileabhán"), hence "little dark eyes."

    1. CHARNA: Yiddish name derived from the Slavic word for "dark."
    2. CHARNETTE: Possibly a pet form for Yiddish Charna, meaning "dark."
    3. LAMYA (لمياء): Arabic name meaning "has beautiful dark lips."
    4. LEILA (Hebrew: לַיְלָה, Persian: لیلا): Compare with another form of Leila.
      1. Hebrew name meaning "night" or "dark Oriental beauty."
      2. Persian name meaning "dark-haired."
    5. LEILAH
      1. Variant spelling of Arabic Leila, meaning "night."
      2. Variant spelling of Hebrew Leila, meaning "night" or "dark Oriental beauty."
    6. MALINDA: Variant spelling of English Melinda, meaning either "black/dark serpent" or "sweet serpent."
    7. MAURA: Feminine form of Italian Mauro, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor." Compare with another form of Maura.
    8. MELAENA: Latin form of Greek Melaina, meaning "black, dark." In mythology, this is the name of a Naiad Nymph of springs.
    9. MELAINA (Μέλαινα): Variant spelling of Greek Melaine, meaning "black, dark." In mythology, this is the name of a Naiad Nymph of springs.
    10. MELAINE (Μελαινη): Greek name derived from the word, melaina, meaning "black, dark." In mythology, this is the name of a Naiad Nymph of springs.
    11. MELANIA: Italian and Spanish form of Latin Melaena, meaning "black, dark." 
    12. MÉLANIE: French form of Latin Melaena, meaning "black, dark." 
    13. MELANIE: English form of French Mélanie, meaning "black, dark." 
    14. MELANY: Variant spelling of English Melanie, meaning "black, dark."
    15. MELINDA: Modern English compound name composed of Mel- (from Melissa ("sweet") or Melanie "black, dark") and Linda "serpent," hence "black/dark serpent" or "sweet serpent." 
    16. MELLONY: Variant spelling of English Melanie, meaning "black, dark." 
    17. MINDY: Pet form of English Melinda, meaning "black/dark serpent" or "sweet serpent." 
    18. NEREZA: Variant spelling of Italian Nerezza, meaning "darkness." 
    19. NEREZZA: Modern Italian name derived from the word nerezza, meaning "darkness." 
    20. SAUDA: African Swahili name meaning "dark-complexioned."



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