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Male Polish Names

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  1. MIESZKO: Pet form of Polish Mieczysław, meaning "who is like God?"
  2. MIKOLAJ: Polish form of Greek Nikolaos, meaning "victor of the people." 
  3. MIŁOGOST: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements mil "favor, grace" and gost "guest," hence "favorable guest" or "graceful guest."
  4. MIŁOSŁAW: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements mil "favor, grace" and slav "glory," hence "favor glory."
  5. MIŁOSZ: Pet form of Polish Miłosław, meaning "favor glory."
  6. MIROSŁAW: Polish name, composed of the Slavic elements mir "peace" and slav "glory," hence "peace-glory."
  7. MŚCISŁAW: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements mshcha "vengeance" and slav "glory," hence "vengeance-glory."
  8. NARCYZ: Polish form of Latin Narcissus, possibly meaning "numbness; sleep."
  9. NIKIFOR (Cyrillic: Никифор): Bulgarian, Polish and Russian masculine form of Greek unisex Nikephoros, meaning "victory-bearer."
  10. NIKODEM: Polish form of Latin Nicodemus, meaning "victory of the people."
  11. PATRYK: Polish form of Greek Patrikios, meaning "patrician, of noble descent."
  12. PAWEŁ: Polish form of Greek Paulos, meaning "small."
  13. PIOTR: Polish form of Greek Petros, meaning "rock, stone."
  14. PRZEMEK: Pet form of Polish Przemysław, meaning "bright thinker." 
  15. PRZEMKO: Pet form of Polish Przemysław, meaning "bright thinker."
  16. PRZEMYSŁ: Polish byname transferred to forename use, derived from an Old Polish noun meaning "trick, stratagem," hence "cunning." 
  17. PRZEMYSŁAW: Polish name meaning "bright thinker." Related to Przemysł.
  18. RACŁAW: Pet form of Polish Radosław, meaning "happy glory."
  19. RADOMIŁ: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements rad "happy" and mil "favor," hence "happy favor."
  20. RADOSŁAW: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements rad "happy" and slav "glory," hence "happy glory."
  21. RADZIMIERZ: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements rad "happy" and mir "peace," hence "happy peace."
  22. RAFAŁ: Polish form of Greek Raphael, meaning "healed of God" or "whom God has healed."
  23. RAJMUND: Polish and Slovene form of Frankish Raginmund, meaning "wise protector."
  24. ROMAN: Polish name derived from Latin Romanus, meaning "Roman." Compare with other forms of Roman.
  25. ROŚCISŁAW: Polish form of Czech/Russian Rostislav, meaning "usurp-glory." 
  26. ROSTEK: Pet form of Polish Rościsław, meaning "usurp-glory."
  27. RYSZARD: Polish form of Old High German Ricohard, meaning "powerful ruler."
  28. SEBESTYJAN: Polish form of Greek Sebastianos, meaning "from Sebaste."
  29. SERAFIN: Polish form of Greek Serafeim, meaning "burning one" or "serpent."
  30. SERGIUSZ: Polish form of Greek Sergios, possibly meaning "sergeant."
  31. SEWERYN: Polish form of Roman Latin Severinus, meaning "stern."
  32. SŁAWOMIR: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements slav "glory" and mir "peace," hence "glorious peace."
  33. SOBIESŁAW: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements sobi "to usurp" and slav "glory," hence "usurper of glory."
  34. STANISŁAW: Polish form of Slavic Stanislav, meaning "glorious government."
  35. STEFAN: Polish form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown." Compare with other forms of Stefan.
  36. SULISŁAW: Polish name meaning "better fame."
  37. ŚWIĘTOMIERZ: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements svyanto "blessed, holy" and mir "peace," hence "blessed peace."
  38. ŚWIĘTOPEŁK: Polish form of Russian Svyatopolk, meaning "blessed people."
  39. ŚWIĘTOSŁAW: Polish form of Russian Svyatoslav, meaning "blessed glory."
  40. SYLWESTER: Polish form of Latin Silvester, meaning "from the forest."
  41. SZCZEOSNY: Polish name meaning "lucky." 
  42. SZCZEPAN: Polish form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown."
  43. SZCZĘSNY: Variant spelling of Polish Szczeosny, meaning "lucky."
  44. SZYMON: Polish form of Greek Simōn, meaning "hearkening."
  45. TADEUSZ: Polish form of Greek Thaddaios, meaning "courageous, large-hearted."
  46. TADZIO: Pet form of Polish Tadeusz, meaning "courageous, large-hearted."
  47. TEOFIL: Polish form of Greek Theophilos, meaning "friend of God."
  48. TOBIASZ: Polish form of Greek Tobias, meaning "God is good."
  49. TOMASZ: Polish form of Greek Thōmas, meaning "twin."
  50. TYMON: Polish form of Greek Timon, meaning "honor."
  51. TYMOTEUSZ: Polish form of Latin Timotheus, meaning "to honor God."
  52. TYTUS: Polish form of Roman Latin Titus, meaning "fire; to burn." 
  53. ULRYK: Polish form of Old High German Ulrich, meaning "prosperity and power."
  54. URJASZ: Polish form of Hebrew Uriah, meaning "flame of Jehovah" or "God is my light."
  55. WACŁAW: Polish form of Latin Wenceslaus, meaning "more glory." 
  56. WALENTY: Polish form of Roman Latin Valentinus, meaning "healthy, strong."
  57. WALERIAN: Polish form of Roman Latin Valerianus, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong." 
  58. WALERY: Polish form of Roman Latin Valerius, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong." 
  59. WAWRZYNIEC: Polish form of Roman Latin Laurentius, meaning "of Laurentum."
  60. WIELISŁAW: Polish name, meaning "great glory." 
  61. WIESŁAW: Contracted form of Polish Wielisław, meaning "great glory."
  62. WIKTOR: Polish form of Latin Victor, meaning "conqueror."
  63. WINCENTY: Polish form of Latin Vincentius, meaning "conqueror."
  64. WISŁAW: Contracted form of Polish Wielisław, meaning "great glory." 
  65. WIT: Polish form of Roman Latin Vitus, meaning "life."
  66. WITOŁD: Polish name either derived from Germanic Witold, "ruler of the
  67. WŁADYSŁAW: Polish form of Czech Vladislav, meaning "rules with glory."
  68. WŁODEK: Pet form of Polish names containing the element włod, meaning "to rule, to wield power."
  69. WŁODZIMIERZ: Polish form of Slavic Vladimir, meaning "peaceful ruler."
  70. WŁODZISŁAW: Variant spelling of Polish Władysław, meaning "rules with glory." 
  71. WOJCIECH: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements voi "soldier" and tech "consolation," hence "consolation-soldier."
  72. WOJTEK: Pet form of Polish Wojciech, meaning "consolation-soldier."
  73. ZACHARIASZ: Polish form of Greek Zacharias, meaning "whom Jehovah remembered."
  74. ZBIGNIEW: Polish name composed of the Slavic elements zbit "to dispel" and gniew "anger," hence "dispeller of anger."
  75. ZDZISŁAW: Polish name meaning "here is glory."
  76. ZIEMOWIT: Polish name meaning "lord of the family." 
  77. ZYGFRYD: Polish form of German Siegfried, meaning "victory-peace."
  78. ZYGMUNT: Polish form of Old High German Sigmund, meaning "victory-protection."

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