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Male "A" Names

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  1. AIMÉ: Masculine form of French Aimée, meaning "much loved."

  2. AIMEREY: English variant spelling of French Aimery, meaning "home-ruler."

  3. AIMERI: Abbreviated form of Norman French Aimeric, meaning "home-ruler."

  4. AIMERIC: Norman French form of Middle High German Haimirich, meaning "home-ruler." 

  5. AIMERY: English variant spelling of Norman French Aimeri, meaning "home-ruler." 

  6. AIMO: Finnish name meaning "generous amount." 

  7. AINDREA: Scottish Gaelic form of Greek Andreas, meaning "man; warrior."

  8. AINDRÉAS: Irish Gaelic form of Greek Andreas, meaning "man; warrior."

  9. AINDRIAS: Variant spelling of Irish Gaelic Aindréas, meaning "man; warrior."

  10. AINDRIÚ: Irish Gaelic form of English Andrew, meaning "man; warrior."

  11. AINEAS (Αἰνέας): Variant spelling of Greek Aineías, meaning "praiseworthy."

  12. AINEÍAS (Αἰνείας, e'-ne-as): Greek name derived from the word aíneo "to praise," hence "praiseworthy." In Greek mythology, this is the name of a Trojan warrior who founded the Roman state. In the bible, it is the name of a paralytic cured by Peter.

  13. AINGERU: Basque form of Latin Angelus, meaning "angel, messenger."

  14. ÁINLE: Old Irish name meaning "champion."

  15. AINSLEY: Scottish habitational surname transferred to unisex forename use, composed of the Old English elements ansetl "hermitage" and leah "meadow, pasture," hence "hermitage meadow."

  16. AINSLIE: Variant spelling of Scottish unisex Ainsley, meaning "hermitage meadow." 

  17. AIOLOS (Αἴολος): Greek name meaning "sparkling; quick-shifting; quick-moving." In mythology, this is the name of the god of winds. 

  18. AIOLUS: Latin form of Greek Aiolos, meaning "sparkling; quick-shifting; quick-moving." In mythology, this is the name of the god of winds. 

  19. AISCHYLOS: Variant spelling of Greek Aiskhúlos, meaning "shame."

  20. AISKHÚLOS (Αἰσχύλος): Greek name derived from the word aischos, meaning "shame."

  21. AISON (Αἴσων): Greek name possibly meaning "to be" or "that which is made." In mythology, this is the name of Jason's father.

  22. AISOPOS (Αἴσωπος): Original Greek form of Latin Æsop, the name of the author of Æsop's Fables, said to be a hump-backed slave of African descent; therefore, the name has taken on the meaning "hump-backed," but in Greek it means "Ethiop." 

  23. AITHER (Αιθήρ): Greek name meaning "bright, upper air." In mythology, this is the name of one of the first gods, the son of Erebus and Nyx. He is the god of the pure, upper air that only the gods breathe, as opposed to the gloomy, lower "aer" breathed by mortals.

  24. AITOR: Basque name meaning "good father." In the 19th century, French Basque author Augustin Chaho published The Legend of Aitor, based on a belief of the Basque people that they are aitoren semeak, "sons of the good father," a descendant of biblical Tubal.

  25. AIZIK: Yiddish form of Hebrew Yitzchak, meaning "he will laugh." 

  26. AJAX: Latin form of Greek Aias, meaning "mourner." In mythology, this is the name of a hero of the Trojan war, second only to Achilles in strength and bravery. He was also known as Telamonion Ajax (Ajax, son of Telamon), Greater Ajax, and Ajax the Great.

  27. AJAY (অজয়): Hindi name, meaning "unconquerable."

  28. AJEET: Variant spelling of Hindi Ajit, meaning "invincible."

  29. AJIT (अजित): Hindi name meaning "invincible." In Hindu mythology, this is the name of the future Buddha.

  30. AJITH (அஜித்): Tamil form of Hindi Ajit, meaning "invincible."

  31. AKAKIOS (Ακακιος): Greek name meaning "not evil."

  32. AKAMU: Hawaiian form of Hebrew Adam, meaning "earth" or "red."

  33. AKAN (עָכָן): Hebrew name meaning "one who troubles." In the bible, this is the name of an Israelite who stole forbidden items during the assault on Jericho, for which he was stoned to death. 

  34. AKANKSHA (आकाङ्क्षा): Hindi unisex name meaning "desire; wish."

  35. AKAR (עָכָר): Variant form of Hebrew Akan, meaning "one who troubles." In the bible, this is the name of an Israelite who stole forbidden items during the assault on Jericho, for which he was stoned to death. 

  36. AKBAR (Arabic: أكبر, Hindi: अकबर): Arabic and Hindi name meaning "great."

  37. AKBOWR (עַכְבּוֹר): Hebrew name meaning "mouse." In the bible, this is the name of the son of Michaiah.

  38. ÅKE: Swedish form of Old Norse Áki, meaning "father."

  39. AKEEM (حكيم): Variant spelling of Arabic Hakim, meaning "wise."

  40. AKHENATEN: Egyptian name of a pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty, meaning "he who works for Aten." 

  41. AKHENATON: Variant spelling of Egyptian Akhenaten, meaning "he who works for Aton." 

  42. AKHIL (अखिल): Hindi name meaning "complete."

  43. AKHILLEUS (Ἀχιλλεύς): Greek name possibly composed of akhos "grief" and laos "the people," hence "he who embodies the grief of the people." In mythology, this is the name of the greatest of Greek heroes who fought the Trojans, known for being the most handsome and the fleetest of foot at Troy, and for his love for his friend Patroclus

  44. AKHNATEN: Variant spelling of Egyptian Akhenaten, meaning "he who works for Aten."

  45. AKHNATON: Variant spelling of Egyptian Akhenaton, meaning "he who works for Aton."

  46. AKHOM: Egyptian name meaning "eagle."

  47. ÁKI: Old Norse name derived from a diminutive form of *anuR, meaning "father."

  48. AKI (Japanese: 1-, 2-, 3-):

    1. Danish form of Old Norse Áki, meaning "father."

    2. Japanese unisex name meaning: 1) "autumn" 2) "bright" 3) "sparkle."

  49. AKIHIKO (明彦): Japanese name meaning "bright prince."

  50. AKIHIRO (大畠): Japanese name, possibly meaning "large glory." 

  51. AKIIKI: Egyptian name meaning "friendly."

  52. AKIL (Hindi: अखिल): 

    1. Egyptian name meaning "intelligent."

    2. Variant spelling of Hindi Akhil, meaning "all, complete." 

  53. AKILLES: Finnish form of Greek Akhilleus, possibly meaning "he who embodies the grief of the people."

  54. AKIM (Аки́м): Russian form of Hebrew Yehoyakim, meaning "Jehovah raises up." 

  55. AKIO (1-昭雄, 2-昭夫): Japanese name meaning 1) "glorious hero" or 2) "glorious man."

  56. AKIRA (1-, 2-): Japanese unisex name meaning 1) "bright" or 2) "clear."

  57. AKIVA (עֲקִיבָא): Variant form of Hebrew Yaakov, meaning "supplanter."

  58. AKMAL (أكمل): Arabic name meaning "perfect."

  59. AKO: Egyptian name meaning "tired, weary."

  60. AKONI: Short form of Hawaiian Anakoni, possibly meaning "invaluable." 

  61. ÁKOS: Hungarian name meaning "white falcon."

  62. AKRISIOS (Ἀκρίσιος): Greek name probably derived from the word akris, meaning "locust." In mythology, this is the name of a king of Argos, the grandfather of Perseus.

  63. AKSEL: German form of Scandinavian Axel, meaning "father of peace." 

  64. AKSELI: Finnish form of Scandinavian Axel, meaning "father of peace." 

  65. AKTAION (Ακταίων): Greek myth name of a hunter who was torn to pieces by his own dogs, meaning "effulgence." He was then transformed into a deer, thus himself becoming the hunted. 

  66. AKU

    1. Babylonian myth name of a god of the moon, meaning "moon."

    2. Short form of Finnish Aukusti, meaning "venerable."

  67. AKYLAS (Ἀκύλας): Greek form of Latin Aquila, meaning "eagle." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a Jew of Pontus and ally of Paul

  68. AL (Arabic: ال):

    1. Short form of English names beginning with Al-.

    2. Arabic element used often in names, meaning "the." 

  69. ALAA (علاء): Arabic name meaning "excellence; loftiness."

  70. ALA AL-DIN (علاء الدين): Original Arabic form of the more familiar Anglicized Aladdin, meaning "nobility of faith."

  71. ALADDIN: Anglicized form of Arabic Ala Al-din, meaning "nobility of faith." 

  72. ALAIN: French form of Celtic Alan, meaning "little rock." 

  73. ALAIR: Latin form of French Alaire, meaning "joyful; happy."

  74. ALAIRE: Variant form of French Hilaire, meaning "joyful; happy." 

  75. ALAISDAIR: Variant spelling of Scottish Gaelic Alaistair, meaning "defender of mankind."

  76. ALAISTAIR: Variant spelling of Scottish Gaelic Alastair, meaning "defender of mankind."

  77. ALAISTER: Variant spelling of Scottish Gaelic Alastair, meaning "defender of mankind."

  78. AL-ALEM (العالم): Arabic name meaning "the wise one."

  79. ALAN: Old Celtic name, possibly having the same origin as Irish Gaelic Ailín, from ailín, a diminutive of ail "rock," hence "little rock." 

  80. ALANN: English variant spelling of Celtic Alan, possibly meaning "little rock." 

  81. ALANO: Spanish form of Celtic Alan, possibly meaning "little rock." 

  82. ALAOIS: Irish form of French Provençal Aloys, meaning "famous warrior."

  83. ALARD: Norman French name derived from Old High German Adalhard, meaning "noble strength."

  84. ALARIC: Visigothic name composed of the Germanic elements ala "all" and ric "power; rule," hence "all-powerful; ruler of all."

  85. ALARICK: Variant spelling of Visigothic Alaric, meaning "all-powerful; ruler of all."

  86. ALARICO: Spanish form of Latin Alaricus, meaning "all-powerful; ruler of all."

  87. ALARICUS: Latinized form of Visigothic Alaric, meaning "all-powerful; ruler of all."

  88. ALARIK: Variant spelling of Visigothic Alaric, meaning "all-powerful; ruler of all."

  89. ALASDAIR: Irish Gaelic form of Latin Alexandrus, meaning "defender of mankind."

  90. ALASTAIR: Scottish Gaelic form of Latin Alexandrus, meaning "defender of mankind."

  91. ALASTAR: Irish Gaelic form of Latin Alexandrus, meaning "defender of mankind."

  92. ALASTEIR: Variant spelling of Scottish Gaelic Alastair, meaning "defender of mankind."

  93. ALASTER: Gaelic form of Latin Alexandrus, meaning "defender of mankind."

  94. ALASTOR (Αλάστωρ): Greek name meaning "avenging spirit." In mythology, this is the name of the daimon spirit of family blood feuds, the afflicter of vengeance upon children for the crimes of their fathers. It is also the name of one of Pluto's four black horses.

  95. ALAUNOS: Variant form of Celtic Alaunus, meaning "shining one."

  96. ALAUNUS: Celtic myth name of a god of the sun, healing and prophecy, meaning "shining one." 

  97. AL-AZIZ (العزيز): Arabic name meaning "the cherished (or powerful) one." 

  98. ALBAIN: Perhaps a French form of Gaelic Ailpein, meaning "white." 

  99. ALBAN: English name derived from Latin Albanus, meaning "like Albus," i.e. "white."

  100. ALBANUS: Latin family name meaning "like Albus," i.e. "white." It is related to the place name Alba which comes from the Celtic word Albion, used to refer to the whole island of Great Britain. 

  101. ALBERI: Norman French form of Old High German Albirich, meaning "elf ruler."

  102. ALBERIC: Short form of Latin Albericus, meaning "elf ruler." 

  103. ALBERICH: Variant spelling of Old High German Albirich, meaning "elf ruler." In Germanic mythology, this was the name of a sorcerer king of elves.

  104. ALBERICO: Italian form of Latin Albericus, meaning "elf ruler."

  105. ALBERICUS: Latin form of German Alberich, meaning "elf ruler."

  106. ALBERT

    1. Anglicized masculine form of Irish Gaelic unisex Ailbhe, meaning "white."

    2. French name derived from Latin Albertus, meaning "bright nobility."

    3. Middle English form of Anglo-Saxon Æthelbert, meaning "bright nobility."

  107. ALBERTE: Galician-Portuguese form of Latin Albertus, meaning "bright nobility."

  108. ALBERTH: Danish form of Latin Albertus, meaning "bright nobility."

  109. ALBERTO: Italian and Spanish form of Latin Albertus, meaning "bright nobility."

  110. ALBERTUS: Latin form of Old High German Adalbert, meaning "bright nobility."

  111. ALBIN: English name derived from Latin Albinus, meaning "like Albus," i.e. "white."

  112. ALBINIUS: Gallo-Roman form of Latin Albinus, meaning "like Albus," i.e. "white."

  113. ALBINUS: Variant spelling of Roman Latin Albanus, meaning "like Albus," i.e. "white."

  114. ALBIRICH: Old High German name composed of the elements alf "elf" and ric "power, rule," hence "elf ruler." 

  115. ALBORZ: Persian name derived from the name of a mountain in northern Iran, the Alborz, also called the Haraborzaiti or Hazaborzaiti by the Hindus. 

  116. ALBRECHT: Contracted form of Old High German Adalbrecht, meaning "bright nobility."

  117. ALBREKT: Low German form of Old High German Albrecht, meaning "bright nobility."

  118. ALBRIKT: Old Swedish form of Low German Albrekt, meaning "bright nobility."

  119. ALBURZ: Variant spelling of Persian Alborz, derived from the name of a mountain in northern Iran, the Alborz, also called the Haraborzaiti or Hazaborzaiti by the Hindus. 

  120. ALBUS: Latin name derived from the word albus, meaning "white, pale-skinned."

  121. ALBY: Pet form of English Alban, meaning "like Albus," i.e. "white."

  122. ALCAEUS: Latin form of Greek Alkaios, meaning "strength." In Greek mythology, this is the name of several characters, including a son of Perseus.

  123. ALCANDER: Latin form of Greek Alkandros, meaning "strong." In mythology, this is the name of the man who chased the lawgiver Lycurgus out of a marketplace and put out one of his eyes.

  124. ALCIMUS: Latin form of Greek Álkimos, meaning "valiant." In mythology, this is the name of the father of Mentor.

  125. ALCINDER: Variant spelling of Latin Alcander, meaning "strong."

  126. ALDEN: Variant spelling of Middle English Aldin, meaning "old friend." Or from the surname Alden, having several possible meanings: "old hill," "high castle" or "high town."

  127. ALDFORD: Variant spelling of Old English Alford, meaning "old river-ford."

  128. ALDIN: Variant spelling of Middle English Aldine, meaning "old friend."

  129. ALDINE: Middle English form of Anglo-Saxon Ealdwine, meaning "old friend."

  130. ALDIS: Variant spelling of Old English Aldous, possibly meaning "from the old house."

  131. ALDMAN: German name meaning "old man."

  132. ALDO

    1. Short form of longer German names containing the element ald, meaning "old." 

    2. Short form of Italian Aldobrandino, meaning "little old sword."

  133. ALDOBRANDINO: Italian name of Germanic origin, meaning "little old sword."

  134. ALDON: Variant spelling of Middle English Alden, meaning "old friend."

  135. ALDOUS: From a surname common in the Middle Ages, thought to be of Anglo-Saxon origin, probably a contraction of Old English ald-house, hence "from the old house." 

  136. ALDRED: Middle English form of Anglo-Saxon Ealdred, meaning "old counsel."

  137. ALDRIC: Variant spelling of Old High German Aldrich, meaning old ruler; long time ruler."

  138. ALDRICH

    1. Middle English form of Anglo-Saxon Æthelric, meaning "noble ruler."

    2. Old High German name composed of the elements ald "old" and ric "power; rule," hence "old ruler; long time ruler."

  139. ALDRICK: Variant spelling of German Aldric, meaning "old ruler; long time ruler."

  140. ALDRIDGE: From the surname which was derived from Middle English Aldrich, meaning "noble ruler."

  141. ALDRIK: Variant spelling of German Aldric, meaning "old ruler; long time ruler."

  142. ALDUS: Variant spelling of Old English Aldous, probably meaning "from the old house."

  143. ALDWEN: Variant spelling of Middle English Aldwin, meaning "old friend."

  144. ALDWIN: Middle English form of Anglo-Saxon Ealdwine, meaning "old friend."

  145. ALE: Pet form of Finnish Aleksi, "defender" and Aleksanteri, "defender of mankind." 

  146. ALEC

    1. Short form of English Alexander, meaning "defender of mankind."

    2. Short form of Scottish Gaelic Alestair, meaning "defender of mankind."

    3. Short form of Irish Gaelic Alesdair, meaning "defender of mankind."

  147. ALECHJO: Pet form of Esperanto Aleksandro, meaning "defender of mankind."

  148. ALECK: Short form of English Alexander, meaning "defender of mankind."

  149. ALED: Welsh name meaning "offspring."

  150. ALEISTER: Gaelic form of Latin Alexandrus, meaning "defender of mankind."

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