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Androgynous Names, Unisex Names
A list of names which may be used for both males and females.

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  1. ABI
    1. Feminine: Anglicized form of Hebrew Abiy, meaning "my father." In the bible, this is the name of the mother of King Hezekiah
    2. Masculine: Pet form of Hebrew Abraham, meaning "father of a multitude." Also spelled Avi
  2. ABIA: Anglicized form of Hebrew unisex Abiyah, meaning "Yahweh is my father." In the bible, this is the name of a son of Samuel, the mother of Hezekiah, a member of the tribe of Benjamin, a king of Judah, and several other characters. 
  3. ABIAH: Anglicized form of Hebrew unisex Abiyah, meaning "Yahweh is my father." In the bible, this is the name of a son of Samuel, the mother of Hezekiah, a member of the tribe of Benjamin, a king of Judah, and several other characters. 
  4. ABICHAIL (אֲבִיחַיִל): Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Abiyhayil, meaning "father of might." 
  5. ABIDA
    1. Feminine (لڑكی): Arabic name meaning "she who worships." 
    2. Masculine: Anglicized form of Hebrew Abiyda, meaning "father of knowledge." In the bible, this is the name of one of Midian's five sons.
  6. ABIHAIL: Anglicized form of Hebrew unisex Abiyhayil, meaning "father of might." In the bible, this is the name of the father of Esther, a Levite who was the head of the house of Merari, and several other characters.
  7. ABIHAYIL (אֲבִיחַיִל): Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Abiyhayil, meaning "father of might." 
  8. ABIJAH: Anglicized form of Hebrew unisex Abiyah, meaning "Yahweh is my father." In the bible, this is the name of a son of Samuel, the mother of Hezekiah, a member of the tribe of Benjamin, a king of Judah, and several other characters. 
  9. ABIYAH (אֲבִיָּה): Hebrew unisex name meaning "Yahweh is my father." In the bible, this is the name of a son of Samuel, the mother of Hezekiah, a member of the tribe of Benjamin, a king of Judah, and several other characters. Also spelled Aviyah.
  10. ABIYHAYIL (אֲבִיחַיִל): Hebrew unisex name meaning "father of might." In the bible, this is the name of the wife of Rehoboam, the father of Esther, a Levite who was the head of the house of Merari, and several other characters. Abihail is the Anglicized form. Also spelled Avichayil.
  11. ACHCAUHTLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "leader."
  12. ADDIE: Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Adi, meaning "my ornament" or "my witness."
    1. Feminine: Pet form of English Adelaide, meaning "noble sort."
    2. Masculine: Pet form of Hebrew Adam, meaning "earth" or "red."
  13. ADDISON: Old English surname transferred to unisex forename use, meaning "son of Adam." 
  14. ADEBOWALE: African Yoruba unisex name meaning "my crown has come home."
  15. ADI (עֲדִי): Hebrew unisex name meaning "my ornament" or "my witness."
  16. ADINA (עֲדִינָא): Anglicized form of Hebrew unisex Adiyna, meaning "slender." In the bible, this is a masculine name only, the name of one of King David's captains.
  17. ADISON: Variant spelling of English unisex Addison, meaning "son of Adam."
  18. ADISSON: Variant spelling of English unisex Addison, meaning "son of Adam."
  19. ADIYNA (עֲדִינָא): Hebrew unisex name meaning "slender." In the bible, this is a masculine name only, the name of one of King David's captains.
  20. ADONIA
    1. Feminine (Αδώνια): Feminine form of Greek Adonis, meaning "my lord."
    2. Masculine (אֲדּׄנִיָּה): Variant spelling of English Adonijah, meaning "my Lord is Jehovah." 
  21. AERON: Welsh unisex form of Celtic Agrona, the name a goddess of war and death who was portrayed as a masculine figure in Welsh mythology, meaning "carnage, slaughter." 
  22. AFFRA: Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Afra, meaning "ashes, dust" and "clay, loam." 
  23. AFFTON: Variant spelling of English unisex Afton, derived from the name of the River Afton in Ayrshire, Scotland, made famous in Burns' poem "Sweet Afton." 
  24. AFON: Modern unisex Welsh name meaning "river."
  25. AFRA (רפַעָ): Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Aphra, meaning "ashes, dust" and "clay, loam." 
    1. Feminine: Roman byname for a woman from Africa.
  26. AFTON: Old English surname transferred to unisex forename use, derived from the name of the River Afton in Ayrshire, Scotland, made famous in Burns' poem "Sweet Afton." 
  27. AGLÆCA: An Old English dictionary defines áglǽca as follows: "wretch, miscreant, monster, demon, fierce enemy, fierce combatant, miserable being." In the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf, Grendel, Grendel's mother and Beowulf are all three referred to by this name for each is a "fierce combatant." 
  28. AGRIPPA (Russian: Агриппа): 
    1. Feminine: Contracted form of Russian Agripina, meaning "wild horse."
    2. Masculine: Latin form of Greek Agrippas, meaning "wild horse." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the Herod Agrippa who ordered the execution of the apostle James, and the imprisonment of Peter
  29. AHSAN (আহসান): Hindi form of Persian unisex Ehsan, meaning "compassion."
  30. AHUILIZTLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "joy."
  31. AIAH: Anglicized form of Hebrew unisex Ayah, meaning "falcon" or "vulture." In the bible, this is the name of the father of Rizpah, and a Horite, the son of Zibeon.
  32. AILBHE: Irish Gaelic unisex name, possibly derived from the word albho, meaning "white." In Irish legend, this is the name of a female warrior of the Fianna.
  33. AINSLEY: Scottish habitational surname transferred to unisex forename use, composed of the Old English elements ansetl "hermitage" and leah "meadow, pasture," hence "hermitage meadow."
  34. AINSLIE: Variant spelling of Scottish unisex Ainsley, meaning "hermitage meadow." 
  35. AKANKSHA (आकाङ्क्षा): Hindi unisex name meaning "desire; wish."
  36. AKI (1-, 2-, 3-): Japanese unisex name meaning: 1) "autumn" 2) "bright" 3) "sparkle." 
    1. Masculine: Danish form of Old Norse Áki, meaning "father."
  37. AKIRA (1-, 2-): Japanese unisex name meaning 1) "bright" or 2) "clear."
  38. ALEX: English unisex short form of Alexandra and Alexander, meaning "defender of mankind." 
  39. ALEXIS: Unisex contracted form of Latin Alexius, meaning "defender."
  40. ALEXUS: Unisex contracted form of Latin Alexius, meaning "defender."
  41. ALIX: Variant spelling of English unisex Alex, meaning "defender of mankind." 
  42. ALPHA (Άλφα): English unisex name derived from the first letter of the Greek alphabet.
  43. ALTAIR (الطير): Modern English unisex name derived from the name of the brightest star in the constellation Aquila, from an Arabic word meaning "the bird" or "the flyer." 
  44. ALVA

    1. Feminine

      • Anglicized feminine form of Irish Gaelic unisex Ailbhe, possibly meaning "white."

      • Swedish feminine form of Old Norse Alf, meaning "elf."

    2. Masculine:

      • Variant spelling of Hebrew Alvah, meaning "evil, iniquity."

  45. ALYX: Variant spelling of English unisex Alex, meaning "defender of mankind."
  46. AMAL (عمل): Arabic unisex name meaning "hope." 

    1. Masculine:

      • (עָמָל): Hebrew name meaning "heavy, wearisome labor." In the bible, this is the name of a member of the tribe of Asher.

      • Old German name derived from the word amal, meaning "labor, work."

  47. AMETS: Basque unisex name meaning "dream."
  48. AMIT (עָמִית): Hebrew unisex name meaning "friend." 
  49. AMOXTLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "protection, shelter."
  50. AN: Vietnamese unisex name meaning "peace." 
    1. Masculine: Sumerian Mesopotamian name meaning "heaven; sky." In mythology, this is the name of a god of the heavens. Also spelled Anu.
  51. ANAN: African Akan unisex name meaning "fourth born child." 
    1. Masculine (עֲנָן): Hebrew name meaning "cloud." In the bible, this is the name of one of heads of the people who signed the covenant with Nehemiah.
  52. ANARAWD: Unisex form of Welsh Angharad, meaning "undisgraced, free of shame."
  53. ANAT (עַנָת): Unisex form of Hebrew Anath, meaning "answer (to prayer)."

    1. Feminine: Semitic (Ugaritic) name of a goddess of war, the sister and lover of the great storm god Ba'al, meaning "water spring." She is said to have been a consumer of blood and flesh.

  54. ANDĔL: Czech form of English unisex Angel, meaning "angel, messenger."
  55. ANDY: Unisex pet form of English Andrew and Andrea, meaning "man; warrior."
  56. ANGE
    1. Feminine: English short form of Latin Angela, meaning "angel, messenger." 
    2. Masculine: French name meaning "angel, messenger." 
  57. ANGEL: English unisex name derived from Latin Angelus, meaning "angel, messenger." Originally a male name, it is now almost strictly female.
  58. AOI (1-, 2-): Japanese unisex name meaning 1) "blue" or 2) "hollyhock."
  59. APHRA (רפַעָ): Hebrew unisex name derived from the word aphra, meaning "ashes, dust" and "clay, loam." In the bible, this is part of the name of a Philistine city, Bethel-aphrah.
  60. ARAS: Lithuanian unisex name meaning "intelligence of an eagle."
  61. ARDEN: English unisex name derived from a place name meaning "eagle valley."
  62. ARI'EL (אֲרִיאֵל): Hebrew unisex name meaning "lion of god." In the bible, this is a name applied to the city of Jerusalem, and the name of a chief of the returning exiles. In the Apocrypha, this is the name of an archangel who rules the waters. It is also the name of a moon of Uranus, and the name of a spirit in Shakespeare's play "The Tempest." 

  63. ARIEL: Anglicized form of Hebrew unisex Ari'el, meaning "lion of god." In the bible, this is a name applied to the city of Jerusalem, and the name of a chief of the returning exiles. In the Apocrypha, this is the name of an archangel who rules the waters. It is also the name of a moon of Uranus, and the name of a spirit in Shakespeare's play "The Tempest." 

  64. ARIN

    1. Feminine: Variant spelling of English Erin, meaning "Ireland." 

    2. Masculine: Variant spelling of English Aaron, meaning "light-bringer." 

  65. ARRATS: Basque unisex name meaning "early evening; dusk."

  66. ASH: Short form of English unisex Ashley, meaning "ash-tree grove." 

  67. ASHLEY: English habitational surname transferred to unisex forename use, composed of the Old English elements æsc "ash" and lēah "wood," hence "ash-tree grove."

  68. ASHTON: English unisex name derived from a place name, meaning "ash tree settlement."

  69. ASIA: English unisex name derived from the name of the continent, possibly derived from Assyrian asu, meaning "east."

    1. Feminine: Short form of Polish Joasia, meaning "Yahweh is gracious." 

  70. ASTON: English unisex name derived from a place name meaning "east settlement."

  71. ATHOL: Scottish surname transferred to unisex forename use, derived from the name of a district of Perthshire, Scotland, composed of the Gaelic elements ath "ford" and al "rock, stone," hence "ford of the rock; rock-ford." 

  72. ATL: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "water." 

  73. AUBREY: English unisex form of Norman French Alberi, meaning "elf ruler."

  74. AUSTYN: Unisex form of English Austin, meaning "venerable."

  75. AUTUMN: English unisex name derived from the season name, from Latin autumnus, thought to be of Etruscan origin. Harvest was the original English name for the season; Autumn replaced it in the 16th century.

  76. AVERY: English surname transferred to unisex forename use, derived from the Middle English personal name Alfred, meaning "elf counsel."

  77. AVI (אֲבִי): Also spelled Abi

    1. Feminine: Variant spelling of Hebrew Abiy, meaning "my father."

    2. Masculine: Pet form of Hebrew Avraham, meaning "father of a multitude." 

  78. AVICHAYIL (אֲבִיחַיִל): Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Abihayil, meaning "father of might." 

  79. AVIGAL (אֲבִיגַל): Unisex form of Hebrew Avigayil, meaning "father rejoices."

  80. AVIYAH (אֲבִיָּה): Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Abiyah, meaning "Yahweh is my father." 

  81. AWOTWI: African Akan unisex name meaning "born eighth."

  82. AYA (אַיָּה): Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Ayah, meaning "falcon" or "vulture."

    1. Feminine (1-, 2-): Japanese name meaning 1) "colorful" or 2) "design."

  83. AYAH (אַיָּה): Hebrew unisex name meaning "falcon" or "vulture." In the bible, this is the name of the father of Rizpah, and a Horite, the son of Zibeon.

  84. AYO: African Yoruba unisex name meaning "joy." 

  85. AYODELE: African Yoruba unisex name meaning "joy has come home."

  86. AYOMIDE: African Yoruba unisex name meaning "my joy has arrived."

  87. AYOTUNDE: African Yoruba unisex name meaning "joy has returned."

  88. BAAKO: African Akan unisex name meaning "born first."

  89. BABE

    1. Feminine: English pet form of Greek Barbara, meaning "foreign; strange." 

    2. Masculine: This was once a popular American English pet name for athletes, especially in the early 1900s, before and after Babe Ruth.

  90. BADR (بدر): Arabic unisex name meaning "full moon."

  91. BAI (1-, 2-): Chinese unisex name meaning 1) "pure, white" or 2) "many, hundred."

  92. BAILEY: English occupational surname transferred to unisex forename use, meaning "bailiff." 

  93. BAILIE: Variant spelling of English unisex Bailey, meaning "bailiff." 
  94. BAILY: Variant spelling of English unisex Bailey, meaning "bailiff." 
  95. BALA (बल): Hindi unisex name meaning "young."
  96. BAMBI: English unisex name, derived from the Italian word bambino, meaning "child." 
  97. BAMBIE: Variant spelling of English unisex Bambi, meaning "child."
  98. BARRA
    1. Feminine: Variant spelling of Hebrew Bara, meaning "to choose."
    2. Masculine: Short form of Irish Gaelic Fionnbarra, meaning "fair-headed."
  99. BERRY
    1. Feminine: English name derived from the vocabulary word, meaning simply "berry." 
    2. Masculine: Variant spelling of English Barry, meaning "fair-headed."
  100. BERTIE
    1. Feminine: English pet form of German Bertha, meaning "bright." 
    2. Masculine: Pet form of English Bert, meaning "bright." 
  101. BLAIR: Scottish unisex name derived from any of a number of places in Scotland called Blair, derived from the Gaelic word blàr, meaning "field, plain," most often referring to a "battlefield." 
  102. BLISS: Old English unisex name derived from the word bliss, meaning "joy; happiness." 
  103. BLYTHE: Old English surname transferred to unisex forename use, derived from the word blīðe, meaning "cheerful, happy."
  104. BO (): Chinese unisex name meaning "sea" or "waves."
    1. Masculine
      • Romani name meaning "colonist, settler."
      • Swedish byname for a "householder," transferred to forename use, derived from Old Norse búa, meaning "to dwell; to have a household."
  105. BOBBI: Unisex pet form of English Robert and Roberta, meaning "bright fame." 
  106. BOIPELO: African Tswana unisex name meaning "proud."
  107. BOITUMELO: African Tswana unisex name meaning "joy."
  108. BRADY: Irish surname transferred to unisex forename use, derived from an Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Brádaigh, meaning "descendant of Brádach," hence "large-chested."
  109. BRAIDY: Variant spelling of English unisex Brady, meaning "broad-chested." 
  110. BRAITH: Welsh unisex name derived from the word brith, meaning "diversely-colored," especially black and white or red and white. 
  111. BRETT: English unisex name meaning, "a Breton."
  112. BRIAR: English unisex name derived from the plant name briar, from Old English brer, meaning "prickly bush."
  113. BRIER: Variant spelling of English unisex Briar, meaning "briar plant."
  114. BRIN: Variant spelling of Welsh unisex Bryn, meaning "hill."
  115. BROGAN: Irish surname transferred to unisex forename use, from Gaelic Ó Brógáin, meaning "descendant of Brógán," hence "little shoe."
  116. BROOK: English surname transferred to unisex forename use, from Old English broc, meaning "brook, stream."
  117. BROOKE: Variant spelling of English unisex Brook, meaning "brook, stream."
  118. BRYN: Welsh unisex name meaning "hill."
  119. BRYNN: Variant spelling of Welsh unisex Bryn, meaning "hill."
  120. : Northern Vietnamese unisex name meaning "the eldest; the first."
  121. CADENCE: English unisex name derived from the vocabulary word, from Latin cadens "to fall," hence "flow of rhythm."
  122. CÆLESTIS: Latin unisex name meaning "heavenly." In Roman mythology, this is an epithet belonging to the goddess Diana and the god Jupiter
  123. CAM: Short form of Scottish unisex Cameron ("crooked nose"), and other names beginning with Cam-.
    1. Feminine: Vietnamese name meaning "orange."
  124. CAMERON: Scottish surname transferred to unisex forename use, from the name of the great Highland clans whose ancestor had an ungraceful proboscis, composed of the Gaelic elements cam "bent, crooked" and sròn "nose," hence "crooked nose."
  125. CAMILLE: French unisex form of Roman Latin Camilla, possibly meaning "attendant (for a temple)."
  126. CAREY: Variant spelling of English unisex Cary, meaning "dark one." 
  127. CARI: Variant spelling of English unisex Cary, meaning "dark one." 
  128. CARLIN: Irish Gaelic unisex name meaning "little champion."
  129. CARNI (קַרְנִי): Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Karni, meaning "my horn," a symbol of strength. 
  130. CAROL
    1. Feminine: English form of French Carole, meaning "man." 
    2. Masculine: Short form of Latin Carolus, meaning "man." In use by the Romanians.
  131. CARY: Irish surname transferred to unisex forename use, from an Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Ciardha, "descendant of Ciardha ("black, dark"), hence "dark one." 
  132. CASEY
    1. Feminine: Variant spelling of English Cassie, meaning "she who entangles men." 
    2. Masculine: American English name bestowed in honor of the folk hero Casey Jones who got this byname from his place of birth, Cayce, Kentucky, which came from the Irish surname Cayce, an Anglicized form of Gaelic � Cathasaigh "descendant of Cathasach," hence "vigilant, wakeful." 
  133. CASSIDY: English surname transferred to unisex forename use, derived from an Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Caiside, "descendant of Caiside," hence "curly(-headed)."
  134. CERI: Welsh unisex name meaning "to love." 
  135. CHANCE: English unisex name derived from the vocabulary word, meaning "chance."
  136. CHANDANA (चन्दना): Unisex form of Hindi Chandan, meaning "sandalwood."
  137. CHANDRA (চন্দ্র): Hindi unisex name meaning "moon." In mythology, this is the name of a lunar and fertility god.
  138. CHANG (1-, 2-, 3-): Chinese unisex name meaning 1) "flourishing," 2) "long" or 3) "smooth."
  139. CHARLEY: Variant spelling of English unisex Charlie, meaning "man."
  140. CHARLIE: Unisex pet form of English Charles and Charlene, meaning "man."
  141. CHAVIVA (חֲבִיבָה): Hebrew unisex name meaning "beloved." 
  142. CHEN (, ): Chinese unisex name meaning "morning."
  143. CHENG (1-, 2-): Chinese unisex name meaning 1) "accomplished" or 2) "sincere."
  144. CHEROKEE: Unisex name derived from the English pronunciation of Tsa-la-gi, a name that the Native American Cherokee people used to refer to themselves, meaning "principal people."
  145. CHEYANNE: Variant spelling of English unisex Cheyenne, meaning "little Šahíya" or "little red-talker."
  146. CHEYENNE: English unisex name derived from the name of the Native American people, from Dakota Sioux Šahíyena, meaning "little Šahíya" or "little red-talker."
  147. CHIBUEZE: African Igbo unisex name meaning "God is the king."
  148. CHIBUZO: African Igbo unisex name meaning "God is the leader."
  149. CHICAHUA: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "strong."
  150. CHIDIEBERE: African Igbo unisex name meaning "God is merciful."

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