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Female "D" Names

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  1. DELINDA: English name derived from German Adelinda, meaning "noble serpent." 
  2. DELINE: Short form of French Adeline, meaning "noble." 
  3. DELIYLAH (דְּלִילָה): Hebrew name derived from the root dal, meaning "delicate, weak." In the bible, this is the name of the mistress of Samson.
  4. DELLA: Feminine form of English Dell, meaning "lives in a dell/hollow."
  5. DELLMA: Variant spelling of English Delma, possibly meaning "hospitable."
  6. DELMA: Short form of English Fidelma, possibly meaning "hospitable."
  7. DELORA: English variant spelling of Spanish Dolores, meaning "sorrows."
  8. DELORES: English variant spelling of Spanish Dolores, meaning "sorrows."
  9. DELORIS: English variant spelling of Spanish Dolores, meaning "sorrows."
  10. DELPHIA: English name derived from Philadelphia, the name of a city in the state of Pennsylvania and a city in Asia Minor, composed of the Greek elements phileo "to love" and adelphos "born of the same womb," hence "sibling."
  11. DELPHINA: Latin name meaning "woman from Delphi," a city in Greece whose name probably means "dolphin." 
  12. DELPHINE: French form of Latin Delphina, meaning "woman from Delphi." Because of its association with the "delphinium," this name is sometimes given as a flower name.
  13. DELPHINIA (Δελφίνια): Feminine form of Greek Delphinios, meaning "of Delphi" or "of the Dolphins." In mythology, this is the surname of Artemis
  14. DELTA: English name derived from the "fourth" letter of the Greek alphabet.
  15. DELWYN: Welsh unisex name composed of the elements del "pretty" and (g)wyn "fair, holy, white," hence "pretty and fair."
  16. DELYTH: Welsh name derived from the element del, meaning "pretty."
  17. DEMA: Variant spelling of Arabic Dima, meaning "downpour."
  18. DEMELZA: Cornish name derived from a place name in St. Columb Major, meaning "fort on a hill."
  19. DEMETER (Δημήτηρ): Greek myth name of a goddess of agriculture, derived from Doric Da-mater, meaning "earth mother." Compare with masculine Demeter.
  20. DEMETRA: Variant spelling of Latin Demetria, meaning "loves the earth" or "follower of Demeter."
  21. DEMETRIA: Feminine form of Latin Demetrius, meaning "loves the earth" or "follower of Demeter."
  22. DEMI: English short form of Latin Demetria, meaning "loves the earth" or "follower of Demeter." 
  23. DENA
    1. Variant spelling of English Deana, meaning "dean, head, leader."
    2. Variant spelling of English Dinah, meaning "judgment."
  24. DENDERA: Egyptian name meaning "from Dendera."
  25. DENI: Pet form of French Denise, meaning "follower of Dionysos."
  26. DENICE: English variant spelling of French Denise, meaning "follower of Dionysos."
  27. DENIECE: English variant spelling of French Denise, meaning "follower of Dionysos."
  28. DENISA: English variant spelling of French Denise, meaning "follower of Dionysos."
  29. DENISE: Feminine form French Denis, meaning "follower of Dionysos."
  30. DENIZ: Turkish unisex name meaning "sea."
  31. DEÒIRIDH: Scottish Gaelic name meaning "pilgrim."
  32. DERBY: Variant spelling of English unisex Darby, meaning "deer farm."
  33. DERRYL: Variant spelling of English unisex Darryl, meaning "from Airelle."
  34. DERVILA: Variant spelling of English Dervla, meaning "true poet."
  35. DERVLA: Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Dearbhla, meaning "true poet."
  36. DERYA: Turkish unisex form of Persian Darya, meaning "ocean."
  37. DERYN: Welsh name, probably from the word aderyn, meaning "bird." 
  38. DESDEMONA: Literary name derived from the Greek word dysdaimon, meaning "ill-starred." 
  39. DESIDÉRIA: Feminine form of Portuguese Desidério, meaning "longing."
  40. DESIDERIA: Feminine form Italian/Spanish Desiderio, meaning "longing."
  41. DESIRAE: English form of French Désirée, meaning "desired."
  42. DÉSIRÉE: Feminine form of French Désiré, meaning "desired." 
  43. DESISLAVA (Десислава): Feminine form of Bulgarian Desislav, possibly meaning "divided glory."
  44. DESPINA: English variant spelling of Latin Despoena, meaning "mistress."
  45. DESPOENA: Latin form of Greek Despoine, meaning "mistress."
  46. DESPOINA: Variant spelling of Greek Despoine, meaning "mistress."
  47. DESPOINE (Δεσποίνη): Greek name meaning "mistress." In mythology, this is the name of a daughter of Poseidon and Demeter.
  48. DESSISLAVA: Variant spelling of Bulgarian Desislava, possibly meaning "divided glory."
  49. DESTINEE: Variant spelling of English Destiny, meaning "fate, fortune."
  50. DESTINY: English name derived from the vocabulary word, from Latin destinare, "to establish, make firm," hence "fate, fortune."
  51. DETTA: Short form of Italian names ending with -detta.
  52. DEVAN: Variant spelling of English unisex Devon, meaning "worshiper of the god Dumnonos." 
  53. DEVEN: Variant spelling of English unisex Devon, meaning "worshiper of the god Dumnonos." 
  54. DEVI (देवी): Hindi name derived from Sanskrit devi meaning "goddess."
  55. DEVIKA (দেবিকা): Hindi name composed of the Sanskrit elements devi "goddess" and ka "little," hence "little goddess."
  56. DEVNET: Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Damhnait, meaning "little fawn."
  57. DEVON: English unisex name derived from the county name, from a British tribal name meaning "worshiper of the god Dumnonos." 
  58. DEVORA: Variant spelling of Hebrew Devorah, meaning "bee."
  59. DEVORAH: Variant spelling of Hebrew Debowrah, meaning "bee." 
  60. DEVORGILLA: Variant spelling of Scottish Diorbhail, meaning "true testimony."
  61. DEZIREE: English variant spelling of French Désirée, meaning "desired."
  62. DEZIRINDA: Esperanto name meaning "desirable."
  63. DI: English short form of Latin Diana and French Diane, meaning "divine, heavenly."
  64. DIAMANDA: Feminine variant spelling of English unisex Diamond, meaning "diamond."
  65. DIAMANTE: Italian name meaning "diamond."
  66. DIAMANTINA: Portuguese form of Italian Diamante, meaning "diamond."
  67. DIAMOND: English unisex name derived from the vocabulary word, meaning "diamond" for girls and "bright protector" for boys. This is the birthstone for the month of April.
  68. DIANA: Latin name meaning "divine, heavenly." In Roman mythology, this is the name of a goddess of the moon and hunting.
  69. DIANE: French form of Latin Diana, meaning "divine, heavenly."
  70. DIANN: English variant spelling of French Diane, meaning "divine, heavenly."
  71. DIANNA: Variant spelling of Latin Diana, meaning "divine, heavenly."
  72. DIANNE: Variant spelling of French Diane, meaning "divine, heavenly."
  73. DIANTHA: Latin form of Greek Dianthe, meaning "god-flower." It is the feminine form of dianthus, the name of a species of flowering plants native to Europe and Asia.
  74. DIANTHE: Feminine form of Greek dianthos, composed of the elements dios "god" and anthos "flower," hence "god-flower."
  75. DIDI: English short form of Latin Diana, meaning "divine, heavenly." Compare with masculine Didi.
  76. DIDIANE: Feminine form of French Didier, meaning "longing."
  77. DIDO (Διδώ): Greek name meaning "wanderer." In mythology, this is the name of the founder and first queen of Carthage. She fell in love with Aeneas, and set herself on fire when he left her. 
  78. DIELLZA: Albanian name meaning "sunny."
  79. DIETRICHA: Feminine form of German Dietrich, meaning "first of the people; king of nations."
  80. DIEUDONNÉE: Feminine form of French Dieudonné, meaning "God-given."
  81. DIJANA (Дијана): Serbian form of Latin Diana, meaning "divine, heavenly."
  82. DIKA: Possibly a Romani form of Hungarian Duci, meaning "of Magdala."
  83. DIKELEDI: African Tswana name meaning "tears."
  84. DILARA: Turkish name meaning "lover."
  85. DILWEN: Feminine form of Welsh Dilwyn, meaning "truly blessed." 
  86. DILYS: Welsh name derived from the word dilys, meaning "genuine, steadfast, true."
  87. DIMA (ديمة): Arabic name meaning "downpour."
  88. DIMONA (דִּימוֹנָה): Hebrew name meaning "south."
  89. DINA
    1. Short form of Scottish Murdina, meaning "sea warrior."
    2. Variant spelling of English Dinah, meaning "judgment."
  90. DINAH: Anglicized form of Hebrew Diynah, meaning "judgment." In the bible, this is the name of a daughter of Jacob.
  91. DINDRAINE: Variant spelling of English Dindrane, the Arthurian legend name of the sister of Percival, sometimes known as the "Grail heroine." She is a major character in many of the Holy Grail stories.
  92. DINDRANE: Variant spelling of English Dandrane, the Arthurian legend name of the sister of Percival, sometimes known as the "Grail heroine." She is a major character in many of the Holy Grail stories. 
  93. DINE: Yiddish form of Hebrew Diynah, meaning "judgment."
  94. DINOS: Greek name meaning "the marvel." In mythology, this is the name of one of the Mares of Diomed.
  95. DIONA: Variant spelling of Latin Dione, meaning "the goddess."
  96. DIÔNÊ (Διώνη): Greek name meaning "the goddess." In mythology, this is the name of the Titan mother of Aphrodite. It is a feminine form of Zeus
  97. DIONE
    1. Feminine form of French Dion, a name derived from Latin Dio ("Zeus" or "god"), a short form of longer names of Greek origin beginning with Dio-. 
    2. Latin form of Greek Diônê, meaning "the goddess." In mythology, this is the name of the Titan mother of Aphrodite
  98. DIONNE: Variant spelling of French Dione, a short form of longer names of Greek origin beginning with Dio-, meaning "god" or "Zeus."
  99. DIONYSIA: Feminine form of Greek Dionysios, meaning "follower of Dionysos." 
  100. DIORBHAIL: Variant spelling of Scottish Diorbhorguil, meaning "true testimony." Used as a Scottish Anglicized form of Dorothy ("gift of God").
  101. DIORBHORGUIL: Older form of Scottish Diorbhail, meaning "true testimony."
  102. DIOT: English pet form of Greek Dionysia, meaning "follower of Dionysos." 
  103. DIPALI (दीपाली): Hindi name meaning "row of lamps."
  104. DIPTI (दीप्ति): Hindi name meaning "light."
  105. DISCORDIA: Latin translation of Greek Eris, meaning "strife." In mythology, this is the name of a war-goddess.
  106. DISDEMONA: Variant spelling of Greek Desdemona, meaning "ill-starred." 
  107. DITA (Hebrew: דִּיתָה): 
    1. Pet form of Hebrew Yehuwdiyth, meaning "Jewess" or "praised."
    2. Variant spelling of Polish Dyta, meaning "rich battle."
  108. DITTE: Pet form of Danish Dorete, meaning "gift of God."
  109. DIVINA: English name based on the vocabulary word divine, meaning "goddess-like" or "from heaven."
  110. DIVYA (दिव्या): Hindi name meaning "divine."
  111. DIX: Short form of English Dixie, possibly meaning "tenth."
  112. DIXEE: Variant spelling of English Dixie, meaning "tenth."
  113. DIXIE: The origin of the American southern "Dixie" is uncertain; however, Louisiana dollars had the French word dix printed on them, meaning "tenth," and this may have been what inspired the song about "the land of dixies," and later the name itself.
  114. DIXY: Variant spelling of English Dixie, meaning "tenth."
  115. DIYNAH (דִּינָה): Hebrew name meaning "judgment." In the bible, this is the name of a daughter of Jacob.
  116. DJABENUSIRI: Egyptian name meaning "Venus."
  117. DJAMILA (جميلة): Variant spelling of Arabic Jamila, meaning "beautiful."
  118. DJESERIT: Egyptian name meaning "holy woman."
  119. DLILA: Variant spelling of English Delila, meaning "delicate, weak." 
  120. DOBROSŁAWA: Feminine form of Polish Dobrosław, meaning "good glory."
  121. DODI (Hebrew: דּוֹדִי): 
    1. Hebrew name meaning "my beloved, my friend."
    2. Pet form of English Dorothy, meaning "gift of God."
  122. DODIE
    1. Pet form of English Dorothy, meaning "gift of God."
    2. Variant spelling of Hebrew Dodi, meaning "my beloved, my friend."
  123. DOILEAG: Feminine form of Scottish Gaelic Domhnall, meaning "world ruler."
  124. DOINA: Romanian name meaning "folk song."
  125. DOIREANN: Old Gaelic name, probably derived from the word doireann (also spelled doirionn), meaning "sullen." 
  126. DOLAG: Pet form of Scottish Gaelic Donnag, meaning "world ruler."
  127. DOLANNA: Variant form of English Donalda, meaning "world ruler."
  128. DOLENA: Variant form of English Donalda, meaning "world ruler."
  129. DOLI: Native American Navajo name meaning "bluebird."
  130. DOLINA: Variant form of English Donalda, meaning "world ruler."
  131. DOLLAG: Variant spelling of Scottish Gaelic Dolag, meaning "world ruler."
  132. DOLLEE: Variant spelling of English Dolly, meaning "gift of God."
  133. DOLLEY: Variant spelling of English Dolly, meaning "gift of God."
  134. DOLLIE: Variant spelling of English Dolly, meaning "gift of God."
  135. DOLLY: Pet form of English Dorothy, meaning "gift of God."
  136. DOLORE: Basque form of Spanish Dolores, meaning "sorrows."
  137. DOLORES: Spanish name derived from a title of the Virgin Mary, Maria de los Dolores ("Mary of Sorrows"), hence "sorrows."
  138. DOMEKA: Basque name meaning "Sunday."
  139. DOMENICA: Feminine form of Italian Domenico, meaning "belongs to the lord." 
  140. DOMINA: Contracted form of Latin Dominica, meaning "belongs to the lord."
  141. DOMINGA: Feminine form of Spanish Domingo, meaning "belongs to the lord."
  142. DOMINICA: Feminine form of Latin Dominicus, meaning "belongs to the lord." This is a name traditionally given to a child born on Sunday. 
  143. DOMINIKA: Feminine form of Czech and Polish Dominik, meaning "belongs to the lord."
  144. DOMINIQUE: French unisex form of Latin Dominicus, meaning "belongs to the lord."
  145. DOMITILA: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Domitilla, meaning "little tame one."
  146. DOMITILLA: Diminutive form of Roman Latin Domitius ("tamed"), hence "little tame one." This name is usually given by Roman Catholics to their daughters in honor of saint Flavia Domitilla. 
  147. DÔN: Welsh name of unknown meaning. In mythology, this is the name of a mother goddess, the consort of Beli Mawr. 
  148. DONA: Short form of Italian Adona, meaning "my lord."
  149. DONALDA: Feminine form of English Donald, meaning "world ruler."
  150. DONALDINA: Elaborated form of English Donalda, meaning "world ruler."

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