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  1. BRÖKK: Old Norse myth name of a dwarf who, along with his brother Eitri, made magical objects for the gods, including the hammer of Thor, probably derived from the Nordic element bróka, meaning "breeches."
  2. BRONISLAV (Russian: Бронислав): Slavic name composed of the elements bron "protection" and slav "glory," hence "glorious protector." In use by the Czechs, Russians and Slovaks.
  3. BRONISŁAW: Polish form of Slavic Bronislav, meaning "glorious protector." 
  4. BRONISLOVAS: Lithuanian form of Slavic Bronislav, meaning "glorious protector." 
  5. BRONIUS: Pet form of Lithuanian Bronislovas, meaning "glorious protector."
  6. BROOK: English surname transferred to unisex forename use, from Old English broc, meaning "brook, stream."
  7. BROOKE: Variant spelling of English unisex Brook, meaning "brook, stream."
  8. BROOKS: English surname transferred to forename use, meaning "of the brook."
  9. BROS: Hebrew name meaning "cypress tree."
  10. BROSE: Short form of English Ambrose, meaning "immortal."
  11. BRUADAIR: Irish Gaelic name meaning "dream."
  12. BRUADAR: Variant spelling of Irish Gaelic Bruadair, meaning "dream." 
  13. BRUATAR: Variant spelling of Irish Gaelic Bruadar, meaning "dream."
  14. BRUCE: Scottish surname transferred to forename use, possibly meaning "woods; thicket." It was originally a Norman French baronial name but the exact location from which it was derived has not been identified and the number of possibilities are numerous. In use by the English.
  15. BRUIN: Dutch form of German Bruno, meaning "brown."
  16. BRUNO: German name derived from the word braun, meaning "brown." In use by the English.
  17. BRUNS: Variant form of German Bruno, meaning "brown."
  18. BRUTUS: Roman Latin name meaning "heavy" or "the dullard." In use by the English.
  19. BRYAN: English surname transferred to forename use, derived from Irish Brian, meaning "high hill."
  20. BRYANT: English surname transferred to forename use, derived from Irish Brian, meaning "high hill."
  21. BRYCE: Scottish form of Welsh Brychan, meaning "pied, spotted, speckled." 
  22. BRYCHAN: Welsh myth name of the father of Eleri, derived from the word brych, meaning "pied, spotted, speckled." 
  23. BRYN: Welsh unisex name meaning "hill."
  24. BRYNMOR: Welsh name meaning "great hill."
  25. BRYNN: Variant spelling of Welsh unisex Bryn, meaning "hill."
  26. BRYON: Variant spelling of English Bryan, meaning "high hill."
  27. BSAG: Armenian name meaning "crown."
  28. BUBU: Egyptian name meaning "gives light."
  29. BUCEPHALOS: Greek name meaning "ox-head." This was the name of Alexander the Great's horse, said to be descended from the Mares of Diomed. Alexander was the only person who could mount Bucephalos, and the horse always knelt down to take up his master. He was thirty years old at death, and Alexander built a city for his mausoleum, which he called Bucephala.
  30. BUCEPHALUS: Latin form of Greek Bucephalos, meaning "ox-head." This was the name of Alexander the Great's horse, said to be descended from the Mares of Diomed. Alexander was the only person who could mount Bucephalos, and the horse always knelt down to take up his master. He was thirty years old at death, and Alexander built a city for his mausoleum, which he called Bucephala.
  31. BUCK: From the American English pet name for a "high-spirited young man," from the vocabulary word buck, meaning  "male deer or goat."
  32. BUD: Short form of English Buddy, meaning "companion."
  33. BUDDE: African Ganda name meaning "night; occasion; time; weather."
  34. BUDDHA: Buddhist title given to anyone who has become fully enlightened, has overcome greed, ignorance, hate, etc, and has become liberated from all suffering, meaning "awakened, enlightened." The most famous Buddha was Gautama Buddha.
  35. BUDDY: English name derived from the vocabulary, which may be an altered form of "brother" or, more likely, a variant spelling of British butty, meaning "companion." 
  36. BUENAVENTURA: Spanish form of Italian Bonaventura, meaning "good fortune."
  37. BUIKHU: Egyptian name meaning "the best."
  38. BUJAR: Albanian name meaning "generous."
  39. BUJUNE: African Nyoro name meaning "sorrow." This name is sometimes given to a child born during time of sorrow.
  40. BULUS: Arabic form of Latin Paulus, meaning "small."
  41. BULUT: Turkish name meaning "cloud."
  42. BUONFIGLIO: Italian name meaning "good son."
  43. BURIM: Albanian name meaning "fountain; the source."
  44. BURK: From the Germanic word burg, meaning "castle, fort, protection." Used as a short form of longer names containing the same element.
  45. BURKE: Variant spelling of German Burk, meaning "castle, fort, protection."
  46. BURKHARD: German name composed of the elements burg "castle, fort, protection" and hard "brave, strong," hence "strong protection."
  47. BURNEY: Irish surname transferred to forename use, from an Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Biorna "son of Biorna," hence "bear."
  48. BURT: Short form of English Burton, meaning "fortified settlement."
  49. BURTON: English surname transferred to forename use, composed of the Old English elements burh "fortress, protection" and tun "enclosure, settlement," hence "fortified settlement."
  50. BURU: African Shona name meaning "bull."
  51. BUSIRIS: Egyptian name of a king who killed visitors to his city, meaning "temple of Osiris."
  52. BUSTER: English slang term for someone who breaks things transferred to forename use, originally derived from the verb bust, meaning "to break, smash," hence "breaker, destroyer, smasher."
  53. BUTANNAZIBA: African Ganda name meaning "before the night."
  54. BUTCH: Originally a short from of the occupational surname Butcher. Later it was used to address a stranger in a sort of derogatory manner. For example, "Listen here, Butch..."
  55. BUTRUS (بطرس): Arabic form of Latin Petrus, meaning "rock, stone."
  56. BUWZ (בּוּז): Hebrew name meaning "contempt." In the bible, this is the name of a son of Nachor.
  57. BUZ: Anglicized form of Hebrew Buwz, meaning "contempt." In the bible, this is the name of a son of Nachor.
  58. BUZIBA: African Ganda name meaning "deep water; open water."
  59. BYELOBOG: Variant spelling of Slavic Belobog, meaning "white god." 
  60. BYLUN: Variant spelling of Slavic Belobog, meaning "white god." 
  61. BYRGHIR: Old Swedish form of Scandinavian Birger, meaning "rescuer, saver."
  62. BYRNE: Irish surname transferred to forename use, from an Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Broin "descendant of Bran," hence "raven."
  63. BYRON: English surname transferred to forename use, from the Old English phrase æt ðæm byrum ("at the byres or cattle-sheds"). The name was usually given to someone whose job it was to look after cattle.
  64. BYSSHE: English surname transferred to forename use, from a variant spelling of the surname Bush, meaning "bush."

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