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Female "S" Names

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  1. SILVA: Variant spelling of Latin Sylva, meaning "from the forest."
  2. SILVANA: Feminine form of Italian Silvano, meaning "from the forest." 
  3. SILVER: English unisex name meaning "silver," which may refer to either the precious metal or the color.
  4. SILVESTRA: Feminine form of Latin Silvester, meaning "from the forest."
    1. Feminine form of Italian Silvio, meaning "from the forest."
    2. Feminine form of Roman Latin Silvius, meaning "from the forest."
  6. SILVIJA: Croatian form of Roman Latin Silvia, meaning "from the forest."
  7. SILVIYA (Силвия): Bulgarian form of Roman Latin Silvia, meaning "from the forest."
  8. SIMA (Aramaic: סִימָה, Hindi: सीमा): 
    1. Aramaic unisex name meaning "treasure." 
    2. Hindi name meaning "boundary, limit."
  9. SIMCHA (שִׂמְחָה): Hebrew unisex name meaning "joy."
  10. SİMGE: Turkish name meaning "symbol."
  11. SIMIN (سیمین): Persian name meaning "silvery."
  12. SIMISOLA: African Yoruba name meaning "rest in wealth."
  13. SIMONA: Feminine form of Italian Simone, meaning "hearkening."
  14. ŠIMONA: Feminine form of Czech Šimon, meaning "hearkening."
  15. SIMONE
    1. Feminine form of Finnish Simo, meaning "hearkening."
    2. Feminine form of French Simon, meaning "hearkening."
    3. Feminine form of Icelandic Símon, meaning "hearkening."
    4. Scandinavian feminine form of Greek Symeon, meaning "hearkening." 
  16. SIMONETTA: Pet form of Italian Simona, meaning "hearkening."
  17. SIMONETTE: Pet form of French Simone, meaning "hearkening."
  18. SIMZA: Possibly a Romani feminine form of Hebrew unisex Simcha, meaning "joy."
  19. SINDY: Variant spelling of English Cindy, meaning "woman from Kynthos." 
  20. SÍNE: Irish Gaelic form of Anglo-Norman French Jehane, meaning "God is gracious."
  21. SÌNE: Scottish Gaelic form of French Jeanne, meaning "God is gracious."
  22. SINÉAD (pron. Shinade): Irish Gaelic form of French Jeanette, meaning "God is gracious." 
  23. SÌNEAG: Scottish Gaelic form of French Jeanette, meaning "God is gracious." 
  24. SINI: Finnish name meaning "blue."
  25. SINIKKA: Elaborated form of Finnish Sini, meaning "blue."
  26. SINOPA: Native American Blackfoot name meaning "fox."
  27. SIOBHÁN (pronounced Shivawn): Irish form of Norman French Jehane, meaning "God is gracious."
  28. SIOFRA: Irish Gaelic name meaning "elf."
  29. SÍOMHA: Variant form of Irish Síthmaith, meaning "peace-good."
  30. SIÔNED: Feminine form of Welsh Siôn, meaning "God is gracious." This is the Welsh form of English Janet.
  31. SIRAN: Armenian name meaning "lovely."
  32. SIRENA: Chamoru name meaning "mermaid."
  33. SIRI: Pet form of Scandinavian Sigrid, meaning "beautiful victory."
  34. SIROUN: Variant form of Armenian Siran, meaning "lovely."
  35. SIRPA: Finnish name meaning "small fragment."
  36. SIRPUHI: Variant spelling of Armenian Serpouhi, meaning "saintly."
  37. SIRVART: Armenian name meaning "love rose."
  38. SISEL (סִיסל): Yiddish name meaning "sweet."
  39. SISKO: Finnish name meaning "sister."
  40. SISSIE: Variant spelling of English Sissy, meaning "blind."
  41. SISSINNGUAQ: Greenlandic name meaning "squirrel."
  42. SISSY: Pet form of English Cecily, meaning "blind."
  43. SISU: Finnish unisex name meaning "determination."
  44. SITA (सीता): Hindi name meaning "furrow." In mythology, this is the name of the wife of Rama who was kidnapped by Ravana.
  45. SITALA: Native American Miwok name meaning "of good memory."
  46. SITARA (सितारा): Hindi name meaning "star."
  47. SITHEMBILE: African Zulu unisex name meaning "we trust."
  48. SÍTHMAITH: Irish name composed of the Gaelic elements s�th "peace" and maith "good," hence "peace-good."
  49. SITI: Egyptian name meaning "lady."
  50. SITSI: Native American Navajo name meaning "daughter."
  51. SIV: Old Norse name derived from the word sif, meaning "bride, wife." In mythology, this is the name of the wife of Thor.
  52. SIVE: Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Sadhbh, meaning "sweet."
  53. SIWAN: Welsh form of English Joan, meaning "God is gracious."
  54. SKULD: Old Norse name meaning "debt; future; that which ought to be." In mythology, this is the name of one of the three Norns, a goddess of destiny. The other two are Urðr ("fate; that which happened") and Verðandi ("present").
  55. SKUYLER: Variant spelling of English unisex Skyler, meaning "protection, shelter." 
  56. SKY: English unisex name derived from the vocabulary word "sky," from Old Norse sky, meaning "cloud." 
  57. SKYE: Variant spelling of English unisex Sky, meaning "cloud" or "sky." 
  58. SKYLAR: Variant spelling of English unisex Schuyler, meaning "protection, shelter." 
  59. SKYLER: Variant spelling of English unisex Skylar, meaning "protection, shelter." 
  60. SKYLLA (Σκύλλα): Greek name meaning "tear and rend." In mythology, this is the name of a sea goddess resembling a mermaid but having numerous ravenous canine foreparts.
  61. SLÁINE: Irish Gaelic name meaning "health."
  62. SLÀINE: Scottish form of Irish Gaelic Sláine, meaning "health."
  63. SLAVA (Слава): Russian unisex name meaning "glory."
  64. SLAVICA (Славица): Serbian name meaning "glory."
  65. SLAVNA (Славна): Serbian name meaning "glorious."
  66. SŁAWOMIRA: Feminine form of Polish Sławomir, meaning "glorious peace."
  67. SLOAN: Variant spelling of English unisex Sloane, meaning "little raider." 
  68. SLOANE: Irish surname transferred to unisex forename use, derived from an Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Sluaghadháin, "descendant of Sluaghadhán," hence "little raider."
  69. SMADAR (סְמָדַר): Variant form of Hebrew Semadar, meaning "bud" or "blossom."
  70. SNEŽANA (Снежана): Serbian form of Croatian Snjezana, meaning "snow woman."
  71. SNEZHANA (Снежана): Bulgarian form of Croatian Snjezana, meaning "snow woman."
  72. SNJEZANA: Croatian name composed of the elements snjeg "snow" and zena "woman," hence "snow woman."
  73. SOBĚSLAVA: Feminine form of Czech Soběslav, meaning "usurper of glory."
  74. SOBEŠKA: Pet form of Czech Soběslava, meaning "usurper of glory."
  75. SOBIESŁAWA: Feminine form of Polish Sobiesław, meaning "usurper of glory."
  76. SOCORRO: Spanish religious name derived from a title of the Virgin Mary, María del Socorro ("Mary of Perpetual Succor"), hence "succor."
  77. SOFÍA: Spanish form of Greek Sophia, meaning "wisdom."
  78. SOFIA: Variant spelling of Greek Sophia, meaning "wisdom." This form of the name is in wide use throughout Europe by the Finnish, Italians, Germans, Norwegians, Portuguese and Swedish.
  79. SOFIE: Dutch and German form of French Sophie, meaning "wisdom." 
  80. SOFIJA (София): Croatian and Serbian form of Greek Sophia, meaning "wisdom."
  81. SOFIYA (Russian: София, Ukrainian: Софія): Russian and Ukrainian form of Greek Sophia, meaning "wisdom."
  82. SOFRONIA (Σωφρονία): Variant spelling of Greek Sophronia, meaning "self-controlled."
  83. SOFYA (Софья): Russian form of Greek Sophia, meaning "wisdom."
  84. SOHVI: Finnish form of Greek Sophia, meaning "wisdom."
  85. SOKANON: Native American Algonquin name meaning "rain."
  86. SOL: Spanish name derived from the Latin word sol, meaning "sun." This was a common name for Spanish girls in the Middle Ages. Compare with masculine Sol.
  87. SOLADA: Thai name meaning "hearkens."
  88. SOLANGE: French form of Latin Sollemnia, meaning "religious."
  89. SOLAUG: Norwegian form of Old Norse Solveig, meaning "strong house."
  90. SOLEDAD: Spanish religious name derived from a title of the Virgin Mary, María de Soledad, "Mary of Solitude," hence "solitude."
  91. SOLEIL: English name derived from the French word for "sun."
  92. SOLVEIG: Old Norse name composed of the elements salr "house" and veig "strength," hence "strong house."
  93. SOLVEJ: Danish form of Old Norse Solveig, meaning "strong house."
  94. SOLVIG: Swedish form of Old Norse Solveig, meaning "strong house."
  95. SOLLEMNIA: Late Latin name derived from the word sollemnis, meaning "religious."
  96. SOM: Thai name meaning "orange (the fruit)."
  97. SOMMER
    1. German equivalent of English Summer, meaning "summer."
    2. Variant spelling of English Summer, meaning "summer."
  98. SONAL (सोनल): Hindi name meaning "golden."
  99. SONDRA: English variant form of Italian Sandra, meaning "defender of mankind."
  100. SONIA: Italian and Portuguese form of Russian Sonya, meaning "wisdom." 
  101. SONJA: Scandinavian form of Russian Sonya, meaning "wisdom."
  102. SONJE: German form of Russian Sonya, meaning "wisdom."
  103. SONORA: English name derived from the name of the Mexican state or the Sonoran Desert, from Latin sonorus, meaning "clear, loud, resounding."
  104. SONYA (Соня): Pet form of Russian Sofya, meaning "wisdom."
  105. SOOLEAWA: Native American Algonquin name meaning "silver."
  106. SOPHEAP: Cambodian Khmer unisex name meaning "gentle."
  107. SOPHIA (Σoφ�α): Greek name meaning "wisdom."
  108. SOPHIE: French form of Greek Sophia, meaning "wisdom."
  109. SOPHRONIA (Σωφρονία): Feminine form of Greek Sophronios, meaning "self-controlled."
  110. SOPHY: English variant spelling of French Sophie, meaning "wisdom." 
  111. SORA (): Japanese unisex name meaning "sky."
  112. SORAYA (ملکه): Variant form of Arabic Thurayya, meaning the "Pleiades." 
  113. SORCHA: Gaelic name meaning "radiant." In use by the Irish and Scottish.
  114. SORINA: Feminine form of Romanian Sorin, meaning "sun."
  115. SORKUNDE: Basque name meaning "conception."
  116. SORNE: Basque name meaning "conception."
  117. SORREL: English unisex name derived from the name of a perennial herb, "sorrel," from Old French surele, from Frankish *sur, meaning "sour." 
  118. SOSI: Armenian name meaning "plane-tree."
  119. SOSTRATE (Σωστράτη): Feminine form of Greek Sostratos, meaning "safe army."
  120. SOTIRIA (Σωτηρία): Feminine form of Greek Sotiris, meaning "salvation."
  121. SOUSÁNNA (Σουσάννα): Greek name derived from Hebrew shuwshan, meaning "lily." In the bible, this is the name of a woman who ministered to Christ
  122. SOYALA: Native American Hopi name meaning "time of the winter solstice."
  123. SPARROW: English unisex name derived from the bird name "sparrow." 
  124. ŠPELA: Pet form of Slovene Elizabeta, meaning "God is my oath."
  125. SPERANTIA: Late Latin name derived from the word sperans, meaning "hope."
  126. SPES: Latin name meaning "hope." In Roman mythology, this is the name of "the last goddess," so-called because hope is the last resource available to men. She is equated with Greek Elpis.
  127. SPRING: English name derived from the season name, "spring," (Mar. 21 thru Jun. 21), derived from the verb spring, "to burst forth," from Proto-Indo-European *sprengh-, meaning "rapid movement." 
  128. SPIRIT: English unisex name derived from the vocabulary word, "spirit," from Latin spiritus, "breath," from PIE (s)peis "to blow." Both blow ("to move air") and blow ("blossom") ultimately derive from proto-Germanic *blæ, from PIE *bhle, meaning "to bloom, to blow up, swell, thrive."
  129. SPIRITA: Esperanto name meaning "witty."
  130. SPYRIDOULA (Σπυριδούλα): Feminine form of Greek Spyridon, meaning "spirit."
  131. SREBRENKA: Serbian name meaning "silver."
  132. SRI (श्री): Hindi myth name borne by Lakshmi, meaning "beauty, light."
  133. SROY: Thai jewelry name meaning "chain."
  134. SRPOUHI: Variant spelling of Armenian Serpouhi, meaning "saintly."
  135. SSANYU: African Luganda name meaning "joy."
  136. STACEE: Feminine variant spelling of English unisex Stacey, meaning "resurrection."
  137. STACEY: English unisex pet form of Latin Anastasia and Anastasius, both meaning "resurrection."
  138. STACI: Feminine variant spelling of English unisex Stacey, meaning "resurrection."
  139. STACIA: Short form of English Eustacia, meaning "fruitful."
  140. STACIE: Feminine variant spelling of English unisex Stacey, meaning "resurrection."
  141. STACY: Variant spelling of English unisex Stacey, meaning "resurrection."
  142. STAMATIA (Σταματία): Feminine form of Greek Stamatios, meaning "stop."
  143. STANISLAVA (Станислава): Feminine form of Slavic Stanislav, meaning "glorious government."
  144. STANISŁAWA: Feminine form of Polish Stanisław, meaning "glorious government."
  145. STANKA (Станка): Bulgarian pet form of Slavic Stanislava, meaning "glorious government." In use by the Romani.
  146. STAR: English name derived from the vocabulary word, "star."
  147. STARLA: Elaborated form of English Star, meaning "star."
  148. STARR: Variant spelling of English Star, meaning "star."
  149. STASYA (Стася): Feminine form of Russian Stas, meaning "glorious government."
  150. STEF: Variant spelling of English unisex Steph, meaning "crown."

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